/ / Blue screen with stop code WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (Windows 10): how to fix the error?

Blue screen with a WHACE_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR stop (Windows 10): how to fix the bug?

Нечасто, но иногда в Windows последних modifications can be seen the appearance of a blue screen with a stop code WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (Windows 10). How to fix such a failure will be shown below. But it should immediately be said that this error is typical mainly for systems of versions 8.1 and 10, and most often it occurs when trying to access various online games through regular web browsers.

Why does the WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR error (Windows 10 or 8.1) appear?

Actually, the cause of the failure at startuponline games in most cases consist of a malfunction of the hardware components of the system or malfunctions in the operation of the corresponding drivers (incorrect installation or even their absence).

whea uncorrectable error windows 10 how to fix

То есть исправление ошибки WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR in the above systems can be reduced to testing video cards (this applies to them most often) and updating drivers, not counting system components. This can sometimes be an error or damage to the hard disk. Less commonly, the problem may be related to the RAM or even to disruptions in the operation of the central processor. But such situations are uncharacteristic for this failure, so they will not be considered.

Installing system updates and driver updates

Итак, система выдала сбой WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (Windows 10). How to fix the situation in the simplest way? If you follow the recommendations of Microsoft, in the first stage you need to update the system components, if it has been delayed (disabled).

error whea uncorrectable error windows 10

To do this, through the options menugo to the update and security section, and in the "Update Center" click the button to manually search for available updates. All that will be found, it is strongly recommended to integrate into the system.

error correction whea uncorrectable error

The second step in the problem of how to fixWHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR errors will become a driver update (at least for a graphics adapter, this is desirable). In this case, the “Device Manager” is used, where during the PCM on the video card, the driver update item is selected.

The device itself may not be marked asnot working, so on the driver tab you need to look at the release date of the software. If you need to select a specific driver for non-standard equipment, you need to use the information tab with the choice of equipment ID, where the longest line containing the identifiers VEN and DEV is selected from the list, after which it is possible to find the most appropriate control software for the device.

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You can simplify your task by installingautomated search apps and driver updates like driver booster. With their help, the user, as they say, kills two birds with one stone. Drivers are installed the freshest and exclusively from the web-resources of the hardware manufacturer. In addition, software is not limited to updating software for only one device (drivers are updated for all hardware).

Crash WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (Windows 10): how to fix via the command console?

Now let's see what can be done ifThe cause of the error was a hard disk on which errors or physical damage may be present. In solving the problem of how to fix WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (Windows 10), it is necessary to start from the use of a universal tool for all occasions - the command line, which runs exclusively with admin rights.

First, the C command is written:/ R, the execution of which activates the search for errors on the hard drive in the selected partition, after that, the tool for checking and eliminating failures is actually used - the chkdsk / scan line. In some cases, if the proper result is not achieved, you will additionally need to use the system components check command (sfc / scannow).

Additional security measures

But you can advise a few more toolsallowing in specific situations to get rid of the WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (Windows 10) failure. How to fix the problem? If the system has been exposed to malicious codes, it should be checked using an in-depth scan with some portable utility (rather than a regular scanner), for example, use the Dr. application. Web CureIt. If you use disk programs like Kaspersky Rescue Disk, you can load the scanner even before the main operating system starts and perform a full scan of what looks like the preferred option.

whea uncorrectable error windows 10 how to fix

Finally, some operations withthe primary BIOS system, in the parameters of which you need to perform a full reset (usually this item is like Setup BIOS Defaults or something similar). After using the reset, you just need to save the changes and restart the computer in a stationary mode. Some experts, in the most extreme case, recommend updating the BIOS firmware, but without special knowledge, especially when there is no such item in the settings, you should not do this yourself, since the computer can cause irreparable harm.