/ / How to "Vkontakte" hide video: instructions

How "Vkontakte" hide video: instructions

So, now we'll see how to hide the "VKontakte"video recordings. In fact, this is done quite easily. True, there are several approaches and nuances that should be taken into account. In addition to our privacy settings, we will analyze with you those situations when you need to see hidden videos.

how vkontakte hide video

About videos

How do I hide videos from VKontakte? Before this, it is worthwhile to talk a little about this social network object. After all, here, as already mentioned, will have to take into account a few rather interesting moments.

So, in the "VC" video plays the role of the mostordinary rollers on the network. It can be your personal records or whole movies. It's enough that they are placed on your page or in a group. From there you can always view them. The main thing is to have an Internet connection.

Not so long ago a social network appearedthe ability to sort clips by album. This simplifies the task, if you are thinking how to hide the video in the "VC". The thing is that when you try to hide, you can fully apply all the actions to entire archives.

Getting Ready

First, let's think about what it takes to figure out how to "VKontakte" hide the video.

To start, you must be registered insocial network. Without this, you will not be able to work with all the features provided to users. After that, please log in and you are ready to proceed directly to solve the problem.

how to hide videos in VK

The second point that should be taken into account is the rightsto video recording. That is, you can hide the videos only where you have "privileges" for it. Your profile, the public, in which you are the administrator ... This is where we will act.

Naturally, the last moment, important forour question is the presence of commercials in the social network. Look for yourself something that you would like to hide, and then take decisive action. Honestly, the whole process takes you a maximum of five minutes. Even the novice user will cope with the task set.


How do I hide videos from VKontakte?Now we will deal with this problem. To begin with, as already mentioned, you will have to log in to the social network. Only after that it will be possible to fully carry on the conversation about the process.

Go to your profile.Now click on "My Videos". On the next page, you'll see the available albums and videos. For everything to work, you'll have to go into edit mode. To do this, select the desired entry, and then click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner.

Now you will see the editor window.In the privacy settings in the "Who can see the video" section, select "Only me." Save the changes, that's all. Now this video will be viewable only by you. In addition, you can hide it from individual categories of friends or outside users. The problem is no more. Now you know how to "VKontakte" hide the video. This, as you can see, is quite easy. It should be noted that when adding a new video, you can immediately set the privacy settings. This will help you avoid unnecessary problems in the future.

video recording

Look inside

However, very many users want to know,how you can see hidden videos in a social network. In fact, there is only one option, and it does not always work. This is nothing more than the use of special hosting services offering this service.

You just need to enter a profile address thatyou are interested. After that, click on the "View" button, and privacy settings will be removed. That's all. As you can see, nothing complicated or supernatural.