/ / Details on how to make flint in "Maynkraft"

Details on how to make flint in "Maynkraft"

Today we will talk about how to make flint in"Maynkrafte." This is one of the most popular games in the world. One of the features of the project is that it is allowed to participate in it as one, and with friends. Also on one game server there can be about 500 people. But not everything is as simple as it seems. On the servers may be not very decent players, from which you suffer, as well as other characters. Do you have to endure bullying? And why not make, for example, dynamite. With him you can set foot on the warpath.

How to make a flint in the "Maincrafter" and apply it

how to make flint in maynecraft
For example, we made dynamite or onions.But how to set fire to an explosive or make arrows? To craft these items you need some kind of incomprehensible flint, which we did not meet either in the mine, in the street, or in hell. It is simply nowhere to be found. Let's try to figure out how to make a flint in the Maincrafter. It's not so difficult. And now we learn about all the subtleties of this process. First, you should remember that you can not make it yourself, but do not worry, you can get it. So your question about how to make flint in the Maincrafter, in any case, will be resolved.


So, take the shovel and go to the mine.Immediately the question arises as to why this particular instrument, and not the pickaxe. Because we will not break the ore, but gravel. After all, you probably did not pay attention to this nondescript block. And the precious flint is there. With a 10 percent chance, you can get it by simply breaking a block of gravel with your hand or shovel. It is better to use the last tool. Will be faster.

Be careful!Gravel, like sand, a loose block, that is, it can fall on your head, and after a while you will suffocate. There are other options for obtaining the result. Use a pickaxe with the enchantment for "Luck 3", so that with a 100% chance to get the long-awaited flint. Also you can buy flint from other players for a certain reward or iron with diamonds. In special stores, this item can also be sold. There is another option: look for emeralds and go to the village to the inhabitants. There you can profitably change them for flint. As you can see, there are many options.


how to make a flint
So we took one more question about the game"Maynkraft" - "how to make a flint." It should also be noted that in the fashion Industrial Craft you can get the desired resource by putting gravel in the crusher. There are many other modifications that offer their options for obtaining flint. Do not be afraid to try everything and choose the best for yourself.