General information
What is a public in VKontakte?This is a public page that has some characteristics of the group: people can join the community, view its news, comment on them. However, at the same time there is no possibility to create topics and communicate to participants among themselves. Active use of public goods for:
- advertising company, products;
- direct sales;
- earnings on advertising;
- entertainment;
- attraction to external sites.
And more than once it was noted that publicpages are more popular than groups. Let's take a closer look at the above possibilities. So, if you have your own store (regular or online store), brand, company, then you simply have to start advertising in social. network, as this is a way to attract new customers and get the public to talk about you. You can also make a public profile on the Internet store, which will allow you to profit from the sale on the network (the use of the group for this purpose is also suitable).
Most often on the expanses of the network "VKontakte"
What is a public in VKontakte?
This is a real opportunity to earn, without leaving home, and increase the attendance of existing sites (if, of course, you have them). The best public relations "VKontakte" for today:
- "MDK" is a public page with non-standard humor, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity, with more than 3,000,000 people;
- "Corporation of Evil" - funny quotes, sarcasm (more than 4 million participants);
- "You will not believe" - a page that tells users about the most interesting and unexpected events (more than 4 500 000 participants).
How to make it?
About what is a public in VKontakte, we now know, it remains to find out how to do it.
- We go to your page in social. network and select the "My groups" section.
- In the upper right corner we find the link "Create community" and click on it.
- Opens a window with options: create a group, a public page, an event.
- We select item 2 and prescribe the name of the page (which we pretend first).
- Specify the type of the page and proceed to filling out and settings. You can specify which sections will be present on the page, whether users can comment on entries and so on.
So, now you know what the public is in "VKontakte" and you can start creating it.