Качество продукции, товаров и услуг confirmed and guaranteed by an official document issued by an independent certification authority. GOST R ISO 9001 (2008 edition) regulates the basic terms and definitions of quality management systems. Products (it is divided into four categories: services, software, recyclable materials, hardware) should be understood as the result of the process. For many species, a combination of several elements of different product categories is characteristic. Requirements for products establish regulatory documents (GOST, TU, Technical Regulations, contract or supply contract, and others). The certificate is issued after identification and verification of products for compliance with established quality requirements. These requirements are aimed at preserving the health and life of citizens, ensuring the safety of the habitat, the safety of property, as well as other rules and regulations on the use, storage and transportation. The validity of the certificate of conformity is always set by the certification authority.
Согласно действующим нормативным и legal documents to confirm the compliance of product quality is possible on a voluntary or mandatory basis. The latter applies to products that are intended for circulation in the territory of our state, and is carried out both in the form of certification and in the form of declaration of conformity. Until February 16, 2010, the procedure was obligatory for products (goods and services) included in documents approved by the Government of our country. These are the Nomenclature of products, which are subject to mandatory certification, and the Nomenclature of products, for which the declaration of conformity is allowed. Currently, in accordance with the Certification Rules of 08/05/1997 and the Law on Technical Regulation, it is mandatory to confirm compliance only in cases stipulated by the Technical Regulations and for compliance with this document. Objects that are not subject to mandatory certification, are subject to voluntary certification. A certificate or declaration of conformity are issued during the mandatory certification. Declaration of Conformity - as a result of voluntary certification. These documents are legally equivalent. An organization producing products or providing services is obliged to suspend their release or provision in cases when the certificate has expired.
An organization that wants confirmationan independent body on the conformity of products for the first time or in cases when the certificate has expired must submit an application to the independent certification body. After consideration of the application, a certification scheme is selected, and then, based on the results of the audit (based on expert opinions), a decision is made on whether to issue a document or the refusal is justified. A document (certificate or declaration) is considered valid if it has a registration number assigned by a certification authority. During the period of validity of the document that confirms compliance, an inspection is carried out (at least once a year), if this does not contradict the certification scheme. If serious discrepancies are identified (requirements for quality, safety, etc.), then the document may be suspended, and the manufacturer of the product, supplier of goods or services will be notified. When claims are received from consumers, unscheduled inspections are carried out, on the results of which the validity of the certificate or declaration may be suspended until the nonconformities are corrected. In this case, as in those when the certificate has expired, it is required to confirm compliance again.
In accordance with the established in our countryThe procedure for certification, introduced from 9/21/1994, stipulates that the certificate validity period cannot be more than 3 years. At the same time, the validity period of regulatory documents (GOST, TU, Technical Regulations, codes, rules, etc.) on products, as well as the time limits of the period covered by the certificate for the quality system, production or products (if provided for in the certification scheme). Information on product certification is indicated by the manufacturer in the accompanying documents (date and number of the document establishing conformity). If the certificate has expired, the products can not be shipped to the consumer.