/ / Recommendations and recipes: how to make a pokeball in Minecraft

Recommendations and recipes: how in "Maynkraft" do pokeyball

Players who managed to get acquainted witha modification of Pixelmon, wondering how to make a pokeball in Minecraft. This is a matter of paramount importance, because without this object it will not be possible to catch Pokemon, which means it will not be possible to fight with other users. The procedure for creating items for catching pocket monsters has many points. The player will have to search for resources for a long time, prepare the groundwork and start combinations.

Types of pokebolov

Before you make a pokeball in Minecraft,should be familiar with the diversity of species of this subject. The standard red-and-white ball is basic, and other upgrades are already coming from it. Each user as far as catching pets will have to pay attention to powerful models.

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For example, to catch the legendary Pokemon orrare it is worth using only ultraball or its analogs. At the same time, items are divided into a large number of categories by parameters. It is easier for one to catch heavy monsters, others for fast ones, some still heal, and the fourth ones help to gain experience. If you have already wondered how to make a pokeball in Minecraft, then try experimenting with the ball species. The result will definitely help in future travels.

The first stage of creation

First of all, players should learn how toto make a piece of pokeball in Minecraft. The process is lengthy and should be considered in several stages. First, there is a preparation, where the player must create a workbench of four sets of boards, a furnace of eight blocks of stones and a workbench of the same number of iron ingots. After that, the hammer is crafted from two sticks and five steel ingots - and you can get to work.

how to make pokeball minecraft pixelmon
Next you need to collect an item calledApricorn. The base ball requires three red colors, but there are seven types of such trees (loot is mined from them). If the user copes with the extraction of these things, then in the future he will not have to ask how to make a pokeball in Minecraft: Pixelmon. The work will be mechanical and will go quickly.

Pokebol in all its glory

First you should bake three Apricorn infire in order to get a special red disc. Pre-create a button from a stone. Next comes Kraft metal disc of three of the same quality ingots. Put a red circle on the anvil with a hammer (left mouse button) hit on it until it becomes more convex.

how to make a piece of pokeball minecraft
Take a new item from the anvil and dothe same procedure with a metal disc. Now in the inventory we place the items in this way: on top of the row is a red item forged from Apricorn, a button under it, and a steel circle on the bottom. In the box opposite, the expected item will appear. If you want to find out how to make another model of a pokeball in Minecraft, then just watch Apricorn combinations. Only the color of this resource changes, and the mechanisms themselves remain different. Before using the ball to catch pocket monsters, you should make sure of its properties in order to get the maximum benefit from the future fighter. Stock up on pokeballs and start wandering around the vast world with lots of pets.