/ / What is the subscription fee and how does it help the games to develop

Why do I need a subscription fee and how does it help the games to develop?

Like any other product in demand,computer games require payment of appropriate quality. One of the existing types of the acquisition of the desired game is the subscription fee, which gives the selected project a peculiar specificity of development.

Большая часть появляющихся развлечений It is a complete story with its beginning, development and end. Some of them are equipped with a multiplayer that can stretch the fun of the gameplay, however, sooner or later the purchased disc is sent to the shelf, where it is gathering dust until better times. Under this scheme, hundreds of projects are customized, created and sold, but this type of financial support for developers, such as subscription fees, in addition to imposing certain obligations on the user, gives him some very interesting opportunities.

The clearest example of such a relationship betweenproducer and consumer is a subscription fee WoW. As in other MMORPGs, the WoW game universe created by Blizzard is so great that even for a month or two, the player will not be able to explore all its nooks, get all the achievements, etc. In addition, the development of the game is in an active state.

The world around is constantly changing and being finalized,new content is added with the appearance of the corresponding patches. It is the subscription fee and provides such a development that allows the player to literally live in the chosen world, participating in all the twists and turns of a dynamic plot. And even having received the best set of equipment, powerful weapons and strongest abilities, the user will meet with the following challenges after adding new bosses, locations and tasks.

Apart from the outputs of the expected additions,subscription fee is partially used to support dozens of servers. They are necessary for the simultaneous and comfortable unification of hundreds of players. In addition, the subscription fee allows you to calculate the specific number of active players. The resulting number can be used in advertising banners and other means of transmitting information to attract even more users.

Subscription fee

Subscription fee is one of the most stablemodels that allow developers not to worry about the hazy future, but calmly improve the existing components of the game and add planned details. There are many cases where promising projects, for various reasons, met with an incredibly low level of sales, which often put an end to them (or greatly undermined the position of the creating company). Of course, even a MMORPG with a monthly fee may not succeed, but some regular players will always generate income with each new cycle. This, though small, is a plus, it will make it possible to survive even a bad start with fewer losses.

В некоторых случаях абонентская плата разделяет players into groups. This often happens when a game goes from a fully paid to a partially free model. Not wanting to lose part of the profits, the creators leave the monthly fee as an opportunity for players to receive various bonuses. For example, the increased number of experience gained in battles or the number of locations available for stripping from enemy elements. At the same time, a user who invests money spends less real time on achieving game goals.

It is safe to say that the number of projectspreferring a monthly fee, will remain at the same level, since the gaming industry is divided into strict categories that determine the type of behavior for individual niches. Only the emergence and development of such significant projects as Titan, can shake the foundations.