/ / The Long Dark: where are the save? What is this game about?

The Long Dark: where do the conservation lie? What does this game in general?

Hinterland has released a stunning survival simulator, which literally throws gamers in the harsh forests of Northern Canada. Left alone with wildlife, a person must understand what he stands and out what made. However, in the harsh northern conditions, the probability of death is very high, because the players are given question: where are the save in The Long Dark?

The long dark save where are

about the project

The conditions in which to fight for life,very harsh and as close to reality as possible. Here, an extreme food shortage coexists with constant fatigue, the risk of frostbite and the likelihood of dying from hunger or the attack of wild animals. At the first death from such a meeting, the question arises as to where the save in The Long Dark lies.

The game provides locations whereauto save These are usually houses, shelters, abandoned administrative buildings, where conservation occurs through the opening and closing of the door. These rooms are of great importance. Here you can melt the stove-stove to warm up or cook food. And also there are beds - healthy sleep contributes to rest.

In addition, having survived, the room can be left to dry Ingredients for crafting items.

where are The Long Dark save files


Before you clarify Where lie the preservation of the plot The Long Dark, it should be noted that in some areas of the game location there are special places (caches), Where also provides for the preservation of the game by pressing a key. They are called bunkers and appear randomly on the ground.

Search for them purposefully it doesn't make sense to save - just to get hold of loot. Caught randomly, the location of cacheschanges from session to session. Therefore, found in one place, it will no longer be there in the next passage of the game. In addition, care should be taken, because dangerous predators roam everywhere. And gape «survivor", hoping to find a bunker, can easily run into a hungry bear or a wolf.

The game was created as believable as possible, but in reality one should not relax even for a second in a similar situation. Indeed, in life it will not be possible to start playing anew.

The Long Dark save the plot where they are


The session is also saved when using numerous tactics and achievements. To do this, gamers should use the saved game with cheatsto pass levels on difficulty «wanderer", explore approximately 65% ​​of the world, and also meet in 131 days.

And yet, where are the files?

Conservation in The Long Dark traditionally lie inroot folder of the game. If you want to copy the file, you will need to proceed to the directory C: USERNAME USER (or Admin) AppDataLocalLowHinterlandThe Long Dark.

Copying of files of saving, as a rule, is made in three cases:

  • to continue the game on another gadget;
  • if you have to reinstall the operatingthe system on the PC (after that the previously deleted game is installed, the old saves are transferred, and the game process continues from the same place where it was finished);
  • to share saves with friends.

The long dark save where are


Generally, copying save files - quite common phenomenon. Many gamers who have passed the project in and out, lumped tons loothappy to share filesby posting them on the net.

That's why many people have a question about where the save in The Long Dark lies. Someone resorts to using cheatsin order to complete the game without straining, and someone prefers to use ready-made saves.

The game has a lot of options for crafting various things that contribute to the survival in the harsh conditions of Northern Canada. A game though and as close to reality as possible, but the developers warn that the «promise" intended only for familiarization and experimentation.

In other words, the game is «survivor", but still represents author's view of what is happening. In no case should not be guided by the knowledge obtained from the game, being in the same situation as the heroes of The Long Dark.

The long dark save where are

“Where are the conservation?” - the question will be irrelevant, because nature cruel and does not forgive mistakes.