/ / Error CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED (Windows 10): how to fix?

Error CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED (Windows 10): how to fix?

One of the most unpleasant situations when working withThe tenth version of Windows OS is the appearance of a blue BSoD screen with a stop code (CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED error). The saddest thing is that this failure manifests itself exclusively at the stage of the system bootup, and it is simply impossible to get rid of it at the next reboot. However, the problem can be eliminated, with some rather simple methods.

What does the CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED error code indicate?

The situation, let's face it, is not a pleasant one. Okay, the CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED error would appear only in a working system, so a blue screen can occur even at the stage of loading the OS.

critical process died windows 10 how to fix

Worse if a crash manifests itself afterinitial installation. The problem is most often associated with the incorrect installation of drivers for the present "iron" devices, which provokes the appearance of conflicts.

CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED error: what to do first?

Thus, in any case, troubleshootingcomes down to installing the appropriate drivers. And you should not deceive yourself about what the user sees in the “Device Manager” on the general tab a message stating that the driver is installed, and the device, they say, is working fine. This is a deep misconception.

The fact is that when Windows detectsNon-standard devices install, as it seems to her, the most suitable driver, and he just does not fit the chosen device at all. In this case, if you have a disk with original drivers or accompanying software, you need to install it from there (this concerns problems when booting the system).

critical process died error

But it also happens that in a running systemCRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED (Windows 10) crashes. How to fix this situation? You need to use the “Device Manager”, called up through the PCM menu on the computer icon in the administration section, through the “Control Panel” or by entering the command devmgmt.msc in the “Run” console. But to identify the device that caused the crash, you need to initially load utilities like Blue Screen Viewer or WhoCrashed, and then in the “Device Manager”, you will have to dig for the faulty component for a very long time (especially since the device can be designated as working and not having problems) .

Итак, у нас выдалась ошибка CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED (Windows 10). How to fix a crash? To start on the driver tab, use the options update or rollback. Perhaps this will help. However, the best option would be to check the DEV identifiers and VEN (hardware ID), which can be used to find the most appropriate device driver on the Internet, download it and integrate it into the system. Please note that some installers may not be represented as an EXE file, but as objects with the INF extension. Such drivers are installed through the PCM menu with the choice of the corresponding item. If the system does not boot at all, you need to take such actions with the boot in safe mode.

critical process died what to do

But you can meet situations when and after thatCRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED (Windows 10) crashes. How to fix the problem in this case? Alternatively, you can use specialized utilities to automatically search for and install updated drivers, not only for a single device, but for all those present in the system. There are quite a few applications in this area, but among the best ones, it is worth noting Driver Booster, DriverPack Solution, Slim Drivers and the like. The advantage of such packages is obvious: they download drivers for certain devices exclusively from manufacturers' sites and integrate software for recognition and control of devices automatically, without user intervention.

Checking system files

However, often the cause of such an error can be disruptions in the operation of the operating system itself due to unforeseen failures.

error code critical process died

In this case, it is recommended to call the commandconsole (either in a working system or when booting from removable media) and executing the sfc / scannow command, which helps to eliminate problems with the integrity or the presence of damaged system files.

critical process died what to do

Sometimes the built-in online recovery utility in the form of the DISM toolkit can help. True, in this case requires an uninterrupted connection to the Internet.

Full reset

But suppose all this did not work, andthe user again sees the stop code CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED (Windows 10). How to fix system crash? The only and last solution is to return to the factory settings of the system. On some laptop models there is a built-in menu for this.

But Windows 10 also has its own tool.rollback. To use it, you must perform a reboot with the Shift key held down and selecting this item through the start menu, then in the recovery console select the section to return the computer to its original state. In principle, similar actions can be performed from the parameters section and use special boot options or start from a removable recovery disk or flash drive.

critical process died error

And remember that reinstalling Windows 10even with full formatting of partitions in the absence of special drivers, it does not solve the problem. So, doing such things is only wasting time. If the system does not boot, it is better to find the drivers by identifiers from another computer, and then install them from the command line when booting from a removable device. But it will work for sure.