/ / Learning to knit beautiful things. Pattern "honeycomb" (knitting)

Learning to knit beautiful things. Pattern "honeycomb" (knitting needles)

"Honeycomb" pattern, knitted, very goodLooks in such products as hats, mittens, jackets, cardigans. Its structure is a double knitted fabric. And this means that the thing performed by him turns out to be voluminous and very warm. There are several variants of this figure. We suggest you read the two descriptions on which you can learn how to knit a "honeycomb" pattern with knitting needles. The diagrams presented to your attention show that this drawing can be made in the form of small cells and large ones. Further descriptions describe in detail the technology of design of these variants of the picture.

knitting pattern

"Bee cells" (small cells): instructions for implementation

We begin to knit this version of the pattern from the seamy side, that is, unpaired rows will form the inner side of the product, and the paired ones will form the front side.

1 row: remove one loop (edge), * 1 front loop, 1 remove the loop and make a cape *. Repeat the pattern to the last loop of the icons * - *.

2 row: (outer side of the product):edge (remove), * nakidy, not knitting, move from one needle to another (right), 2 face loops *. Repeat the alternation of loops from the icons * - * to the last loop in the row.

3 row:edge, * 1 purl loop removed to another needle, make a nakid, next loop, together with a nakida, made in the previous row, knit front *. From * to * repeat the design of the pattern to the end of the row.

4 row: edge, * 2 loops knit facial, nakidy, not knitting, transferred from the left to the right knitting needles *. Repeat this alternation of loops until the end of the row.

5 row: edge, * 1 knit the loop with the nakida, made earlier, the front of the front wall, 1 seam loop to remove, make a nakid *. Repeat pattern from * to *.

6 row: edge, * transfer nakida from one needle to another, without knitting, 2 face loops *. Repeat the loop sequence from the * - * icons to the end of the row.

7 row: knit as well as row 3, etc.

pattern large honeycomb knitting needles

Pattern "Large cells". Sample knitting needles

1 row knit facial loops, and the 2nd - purl.

3 row: 4 facial loops, 2 loops just remove, not knitting, while the thread is at work. This sequence is repeated until the end of the series.

4 row: 4 purl loops, 2 loops to remove, not knitting, while the thread is before work.

5th, as well as the 7th row to perform as the 3rd. A 6th and 8th rows to knit, as the 4th. To knit the 9th row with purl loops, and the 10th row with facial loops.

11 row: 1 face loop, * 2 remove, not knitting (thread is at work), 4 face *, repeat * - * until the last loop, 1 face.

12 row: 1 purl loop, * 2 removed from one needle to another (the thread is before work), 4 purl *, repeat from signs * - * to the last loop, 1 purl.

The 13th, as well as the 15th rows, perform as the 11th.And the 14th and 16th rows are tied in the same way as the 12th. Next, the pattern of "honeycomb" knitting should be knitted, repeating the technology of execution from the 1st row. This figure can be found in specialized literature and on handmade sites called "waffles".

pattern honeycomb pattern

One important tip for needlewomen

These variants of the picture belong to the group of patterns.with hinges removed. Knit them should be weak. The thread stretching along the seamy side of the work cannot be tightened, otherwise the canvas will turn out to be shapeless and compressed.

The pattern of the “honeycomb”, which is knitted with needles in accordance with the description, can be called one of the most elegant patterns.