/ / How to set up a D-Link Dir 615 router: step-by-step instructions with photos

How to configure a D-Link Dir 615 router: step-by-step instruction with a photo

This article will be described in stages.the order of how to configure the router D-Link Dir 615. To date, there are several modifications of this network device, but the algorithm for configuring any of them is the same. And it does not have any features. So the following configuration procedure can be considered universal for any router in this series.

how to configure d link dir 615 router

Router Features

Before setting up the D-Link Dir 615 router,find out the capabilities of this network device. Information exchange with the Global Web, this router can carry out with a maximum speed of 100 Mbps. Exactly at the same speed information is transmitted in the wired segment of the local area network. But “Wi-Fi” allows you to exchange data at a higher speed - 300 Mbps. Also in the router implemented a very popular technology today - IPTV. But there is no additional USB port in it, and because of this, this router cannot be used as a print server. For the same reason, it is impossible to connect a 3G modem to it, which, in the absence of a twisted pair connection from the provider, would transmit data over GSM or 3G wireless networks.


Standard, typical delivery package for this router:

  • Router.
  • Twisted pair with crimped ends and a length of 1 m.
  • Power Supply.
  • Booklet "Quick guide to setting up and installing."

But a full-fledged manual for configuring the D-Link Dir 615 router can be downloaded in electronic form from the official website of the manufacturer. If necessary, it can also be printed.

how to configure the router d link dir 615 configure

Preliminary data

Setting up a Dir 615 router, expert advice onThis indicates that it requires the specification of parameters that are specified in the contract concluded with the Internet provider for the provision of data transmission services. Therefore, before you begin to configure the router, it is recommended to study this document in detail. As a rule, it contains important connection parameters: your network address, connection type, username and password. If for some reason this data is not in the contract, then it makes sense to call the subscriber support phone and find out the data specified earlier. Then they are recommended to write on paper. This will further greatly simplify the process of setting up this network device.

Temporary connection

Configuring the router Dir 615 for home or officerunning on a PC or laptop. Moreover, it is much easier to perform this operation if the computer is located at its permanent location, and the router is connected to it temporarily. Therefore, on a switched off PC and network device, we collect the following scheme:

  • We connect the power supply of the router to the nearest outlet. And its cord with plug to the corresponding socket of the router.
  • We connect the bundled interface wire with one end to the connector of the network board of the stationary PC, and the second to any of the ports of the network device labeled LAN.

On this temporary scheme for setting up a computer network is collected.

configure the d link dir 615 router

First start up and parameterization

In the next step of how to configure the routerD-Link Dir 615, turn on the PC and the router. Then you need to wait for the download of each of them. Then on the PC we launch any browser that is available, and in its address bar we type four three-digit numbers - the network address of the router. The first of them is 192, the second is 168, the third is 0 and the last, the fourth is 1. It is necessary to share honey with the symbol ".". After that, click "Enter." Next, a request window will appear, in which you must enter a login and password to access the settings of the router. In these fields we enter the following English letters admin (by default, the login and password are the same). After that, the router configuration interface will open. Next, go to the interface Advanced settings. Then select the System item and find the Language item in it. In the list that opens, we find the Russian language and save the changes made by clicking on the Save button. After that, the interface language should change to Russian. Then we return to the “Advanced Settings” interface. In it we move to the WAN point, in which we set the parameters from the contract with the provider. This is a network address (it can be dynamic or static, in the latter case it will be necessary to enter the address), and the type of connection (L2TP, PPPoE, etc.), and login with the password to establish the connection (they are specified in the contract, do not confuse them with password and login to access the parameters of the router). Next, save these settings and go to Wi-Fi. In it we set up a wireless connection to the computer network. Here we set the name of the network (the default is DIR-615), the type of encryption (WPA 2 is recommended as the most reliable), the login and password to connect the wireless device (do not confuse them with those that allow you to go to the router settings or are responsible for connecting to the internet). After that, save the changes again and exit the configuration interface. Then turn off all the equipment and disassemble the temporary scheme.

Transfer to a permanent place

Now let's figure out how to connect D-LinkDir 615 in a permanent pattern. We connect the wire from the provider to the port labeled WAN. The rest of the wired devices are connected to ports labeled LAN. We install the power supply unit into the nearest outlet, and its cord into the corresponding socket of the router. After that, we turn on the network device and wait until the download is complete (the POWER indicator should stop blinking at the same time). Then we proceed to testing the computer network.

configure router dir 615 tips

Connection test over twisted pair

Now we figured out how to configure the routerD-Link Dir 615. After this we configure a wired connection to a network device. To do this, turn on the PC on the following path “Start / Control Panel / Network Connections”. Next, open the network connection settings and select the "Automatically obtain a network address" checkbox. After that, close all previously opened windows and launch the browser. In its address bar, enter, for example, ya.ru and press "Enter". After that, the start page of this search engine should open. If this does not happen, then we check all previously set parameters and connection.

Checking the wireless LAN segment

As noted earlier, we have already dealt withhow to set up the D-Link Dir 615 router. Now we are setting up a wireless connection to it. To do this, on any mobile device, go to its settings. Then we find the sub-item “Wireless networks”, in which we find the Wi-Fi section. We activate this wireless transmitter and search for available connections based on this technology. In the list that opens, we find the name of our network (it was specified in the previous stages) and connect. In the opened request, enter the password from the wireless network. Then close all windows and launch the browser. In the same way as in the previous paragraph, we open the start page of the Yandex search system.

configure dir 615 router for home


As with all network routers lastgeneration, this device supports IPTV technology. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of an internet connection and a special set-top box, you can display a channel's broadcast on a TV. To do this, you just need to connect the set-top box to the TV and the router (it uses a twisted pair and one of the router's ports) and correctly configure the last one at the program level. To adjust the software, you need to use the PC and the browser installed on it to go to the settings of the router according to the previously described method. In the configuration menu that opens, select the IP-TV item. After that, the settings window of the corresponding wizard will open. In it we set the port to which the set-top box is connected. To do this, it is enough to make a single click of the left mouse button on the image of this port.

Если провайдер использует для передачи TV signal virtual networks, then you need to go to the tab from the main menu "Advanced / VLAN". Then we configure the D-Link Dir 615 router as follows: we create a group of VLAN ID ports with the “Transparent” type and a physical port to which the set-top box is connected. Save the parameters and exit the configuration interface.

how to connect d link dir 615

Update router software

At the end of the setup, you mustorder to check for software updates from the router. The current software version is specified in the device configuration interface. More specifically, in the upper right corner next to the manufacturer's logo. Therefore, first we go into the parameters of the router (how to do this - it was described earlier) and find out the firmware version. Then go to the official website of the manufacturer. In the upper right corner of the browser there will be a “Quick Search” item and next to it there is a drop-down list, in which we find the device of interest - DIR-615. Then go to the tab "Downloads" and on it we look at the version of the available software. If it matches the one installed on the router, then nothing needs to be done. Otherwise, download the update file on the PC. Then we go back to the router configuration interface and go to the “System” section. In it we find the sub-item "Software Update". In the future, we configure the router D-Link Dir 615 to update the software. To do this, use the “Browse” button to find the location of the file with updates and then click on the “Update” button. Within 2-3 minutes new software will be installed and downloaded. At the same time, the router itself may reboot several times. Also during the installation of updates can not turn off the router. If this condition is not met, the network device may fail.

manual for setting up the router d link dir 615


This article describes the procedure in detail and step by step.how to set up the D-Link Dir 615 router. As you can see from all of the above, there is nothing super-complicated about this, and even a beginner can do it. Therefore, we boldly take and configure the router of this model.