/ / How to connect a barcode scanner to a computer. Types of barcode scanners. Barcode Software

How to connect a barcode scanner to your computer. Types of barcode scanners. Software for bar codes

An important element of the automatic systemmanaging a store, warehouse or other enterprise is a barcode scanner for a computer. This device transforms the information recorded on the product label with the help of strokes into a record with the name of the product.

Barcode scanner for computer

Types of bar code readers

Before you purchase and install thisdevice, it will be useful for you to know what barcode scanners are. In the literature there are such models of devices with LED and laser illumination.

Barcode Reader

Wand barcode scanner for computer, or asIt is also called the pen, is an inexpensive and reliable device. When working, it is necessary to press it well against the surface on which the code is applied, and to carry it along the entire package. For reading information, he uses a light source of low power, the beam of which is required to cross the code from beginning to end.

barcode scanner program

CCD device

Handheld CCD Barcode Scanner for ComputerIt uses the technology of reading information based on the same principle as fax. Two types of CCD scanners are known: contact and non-contact. When using the contact model, the operator must attach the scanner to the label with the code and press the button. The main disadvantage of such scanners is that they do not work well on uneven surfaces. The design of contactless CCD scanners uses high-power LEDs and sensitive photosensors, which allows them to read an image from 6 to 30 centimeters.

Image-scanner, or as they are calledphoto scanner, uses the same CCD matrix as cameras or camcorders. This code scanner reads all information completely and does not need to be specifically oriented with respect to packaging.

Laser reading devices

Handheld laser barcode scanner for computer is convenient and easy to operate. His working area can reach 20-110 centimeters, and some up to 10 meters.

Multibeam Laser Scanners

Stationary Multibeam Projection Laserthe scanner forms a working area, which consists of several rays. In order for him to be able to read information, it is enough that at least one of the many rays intersects all the strokes. Such devices are of two types: built-in, which are installed in the cash counter, and projection.

Комбинированный многолучевой сканер устроен так the same as stationary, its main feature is that it can be taken in hand. The working area in which bar code recognition (bar codes) occurs, such devices are reduced compared to stationary ones.

A bioptic scanner creates two work areas in which there are many laser beams. There are models of such scanners equipped with scales.

How to install a barcode scanner?

Before using the scanner, it is requiredconnect it to the computer and install the necessary software. There are three types of devices according to the method of connecting it to a computer:

1. "In the gap keyboard."

2. Using a serial COM port (as it is also called RS232).

3. Using a USB port that emulates an RS232 interface.

Let us consider in more detail all three ways to connect.

install barcode scanner

Connecting a device to read the barcode "in the gap keyboard"

The keyboard port is called PS / 2 and is appliedto connect to the computer as a keyboard and mouse. Now many motherboards have only one such connector, and in modern netbooks and laptops it is missing.

To connect the readerkeyboard, you must first turn off the computer, remove the keyboard from the connector and insert a scanner instead. After that, you need to connect the keyboard to the scanner. After you have connected everything, you can turn on the scanner and computer into the electrical network.

After scanning the barcode device,equipped with this interface, the code is inserted where the cursor was, as if you typed it on the keyboard. Thus, if the scanner cannot read the code or is out of order, you can enter the code directly using the keyboard.

Barcode scannersA device with a similar interface should pay attention to the keyboard layout when recognizing serial numbers that have letters. For example, with the Russian keyboard layout enabled, instead of the code a / n123215654QWE, it is assumed to be f / t 123215654YTSU.

Такой способ подключения экономит один порт COM or USB, which can be useful when connecting to the computer a variety of different devices, for example, a receipt printer, a fiscal printing device, scales and other devices necessary for the work of a cashier. Also, a barcode scanner with a connection "in the gap of the keyboard" is used when using the program for bar codes, which is able to work only with such devices.

Installing a barcode reader via COM interface

COM or RS-232 port are two different designations.a single interface through which various devices can be connected to a personal computer. This connector is made in the form of a rectangle, which consists of two rows of pins (in one row 5, in the other 4). Information from a variety of external devices, when using this method of transmission, is received sequentially through two wires. The Rx wire carries the information to the computer, and the Tx sends control signals to the device. Sometimes additional RTS and CTS lines are used for the correct operation of the programs. Now you can still find motherboards with one RS-232 connector, but it is missing on all modern netbooks and laptops.

barcode scanner with com port

To install a scanner, you must firstconnect to the computer’s COM port, after which any operating system will find it and ask you to install the necessary drivers. They can be found on the disk that comes with the device, or download on the Internet. Some manufacturers of scanners provide special programs with which you can control the volume of the signal or set service symbols.

Barcode scanner can be attached tocomputer using a special adapter with USB to COM-interface, which you need to insert into USB and install the driver (special program barcode scanner). When the device is correctly installed, a virtual RS-232 standard interface will be detected in the system, the use of which should not differ much from working with a regular serial connection.

Barcode scanner with a COM port can be connectedto a POS terminal, cash register or other equipment that is equipped with an RS-232 interface. For such a connection, adapters from the connector used in the barcode reader to the RJ-45 connector (or 11) are used. After that, you need to configure the connection settings in the scanning device.

Также данный тип соединения используется, если The code scanner program specifically listens to the port and inserts it in the right place when it detects a code. It does not matter where the cursor is currently located.

How to connect a computer barcode scanner with USB interface?

Any modern computer, netbook, laptopequipped with a USB port. In this standard, data is transmitted in series over two wires, two more wires are used to supply voltage to devices that connect to a PC.

 what are barcode scanners

The main advantage of these devices forbarcode reading computer is their high speed of data exchange and the ability to connect to a running computer. Small hand-held barcode scanners consume a small amount of electricity, so they are powered from the USB port. Multi-plane reading devices are more powerful and therefore have a separate power supply.

Installing a scanner should be easy.because all modern operating systems recognize the device for reading codes as a regular keyboard, so they do not require any drivers for their work. After the barcode is scanned, the program inserts it where the cursor is.

Many barcode scanners thatconnect to the USB port, you can get to work in the mode in which it will emulate the RS-232 port. Most often, this requires reading the special bar code given in the instructions and installing the virtual port driver. After transferring the device to the COM interface emulation mode, its use will be the same as for a conventional scanner that works with the RS-232 standard.

barcode software

Во многих устройствах для считываниясуществует the ability to set the characters to be transmitted before and after the barcode. So, before reading the code, it would be convenient for many users if the scanner would transmit one of such symbols as Insert, F1 or F9. Thanks to this possibility, the number of keystrokes by the operator is reduced and his work is facilitated.

Check the correctness of the connection and the health of the scanner

After the installation of the barcode scanner is completed, you need to check the operation of the device.

In order to make sure the scanner,connected “to the keyboard break” or via the USB-connector, it works correctly, you need to start any text editor, for example, “Notepad”, and try to scan the code. If characters appear on the screen, the device is configured correctly.

computer barcode scanner

If your device for reading bar codesconnected to RS-232 or working via USB in the COM-interface mode, you first need to start any terminal program and configure it on the desired port. After that you can read the code from the package. When properly configured, readable characters should appear on the screen.