/ / How to make a shield in "Maynkraft": a detailed guide

How to make a shield in "Maynkraft": a detailed guide

The question of how to make a shield in the "Maynkraft" earlyor late starts to interest all users in the game. This item of defensive nature helps to avoid damage from enemies. It's easy to use, and its recipe does not seem difficult for most players. It is enough to know about the ingredients in order to combine them.

Application and general characteristics

Players are interested in the question of how to make a shieldin "Maynkraft", because of the high protection parameters of this rectangular object. It blocks any incoming damage, including arrows. Its strength is 337 units, which allows a long time to block enemy attacks.

how to make a shield in mayncecraft

This is the best thing to equip the character in the left hand, since the right should have a weapon. Thus, the user can keep the defense and inflict damage to the enemy simultaneously.

Preparation of resources

The answer to the question of how to make a shield in"Maynkraft", is pretty simple. First, the user will have to make six blocks of boards of any tree. To do this, it is enough to saw a block of wood, from which you get four elements needed by the player. Do the operation twice to have all six pieces. After this, it is necessary to create an iron ingot. To do this, there are three ways - burn coal, connect nine pieces of iron, or cut a block of this material into the nine parts you need. The user chooses the method of obtaining these resources independently, based on his capabilities. The easiest way is to find an iron block and get nine bars that will be useful in the future. After gathering the resources, it becomes clear how to make a shield in the "Maincrafter".

The creation and decoration of the subject

After resource extraction, the user remainsjust open the crafting window and move the necessary materials into it. There will be boards in the upper windows and an iron ingot in between. The remaining cells are needed for four blocks of wood products. After placing materials in the outgoing window, the desired shield will appear. It will be a standard form, but it can be decorated with flags that are made from colored wool.

how to make in minecraft shield without mods

You need six for one such item.blocks of sheep material and one stick. Further it will be necessary only to connect a shield and a flag. They can be both of the same type and have patterns on the outside. This crafting method describes how to make a shield without mods in Minecraft. Third-party programs allow you to get items from the content not provided by the game developers.