Probably, there is no such person whoused the computer and at the same time did not use the keyboard. But do you know all about her? What keys on it, what names do they have, what are they used for? Do you know how to simplify work on a laptop or computer using the keys on the keyboard, especially Win? Do not know?
Let's talk about what the Win key on the keyboard of your PC is, what it is used for and how to use it to facilitate your work with the computer.
What are keys and what they are
Before we talk about Win and hot keys, let's look at what a keyboard is and what keys there are in general.
To begin with, the keyboard is a device for entering data into a computer, one of the elements of the user interface.
As you might guess, the keys also have their own names and even groups depending on the function they perform. Here we will talk about them.

There are also numeric keys with which you can quickly type numbers. On most keyboards, they are rendered separately and are located on the right side of the panel.
There are control keys with whichYou can perform certain actions and tasks. These include Win, Esc, Alt and Crtl. Next, we'll talk in more detail about where the Win key is and what exactly it serves.
There are function keys that execute their own special programs. These include the F1 key - F12
And finally, there are movement keys thathelp you quickly navigate through various open documents. These include Delete, Insert, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, and those with arrows.
"Hotkeys. general characteristics

Let's start with the definition.A hot key is one that provides fast interaction between a computer and a person. This is one of the types of user interface that allows you to perform certain actions and commands without having to use the mouse.
Some commands can be executed using just one key, some - combinations of two or more. The first are such as Esc, Win, F1 - F12, Num, Break, and others.
What is the Windows key

For those who do not know where the Win key is,Immediately, we note that on the keyboard it is located on the left side, between the Alt and Ctrl keys. It is on all keyboards and laptops, which imply the availability of Windows software. The key design is a Mircosoft Windows logo - a complete drawing or a schematic image. Used to bring up the Start menu.
On some keyboards, it is located not only on the left side, but also on the right.
How to find out all the shortcuts
Before we discuss the issue of Win hotkeys, let's talk about the combination of all the hotkeys on your personal computer.
Sometimes there is a need to find out whichcombinations can be used for your operating system. This can be done in two ways - look on the Internet, which is quite long and problematic, especially considering that sometimes keyboards on devices may have some insignificant differences at first glance, or go the other way - call the help window. To do this, use the combination of "hot" keys Win + F1. Further in the appeared window it is necessary to enter the following into the search bar: "Keyboard shortcuts". In the list of results that appears, you can select the section you are interested in.
Below we will analyze the main combinations of "hot" keys with this one.
So, we have figured out where the Win key is on the keyboard. Now let's talk directly about the combinations of "hot" keys with this button.
As mentioned at the very beginning of our article, to call the Start menu, press the Windows key. This is the most important purpose of this hot key.
Further, using the Win + F1 combination, we can quickly open the Windows help window, which is also important.
File Explorer, or "My Computer", will help open a simple keyboard shortcut - Win + E.

In case you need to quickly open or, conversely, hide the desktop, we recommend using the Windows + D shortcut.
Open the "Accessibility Center" will help you Win + U. Here you can open the screen magnifier and keyboard, adjust the contrast and much more.
In order to minimize all windows, it is not necessary to click the mouse; just click Win + M. But the Windows + Shift + M combination will help restore them.
Open the file search window will help Win + F (in some OS Win + F3). In this case, the conductor opens.
Using the Win + Pause combination, you can open the "System Properties" window. But the combination of Win + X will help open the Windows Mobility Center.
That's all the most important and famous combinationWin keys. There are also some less used, but still useful combinations. So, a combination of Win + "+" and Win + "-" will help increase or decrease the scale.
Next, we'll talk about Aero mode and how to start it with hot keys.
Aero mode
Another important shortcut - Win + Ctrl + Tab allows you to start Aero scrolling mode. We will dwell on this question in a bit more detail, since not everyone knows the essence of this function.

Запуская данный режим пролистывания, мы запускаем Displays all open windows as a stack. Thus, we simultaneously see almost all open programs and can quickly scroll through them using the Tab key.
Use this function is convenient for those whoopen quite an impressive number of programs, and viewing using the taskbar in this case becomes not very convenient. In this situation, Win comes to the rescue. On the keyboard, scrolling through the pages in this mode takes less time.
It is also worth noting that the mode does not work on all versions of Windows.
Use when working with text

Unfortunately, hotkeys to work withtext does not contain this button. Moreover, sometimes when working with text, it becomes necessary to record one or another macro, by assigning a keyboard shortcut to start it, to create a combination for quick insertion of one or another character. It would seem that for this purpose you can use any key, but everything is not so simple. Using Win in combination with other buttons when working with text documents is not possible. The Win key on the keyboard serves only to work directly from the Windows menu.
The one who works on the computer, probably more than onceI thought about how to facilitate my work using keyboard shortcuts. We partially dismantled this issue, finding out what the keyboard is and what buttons on it are. We learned that there are several groups of buttons depending on the function they perform.
Also dismantled and the question of what ishot keys and what is their role. We talked about what the Win key on the keyboard represents and what it is used for, and also dismantled the most useful and well-known combinations with this button.