/ / Computer graphics what is it? Types of computer graphics

Computer graphics what is it? Types of computer graphics

In the age of information technology computerGraphics has become widespread throughout the world. Why is it so popular? Where does it apply? And in general, what is computer graphics? Let's see!

Computer graphics: what is it?

The easiest thing is science. In addition, it is one of the sections of computer science. He learns how to process and format a graphic image using a computer.

The lessons of computer graphics today exist in schools and in higher education institutions. And today it is difficult to find an area where it would not be in demand.

Also to the question: “What is computer graphics?"- you can answer that this is one of many areas of computer science and, moreover, belongs to the youngest: it exists about forty years. Like any other science, it has its own specific subject, goals, methods and objectives.

computer graphics what is

What tasks solves computer graphics?

If we consider this section of computer science in a broad sense, we can see that computer graphics tools allow us to solve the following three types of tasks:

1) Translation of the verbal description in a graphic image.

2) The task of pattern recognition, that is, the translation of the image in the description.

3) Editing graphic images.

Computer Graphics Directions

Despite the fact that the scope of this areaInformatics, undoubtedly, is extremely broad, we can identify the main directions of computer graphics, where it has become the most important means of solving emerging problems.

First, the illustrative direction. It is the broadest of all, as it covers tasks ranging from simple data visualization to the creation of animated films.

Secondly, the self-developing direction: computer graphics, the themes and possibilities of which are truly endless, allows you to expand and improve your skills.

Thirdly, the research direction.It includes the image of abstract concepts. That is, the use of computer graphics is aimed at creating an image of what does not have a physical counterpart. What for? As a rule, in order to show the model for clarity or to trace the change of parameters and adjust them.

what is computer graphics

What are the types of computer graphics?

Once again: what is computer graphics?This is a section of computer science that studies ways and means of processing and creating graphic images using technology. There are four types of computer graphics, despite the fact that there are a huge number of different programs for processing images using a computer. These are raster, vector, fractal and 3-D graphics.

What are their distinguishing features? First of all, the types of computer graphics differ according to the principles of the formation of an illustration when displayed on paper or on a monitor screen.

Raster graphics

Basic element of a bitmap orillustration is a point. Provided that the picture is on the screen, the dot is called a pixel. Each of the image pixels has its own parameters: color and location on the canvas. Of course, the smaller the pixel sizes and the larger their number, the better the picture looks.

The main problem with bitmap images is large amounts of data.

The second drawback of raster graphics is the need to enlarge the image in order to view the details.

computer graphics lessons

In addition, with a strong magnification, the image is pixelated, that is, divided into pixels, which greatly distorts the illustration.

Vector graphics

Elementary component of vector graphicsis the line. Naturally, the raster graphics also contain lines, but they are considered as a collection of points. And in vector graphics, everything that is drawn is a collection of lines.

This type of computer graphics is ideal for storing high-precision images, such as, for example, drawings and diagrams.

The information in the file is not stored as a graphic image, but in the form of coordinates of the points with which the program recreates the drawing.

computer graphics application

Accordingly, for each point of the lineone of the memory cells is reserved. It should be noted that in vector graphics the amount of memory occupied by a single object remains unchanged and does not depend on its size or length. Why it happens? Because the line in vector graphics is set in the form of several parameters, or, more simply, by a formula. Whatever we do with it in the future, only the parameters of the object will change in the memory cell. The number of memory cells will remain the same.

Thus, it can be concluded that vector files, as compared to raster files, occupy a much smaller amount of memory.

3D graphics

3D-graphics, or three-dimensional graphics, studies the methods and techniques for creating volumetric models of objects that most closely match the real ones. Similar images can be viewed from all sides.

computer graphics informatics

Smooth surfaces and a variety of graphicfigures are used to create volumetric illustrations. With their help, the artist first creates the frame of the future object, and then covers the surface with materials that are visually similar to real ones. Next, do gravity, clarification, properties of the atmosphere and other parameters of the space in which the imaged object is located. Then, provided that the object is moving, set the trajectory of movement and its speed.

Fractal graphics

A fractal is a drawing consisting ofidentical elements. A large number of images are fractals. For example, the Koch snowflake, the Mandelbrot set, the Sierpinski triangle, and also the “dragon” of Harter-Haytchay.

A fractal pattern can be constructed either with the help of an algorithm, or by automatically creating an image, which is carried out by calculations using specified formulas.

Image modification occurs when making changes to the structure of the algorithm or changing coefficients in the formula.

The main advantage of fractal graphics is that only formulas and algorithms are saved in the image file.

Computer Graphics Applications

However, it should be noted that the allocation of these areas is very conditional. In addition, it can be detailed and extended.

computer graphics areas

So, we list the main areas of computer graphics:

1) modeling;

2) design;

3) display of visual information;

4) creating a user interface.

Where is computer graphics applied?

In engineering programming is widely usedthree-dimensional computer graphics. Computer science first of all came to the aid of engineers and mathematicians. Means of three-dimensional graphics are modeling of physical objects and processes, for example, in animation, computer games and cinema.

Raster graphics are widely used whenthe development of printing and multimedia publications. Very rarely, illustrations that are performed using raster graphics are created using computer programs manually. Often, scanned images that the artist made on a photograph or paper are used for this purpose.

computer graphics tools

In the modern world, digitalphoto and video cameras with the purpose of entering raster photos into a computer. Accordingly, the vast majority of graphic editors, which are designed to work with raster graphics, are not focused on creating images, but on editing and processing.

Raster images are applied on the Internet in the event that there is a need to convey the entire color gamut.

But programs for working with vector graphics,on the contrary, they are most often used for the purpose of creating illustrations, rather than for processing. Such tools are often used in publishing houses, editorial offices, design bureaus and advertising agencies.

Means of vector graphics are much easier to solve issues of design work, which are based on the use of simple elements and fonts.

Undoubtedly, there are examples of vectorhighly artistic works, but they are the exception rather than the rule, for the simple reason that the preparation of illustrations by means of vector graphics is extremely complex.

Для автоматического создания изображений с using mathematical calculations, software has been developed that works with factorial graphics. It is in programming, and not in the design or drawing is the creation of factorial composition. Factorial graphics are rarely used to create an electronic or printed document, but it is often used for entertainment purposes.