/ / What are information processes? Information processes: presentation, lesson

What are information processes? Information processes: presentation, lesson

Information processes are procedures thatrelate to the search, storage, transmission, processing and, of course, the use of various information. In this case, they are all divided into several types, each of which has its own characteristics and subtleties.


These are informational processes aimed at retrieving stored data. There are several options for how the search can be performed:

  • direct inspection;
  • communication with various specialists regarding the question you are interested in;
  • study of relevant documentation and literature;
  • watching TV and video;
  • listening to audio recordings and broadcasts;
  • direct work in archival and library institutions;
  • request for specialized information systems, as well as banks and computer databases;
  • other methods.
    what are information processes

Understand exactly what information should befound in a particular life situation, as well as directly implement the information search processes themselves - these are the skills that are becoming the most important today.

Collection and storage

Immediately it should be noted that the collection itselfinformation can not be an end in itself. In order for information processes to make sense, and the data obtained could be used in one way or another, it is necessary to ensure their storage, that is, to use the method of data distribution in space and time. In this case, the method will directly depend on the carrier used. The computer is used to provide compact storage of the necessary data and at the same time provide the user with the opportunity to get quick access to the files of interest to him.

what is information processes in computer science

The information system itself isa universal repository of information with procedures for entering, searching, locating, and the subsequent provision of various data. In other words, such a system can carry out almost any information process. The presence of such procedures is the main feature of modern information systems, which cardinally distinguishes them from standard data aggregation, which does not perform any information processes.

For example, any personal library inwhich only the owner can navigate, has nothing to do with the fact that such information processes in the system. At the same time, in various public repositories, the procedure for storing books is strictly defined. It is thanks to this that the search procedure and the subsequent issuance of books or the placement of those who recently entered the library is a formalized procedure. That is why, visiting libraries, a person quickly understands what information processes are and how they are performed.


Data transfer is broadcasting information.from source to destination. At the same time, considering what information processes such as transmission are, it is worth noting immediately that the source and the receiver necessarily take part here, the first one being directly involved in data transmission, while the second receives it. Between them, a certain information transmission channel is used, which in professional circles is called simply a communication channel.

What is information processes in technology

Recalling the lessons that explained the information processes (Grade 10), we note that in addition to the receiver and the recipient, several devices are included in the communication:

  • technical elements that transmit a signal to the recipient from a particular source;
  • the encoder that converts the original message into a unique form that is most convenient for transmission;
  • the decoding component transforms the initially encoded device into the original one.

What are information processes?Our life is directly related to data transmission. In the process of transferring information may be somewhat distorted or even lost. A vivid example of this is the various atmospheric interferences in the radio, changes in the sound in the handset, a darkened image on the TV, as well as many other situations. Such moments, or, as professional experts call them, noise, somewhat distort the data, but due to constant developments in the field of cryptology, such phenomena become less and less noticeable.

What are the transmission channels?

The data channels themselvesdivided into simplex and duplex, depending on how it is broadcast. Considering what information processes are in computer science, one often encounters duplex processes, when data is translated in both directions, while simplex ones involve only one-way transmission and are associated with television. Several messages can be broadcast simultaneously through one channel, and each of them is separated from the others with the help of specialized filters. For example, you can set a filter for the frequency of broadcast messages, which is quite often found in radio channels.

What characteristics have channels?

The data channel has two main characteristics, such as bandwidth and noise immunity.

The first is determined by how many characters can be transmitted in the absence of interference. This characteristic is directly dependent on the physical properties of the channel.

informational processes 8th grade

In order to provide highernoise immunity, apply specialized transmission technologies that reduce the influence of noise. For example, this may include unnecessary characters, which themselves do not have any actual content, but can be used in order to provide optimal control over the correctness of the message after its receipt by the addressee.

In particular, the problem of noise immunity is relevant if it is considered that such information processes in technology.


Data processing is a conversion from one type to another, and this procedure is carried out in accordance with strict formal rules.

The processing itself must be carried out.similar to the principle of the black box - a process in which the user only needs certain input and output information, but at the same time the rules by which the processing is carried out, he is not interested in and may not even be taken into account.

information processes in nature

The black box is a uniquea system that completely hides what information processes are. In computer science, such devices are often called recorders. When processing data, the external observer is provided only with information on the input and output of this system, while the structure and internal processes remain imperceptible.


Полученная информация используется в процессе making certain decisions. In this case, the accuracy, completeness and, most importantly, the objectivity of the information received allow you to make the right decisions, as well as understand what information processes should take place. Grade 8 in various educational institutions provides for the study of this topic in more detail. Your ability to clearly and easily communicate to others is useful in communication with other people, so that it can be said without exaggeration that the ability to communicate, that is, exchange information and properly use it for your own purposes - is one of the most important skills of a person to date.

What should a modern person know and be able to do?

Computer literacy in our time includes:

  • knowledge of what purpose any main device has in a modern computer;
  • understanding of the main types of software used in computers, as well as types of user interfaces;
  • the ability to search, store, and process graphic and numeric information using specialized software.
    information processes grade 10

If you all know how, know thatsuch information processes in nature and in the computer, and you can competently use them - you have all the makings of becoming a successful person. And this is today the most important thing.