/ / Principles of Radio Frequency Identification In Action

Principles of Radio Frequency Identification in Action

Modern supernovae technology is getting strongerenter our daily life. Some of them are created for our benefit. Others provoke heated debates about the expediency and safety of their use.

RFID technologies are,perhaps the most discussed topic of the last decades. A special rfid reader allows you to receive detailed information from a tag that is applied to a product or any other object. Some ordinary people confuse RF tags and standard bar codes that are applied to the packaging of any product.

These technologies are different in themselves, but,In fairness, it’s worth noting that RFID is a logical continuation of barcode technology. Let's see where exactly such modern identification methods can be applied? Manufacturers of goods today are actively using similar methods to track where, how and why their products are used.

Given the fact that rfid reader can read information from the chip at a significantdistance, similar technologies are progressive. On the other hand, many public organizations express their fears regarding the mass use of such systems, trying to prove that they may well infringe upon human rights and freedoms.

As far as these statements are justified and real, wecan not judge. However, the panic fear of “Big Brother” can ultimately lead only to paranoid psychosis. Let's better understand what advantages and opportunities these technologies have.

The fact that RFID has proven itself inthe process of production and trading activity is not subject to any doubts. By the way, using this technology, you can easily assess the authenticity of a product. In addition, rfid scanner will help track the location of pets and children.

Just think how many problems it cansolve in an instant! Imagine the situation that your child is lost in a huge shopping center. Many parents start to panic right away. But with the help of a special chip that is installed on the child’s clothes, for example, and the information reader from it, you can quickly determine the location of the baby. Of course, this is not all the possibilities of applying such technologies.