В наше время сложно представить свою жизнь без daily use of high speed internet. It simplifies our life in many ways, starting from domestic affairs and ending with the relations of states. It happens that not all providers do their job efficiently, responsibly, namely, they provide the wrong Internet connection speed, or numerous failures occur in the equipment of the provider. This article is devoted to Internet service providers in Yekaterinburg, who have earned their reputation with the time and trust of customers.
Provider "NetAngels"

Very large company to provideInternet connections are also included in the rating of Internet providers in Ekaterinburg, as well as in the list of the largest providers in Russia, where it ranks 25th. It is a trusted partner of the service "RU-CENTER".
The company provides a very wide range ofservices for individuals and legal entities: almost limitless cloud storage space for information, cloud servers for all sorts of uses, as well as regular virtual Internet hosting. As already mentioned, the provider has a large coverage area, which provides a high-speed Internet connection, both in Yekaterinburg and in other regions of Russia.
The number of customers exceeds more than 20 thousand, and the numbersites using the services of this provider, has exceeded the mark of 65 thousand. The equipment is located in special data centers, which ensures maximum resistance to system failures. The centers themselves belong to Rostelecom. Reviews about the provider inspire confidence.
Provider "DOM.RU"

Достаточно большой интернет-провайдер Ekaterinburg, providing a wide range of services to its customers. Provides access to the network using broadband channels. There is an opportunity to connect a cable television package, as well as a telephone connection at a always stable and low price.
The uniqueness of this ISPEkaterinburg is that the company has built its telecommunications network from scratch, and using fiber, which provides a high-speed Internet connection to each house. The advantages of fiber are in high data transfer speeds, as well as high resilience to natural incidents.
Television, which provides “home.RU ”, includes more than 55 thousand films in HD format, as well as a sea of other television channels both in Russia and the whole world. The company carries out the action on which it is possible to pay for all services in half less from the full cost. Technical support is always ready to nominate at your address and fix the problem, or consult by phone. This provider is an excellent solution for large families.
Skynet-online provider

Internet provider of Ekaterinburg "Skynet"occupies one of the highest places in the list of the best providers. There is the possibility of acquiring one of several service packages, which by itself is good, because not everyone can afford to spend several thousand per month on the Internet. The cost of connecting the budget package costs only 3,500 rubles, while the monthly fee is exactly zero rubles per month. Internet speed in this package is 100 megabits per second. The purchase price also includes an IPTV set-top box and an HDMI cable for connecting to a TV. After six months, the tariff plan automatically changes to Standard + TV, and the Internet connection speed drops to 30 megabits per second.
After the end of this promotion, it is recommended to buypackage "Drive + TV" if you need a high-speed Internet connection. If this is not so important for you, then the economical tariff “Like + TV” is excellent, because its subscription fee is only 140 rubles a month at a speed of 10 megabits per second.
Provider "CONVEX"

Included in the list of Internet service providersEkaterinburg, and therefore is one of the best telecommunication networks chosen by users. The company began its existence back in 1998. Customer reviews about the provider say that its technical capabilities provided and provide a wide range of various communication services in combination with high quality connections.
Connection is made almost in one click,which is especially suitable for older or busy people. Just need to go to the site, select the most suitable tariff and wait for the masters who will happily connect the Internet and configure the router. You can also order a connection at a time when you can afford to take the masters. The company protects each client, so connection problems are almost impossible, and if they do, technical support is always ready to fix them.
It was a list of internet providers.Ekaterinburg, which refers only to those companies that are long enough in the market for the provision of services and have the highest indicators of customer confidence.