/ / How to make a fireplace in Minecraft and how to make it burn forever?

How to make a fireplace in "Maynkraft" and how to make it burn forever?

The fireplace is one of those interior items aboutwhich almost everyone dreams of. And if in reality you don’t have it yet, then you can at least compensate for this a bit by making it in Minecraft. It is quite possible - it is only important to know exactly how to engage in construction. If you are interested in such information, then this article will explain how to make a fireplace in Minecraft, and also you will learn one small secret, thanks to which you can save a lot of materials and your efforts.

Fireplace construction

how to make a fireplace in minecraft

If you want to learn how to make a fireplace in"Minecraft", you first need to give it a form, set the appearance. Three points are important here, which you need to follow very clearly. First, the platform on which there will be a fireplace. It must be made of any non-combustible material, be it stone or anything else. If you build your fireplace on a wooden floor, then do not be surprised later when your house lights up. Secondly, the walls of the fireplace. Naturally, the same rule is used here - you can make walls of any material and give them any shape, giving free rein to your imagination. But in no case do not add flammable elements to it, as they will cause irreparable damage to both your fireplace and everything around it. Well, the last moment is the pipe. Here it is not necessary to make it of refractory material, since the fire will not get to it. But some gamers forget that the fire creates burning smoke, which, having found no other way out, will go into the house. So be sure to build the pipe at a height of at least three blocks from the fire itself, so that it does not catch fire. That's all, now you know how to make a fireplace in Minecraft, but for now this is just a useless design. To make the wreck a real fireplace, you need the last and most important detail - fire.

Fire in the fireplace

 how to make a fireplace in minecraft 152

You already know how to make a fireplace in Minecraft -Now you need to understand how to kindle a fire in it. To do this, you need to leave at least one block of free space in which you can lay out various combustible materials - boards, sticks, coal, and so on. For a while they will burn, give light and heat, allow you to cook food if necessary - but then go out. You need to constantly support the livelihoods of the fire, feeding him more and more new combustible materials. It turns out that it is not enough to know how to make a fireplace in "Minecraft 152" and in other versions in order to calmly enjoy the process. However, there is an easy but dangerous way out of this situation.

Eternal flame in the fireplace

how to build a fireplace in minecraft

Very many gamers think about howto build a fireplace in Minecraft that will burn forever and will not require you constant attention and new resources. In fact, everything is quite simple in theory and a little more difficult in practice. When you replace the materials that you put inside the fireplace with hell-stone, it will burn forever if you do not put it out. But the difficult part is that you can get it only in a very dangerous Lower World.