One of the integral parts of everyday life,in particular, the world of digital technologies, became a QR-code, which can not be read by anyone. This kind of encryption can be found absolutely everywhere: on food packages, on household and any other equipment boxes, in booklets, brochures, newspapers. In general, no information submitted in one form or another, is not without a QR code. About him in this article and will be discussed. The reader will learn in detail about this method of encrypting information and how to decrypt the QR code using a phone and a computer.
History of creation
So, what does it mean by thissort of cipher? It's very simple: QR is an abbreviation of Quick Response words, which in English means "quick response" or "quick response". A QR code is a so-called two-dimensional barcode, which was developed and introduced in 1994 by a Japanese company called Denso Wave. QR code, which after deciphering this article will not be difficult to decipher, became necessary because the Japanese companies lacked the amount of information that can be put into a regular one-dimensional barcode.
Recognition process
If you look at the quick response format code,you can see a square with imaginary invisible sides, inside of which there are other quadrangular figures of different length and dimensions. It is in them and laid all the text information, encrypted in two-dimensional code.

All you need is to decode the QR code oncomputer, is a special scanner that reads the image like a barcode scanner. The only difference is that an infrared scanner for reading strokes emits only one strip, whereas a QR-code is recognized as a two-dimensional image by emitting a large number of such strips.
Benefits of use
The first noticeable difference in the cipher is quick response fromThe usual barcode is the amount of information that can be placed in it. While the "stroke" supports only numeric characters, QR allows you to enclose letters, words and entire sentences.

If you take the largest QR-code, decipher it by"Android" or on the computer, you can see that the maximum number of digits contained in the cipher is 7089. In addition, in the Latin alphabet it is possible to place up to 4296 digits and letters. If we talk about binary code, then the number of possible embedded information is slightly less - 2953 bytes.
When in 1994 Denso Wavedeveloped and licensed its product, its owners and did not expect the invention to be very popular. The QR-code was intended only to cover the production needs of individual companies. After all, the QR code, which is very simple to decipher and recognize, allowed many production processes to be reduced to several seconds.

Later, in the mid-2000s, when the firstsmartphones with a camera, and after them - the Apple iPhone and other more modern devices, the QR code began to gain popularity again. The thing is that applications that read the cipher using the device's camera can also do this in a matter of seconds. Moreover, the information contained in QR can fully transmit links, letters, SMS, contacts and even images of PNG, JPG and GIF formats up to 4 KB in size. The latter, by the way, have not taken root in the modern world and are used very rarely.
How to decode the QR code
Android and iOS-smartphones have longnumber of applications designed to recognize a two-dimensional cipher. The most important requirement is the presence of a camera with a good resolution and, preferably, autofocus. The fact is that a clear image is required to decrypt the code, so a cheap smartphone with a 2 megapixel camera without autofocus will most likely not be able to read the information. But imagine the ideal conditions when the smartphone is good enough, and the camera, respectively, with high resolution and focus.

Если просто включить приложение камеры и навести the QR-code, of course, does not work, and the cipher is not recognized. All because for reading you need a special application-decoder. Where can I get it? In this case, everything is also very simple: similar applications are full of various mobile application stores, such as the AppStore on the iPhone and the Play Market on Android. In the search box of the last one, enter the query "QR-code scanner" or simply "scanner QR". After the results appear, you should select any application that you like, install and run it. On the QR-code of interest, the camera is guided from either side and at absolutely any angle. The application itself displays the necessary information on the display. For example, if it is a link to a website, the default browser will automatically start with the page already open.
If we talk about the recognition of QR-code oncomputer, then there is nothing too complicated. The main thing is that you have the right scanner. The easiest way is to open any text editor and point the scanner to a two-dimensional code. As a result, all necessary information will be provided on the display in text form.
Where QR codes are used
The most interesting way to use suchciphers - it's printing on T-shirts, what are the various foreign online shops. The bottom line is that a person who wants to make new acquaintances, forms from a link to his profile in social. networks the same QR code, which, in turn, is printed on a T-shirt. As a result, anyone who sees this kind of "square" on the clothes of another person can "count" it and then add it to friends.

No less useful is QR in the advertising industry.So, many companies print entire banners with two-dimensional ciphers so that anyone passing by or even from a distance can scan information, most often containing a link to the company's website. In addition, you can advertise not only websites, but also individual items. For example, QR code, which can not be deciphered now, is applied to this or that wardrobe item directly by the manufacturer. A man sits in a cafe in a beautiful shirt, on which the corresponding code is printed. Anyone who likes the shirt can easily scan the cipher and go directly to the sales page for this very shirt. And people are comfortable, and the company profits.
Summing up, I want to say that, thanks toQR-codes, information search in the modern world has become much more pleasant and easier. Of course, smart phones can scan even simpler one-dimensional barcodes, but the latter do not carry enough information, which makes two-dimensional ciphers more popular. That's why you should not be lazy to download the application-decoder to your smartphone. After all, who knows where and when to recognize the QR-code.