We all know that Dota 2 (Dota 2) is a gameteam, so we somehow have to interact with other players. Ways for this mass - chat, chat wheel, voice chat. But, in addition to the standard species, there are more unique ones.
Artists "Doty"
Everyone knows how to write in the chat, but few knowhow to draw on a map. In DotA 2, this plays a big role, because in this way you can show the direction of movement of your hero or enemy. You can also specify a gathering place for a subsequent attack, or select a specific place that, in your opinion, is occupied by opponents. The map is completely at your disposal, no one will limit you in where and how to draw. On the map in DotA 2, you can see both completely indecent caricatures and quite acceptable emoticons. Drawings are made with colored lines. Their shade depends on your color in the team, and if you are a commentator, coach or a simple observer, your lines will be white.

Однако игра предусмотрела и некоторые ограничения.Many do not know how to draw on the map in DotA 2, when they are in the common game (thus, the game restricts the player for any violation). So, if you have a similar punishment, then you will not have access to drawing. With this nothing can be done. Mut hangs a certain amount of time that will be shown to you when you try to use both voice and written chat. In order not to receive similar unpleasant restrictions next time, be tolerant, do not shout at other players, and especially do not insult them.
Should be considered
Any of your drawing disappears after a while.(just a few seconds). This was done so that the mini-map in the game was not constantly loaded with colored lines. The drawing of one player is superimposed on the drawing of another, so that the mixing of colors from your lines is impossible. You will not be able to see how the players of the enemy team draw on their mini-map. Also, your drawings are not displayed on the terrain itself. Those. if you want to depict or allocate a place in the game itself, and not on the mini-map, then, as a simple player or coach, you will not do that. Here you need to have a special status, which have, for example, commentators, as well as use some commands in the console.

We hope this article has taught you howDraw on the map in "Dota 2". Remember that some of your drawings can amuse the Allied players as well as upset them. Do not get mutta for your actions.