/ / Mss32.dll: what is it and how to fix the error associated with this file?

Mss32.dll: what is it and how to fix the error associated with this file?

Any operating system may fail.Quite often, Windows users face it when they try to run a game. For example, a common error is the lack of the dynamic library mss32.dll. In this article we will talk just about it. In detail we will understand that it is mss32.dll, why there is an error and how to fix it. Even more, the article will present two ways to solve it.

Mss32.dll is that?

And we will start, of course, with the definition, because before you fix the error, you need to read it to know all the nuances.

mss32 dll what is this

So, as was said above, mss32.dll is a dynamic library. It is necessary for the correct operation of the operating system with sound in applications (most often in games). The error occurs for three reasons: this file is not on the computer, it is corrupted or obsolete. It is also interesting that the system often offers to download and install this library in automatic mode, but according to users' feedback it can be understood that these actions rarely lead to success. Consequently, everything has to be corrected independently.

At this point, you can put an end to the question: "Mss32.dll - what is this?", And proceed to the methods of its elimination.

Manual removal method

As already mentioned in the article, we willconsider two ways to solve the problem. Let's start with manual - without using auxiliary applications. This method may seem to some users difficult, but applying the instructions that will be provided below, you can easily cope with everything. If something does not work, use the second method.

So, what do we need? First, download the library to the computer, and secondly, put it in the desired directory. Let's look at everything in order:

  1. Loading. Download mss32.dll for Windows 7 or any other version, you can on any thematic site. To find it easier to use the search engines, writing in the line "download mss32.dll". However, there are also nuances. The fact is that many attackers thus do not distribute libraries, but viruses, so download the file only from trusted, popular sites, be sure to check it with antivirus software.
  2. Move to directory. Once the file has been downloaded, itsmust be moved to the system directory. Its location directly depends on the OS version. So, if you have 32-bit Windows, you need to move the file along the path "C: Windowssystem32", and if it's 64-bit, it will look like this: "C: WindowsSysWOW64".

mss32 dll

After the library is onits place, the problem with the game should disappear. If this does not happen, then check if you have done everything right, or use the second method.

Troubleshoot an error using the program

Solving the problem with a special program is much easier than manual. The program is called DLL-Files.com. Download it before you begin to follow the instructions:

  1. Launch the application.
  2. Enter the search query mss32.dll.
  3. Conduct a search.
  4. Click on the found library.
  5. Click Install.

mss32 dll for windows 7

That's all. Now you know the answer not only to the question: "Mss32.dll - what is this?", But also "How to fix the error associated with this library?". Moreover, there are two proven methods.