/ / How to enable English on the keyboard with the simplest methods

How to turn on English on the keyboard using the simplest methods

Since the advent of computers and textEditors have the opportunity when typing to use multiple languages. In our case, the standard languages ​​for installing Windows are Russian and English. They are installed by default. However, in the process of working with texts, for example, in Russian, many users are faced with the problem of how to enable English on a standard type keyboard. However, it does not depend on the keyboard itself.

Language bar

First, pay attention to the languagepanel. As a rule, it is located in the lower right corner of the screen, in the so-called system tray (System Tray), and is displayed as an icon indicating the current language (RU, EN, etc.)

how to enable english on the keyboard

This is not only a means of displaying the language, but also the ability to instantly access the general settings of the panel.

Language installation

Before you solve a problem, how to enableEnglish on the keyboard, you need to determine whether this language is installed on the system at all (what happens). To do this, simply click on the icon with the left button of the computer manipulator (mouse), after which the entire list of installed languages ​​will be displayed. If the language is missing, you need to install it. To do this, you must right-click on the icon and select the "Options" command. Here you can set the interface language or use the "Change keyboard" button. In the new window, again, there is a list of installed languages ​​and the Add button, after clicking on which you can select the desired language from the list.

keyboard russian english

Keyboard: Russian, English. Switching

Now consider a few basic methods. In order to understand how to enable English on the keyboard, you can use several basic methods.

In the first case, you can select a language from the system tray by left-clicking the mouse. Agree, not the most convenient way.

Another method.If we consider the problem of how to enable English on the keyboard in this case, it is easier to set up a combination of hot keys for quick switching. This is done from the settings panel of the language panel. You can also call it from the Control Panel, using the tab "Language and Regional Standards." Here you should use the tab "Languages ​​and Keyboards". A familiar window will appear, in which the button “Change keyboard” is used. Now you need to go to the tab "Keyboard Switching". In the window at the bottom right is the button "Change keyboard shortcut." By default, after installing the OS, the combination is a simultaneous pressing of the Alt and Shift keys on the left. Optionally, you can change it to another option. Among the available combinations there is a combination of Ctrl + Shift or the use of the “E” key (or an accent mark).

how to translate keyboard into english

You can also change the layout itselfkeyboard. By default, this option is disabled. However, in some cases it may be useful. The fact is that, unlike standard keyboards, others can be used (with a different number of letters, a different arrangement of letters, etc.). But even here the question of how to enable English on a keyboard of this type comes down to standard procedures. Unfortunately, it is not possible to assign other shortcut keys in the system.

Special programs

The most universal way to solve a problemhow to translate the keyboard into English using another combination of hot keys, or without it at all, is the installation of additional software. Today there are a lot of such programs. Among them is the application Punto Switcher, which is the most popular.

how to enable english on the keyboard

The main feature of the program isThe fact that it is in a text editor can not only automatically switch the keyboard, but also change the entered text. For example, you tried to write the English greeting “Hello” and forgot to switch the language. Instead, the inscription "Ruddsch" appears on the screen. The program will automatically correct the text and correct it in English. And this is not all the features of the application.