/ / Details on how to remove the ban in the "Roulette". Chat rules

Details on how to remove the ban in "Roulette". Rules for using chat

Today we will talk about how to remove the ban in the "Roulette". We are talking about the famous video chat. It should be remembered that only a moderator or project administrator is able to place a ban on a system participant.

Types of sanctions

how to remove the ban in roulette
In order to resolve the question of how to get around the ban in Roulette, it should be remembered that the leadership can block a participant in two ways. This can be done by email or by address.

Causes of blocking

take ban in chat roulette
Remember, to solve the problem, how to remove the ban in"Roulette" is quite difficult, so it’s better not to fall under it. And for this you should know that such measures are applied by the administration of the project in relation to users who violate its rules. In particular, it can be insults expressed to the management of the project or other participants. It does not always make sense to look for any ingenious solutions to the question of how to remove the ban in Roulette, since the blocking is usually temporary and it’s easier to wait a bit and enjoy all the project’s features again. However, in some cases, the administration may decide to assign a complete disconnection from the resource. But in this case there is a way out. That is what we will discuss today.


how to bypass the ban in roulette
Let's try to remove the ban in the "Chat Roulette".First of all, change the IP address. It is impossible to guarantee that this approach will give us access to the resource, but it can significantly simplify the task if used in conjunction with other methods, which will be discussed today. Go to the project, which is called Proxy Besplatno. Choose any of the proposed proxies. Copy his IP. Next, go to setting up your Internet browser. We are looking for a tab that allows you to change the proxy server settings. Next, look for the item "Connections" and finally the function "Network Settings". Paste the previously copied IP address into the corresponding field. Removing the ban in the "Chat Roulette" will help and reinstall the drivers of the webcam. We go to the project from another browser, cleaning pre-cookies, as well as history. We proceed to change the screen resolution. This method can be called one of the most effective. This can be done without much difficulty. Click on the free space on the desktop with the right mouse button. Select the function "screen resolution". Further in the appeared window we set new parameters. Applying the methods described will help to disable sanctions and return to the project again. For greater efficiency, we recommend using them in the complex.

Project rules and features

how to remove the ban in roulette
You already know how to get banned at Roulette.However, in order not to receive it again in the future, we will acquaint you with the main list of rules that cannot be violated while being a project participant. It is forbidden to disrespect the interlocutors. This is about the inadmissibility of using profanity, boorish behavior, insults on religious, racial and national grounds. Also any attempts of threats to the interlocutor are stopped. Vulgar behavior is unacceptable. Your face must be present in the frame. Showing extraneous images instead of yourself is not allowed. You can not send a webcam on the TV, phone, tablet, monitor, as well as text messages and photos. It is forbidden to spread advertising. Use of webcam emulators is not allowed. You can not send links through chat. Suppressed and mass mailing. It is forbidden to ask project participants to perform any actions on the Internet. These include a proposal to go to the site, become a member of the survey, like, vote. Any visitor to the project has the right to write a complaint to the interlocutor. Attached to this virtual document is a message of the offender and his image. It is on the basis of such complaints that the administration decides on the appointment of a ban. Moderators process appeals seven days a week and at any time of the day. If there are too many complaints about a certain system participant, it can be automatically blocked by the system. With the help of a specially developed mechanism, management tries to eliminate unfair or accidental sanctions. So we figured out how to remove the ban in the "Roulette" and for which he can be appointed.