Many computer users whoinstalled the tenth version of Windows, noticing the shortcomings of the new system, trying to get rid of it. The question of how to remove "Windows 10" from a laptop or desktop PC can be solved in several ways. True, when using some of them, it is necessary to do something called “sweat”.
Uninstall applications
To begin, consider the situation with the removal of unnecessary programs. It is possible that the incorrect operation of the system is connected precisely with their presence. Therefore, it may not be necessary to delete the system.
Most users referred toThe “top ten” complain that the problem of how to remove a program from a laptop, Windows 10, is solved in a rather clever way. Here the problem itself is that most users are accustomed to using the uninstall section of the program and components section located in the Control Panel. In the tenth version of the system to get to it is quite difficult. For a quick call, you can use the "Run" console with the input control.
But this is not the main means.The main tool can be found in the parameters menu, called through the start button, where the application section is selected. What makes him interesting? The fact is that it displays not only user-installed programs, but also applets built into the system, like “Store”. Of course, you can remove “native” programs, so to speak, “stitched” into the system shell, without special knowledge it will not work, but you can uninstall unnecessary software from here.
How to remove "Windows 10" from a laptop: the simplest method
But now back to the main issue. And when solving the problem of how to remove Windows 10 from a laptop for good, we will start with the very, as it is considered, barbaric method.
Он состоит в том, чтобы установить операционную system rank below. Here, of course, one cannot do without formatting the section in which the tenth modification was installed. You can use the most common installation distributive recorded on removable media, which in BIOS is set by the first device to boot, after which the installer is started, and when you select a partition, it is formatted. But here you should pay attention to the fact that if you have a hard disk with a capacity of more than 2 TB, which has GPT format, when converting to MBR for installing versions 7 and below, the hard drive may be unreadable, or the space exceeding the specified volume will be simply hidden (the outdated system simply does not recognize it).
But the most basic problem in resolving the issueHow to remove Windows 10 from a laptop is that the system, whether you want it or not, will create its own backup copies before deleting and save some objects that will not be displayed in the same Explorer. But in order to avoid conflicts with the new OS, they also need to be removed. And not everyone, even the most advanced user, knows which components need to be eliminated. Therefore, the only way out is to format the system partition in NTFS with deleting the space reserved for the system under the copy. If the hard drive has a size of 2 TB or more, it should be divided into logical partitions.
How to completely remove "Windows 10" from a laptop: official recommendations
However, it is possible to apply a more acceptable method, which only works if after an upgrade of the system, and not installation from scratch, 30 days have not passed.
In the settings of Windows 10, if you use the sectionsecurity and recovery, there is a special point of rollback to the previous version of the OS. Please note that the main conditions are the installation of Windows 10 exclusively in the form of an update, a 30-day period and the presence of system installation files (unless they have been removed through the disk cleaning system). It's simple. You use the return to the previous version, and some time after the reboot, the previous system with all its parameters and programs will be restored on the computer. Windows 10 files will be deleted automatically.
GParted Live Utility
Некоторые специалисты рекомендуют использовать to safely uninstall Windows 10 utility GParted Live. What is so special about her? Never mind. It works on the same principle as described above (formatting the system partition to install the modification below).
The only thing that can be noted is that the program performs full formatting (and not fast, after which some objects can be saved with the possibility of recovery).
A few words at a time
But the owners of some specific modelsLaptops like Sony VAIO or similar devices are incredibly lucky. The question of how to remove "Windows 10" from a laptop entirely, is solved quite simply. They themselves have a rollback function to the factory settings.
In other words, if the user is initiallyI purchased a laptop with Windows 7 or 8 on board, and then installed the tenth version, using just one button and the menu it called up, is able to restore the device to its initial state. Naturally, all installed programs and user files will not be saved.