Today we are going to talk with you about the paycrypt @ gmail_com ransomware. How is this infection treated? How does it get to the computer? What is he doing? Where can you pick her up? All this will be discussed now.
What it is?
Let's start by trying to understand the paycrypt @ gmail_com virus. More precisely, what is it in general. It will be quite easy to do this, especially if you give a small example.
Suppose you turn on your computer and seethat instead of your thesis, which we have been working on for so long, a file with the same name and an address ending with the extension "paycrypt @ gmail_com" appeared. Well, we "killed" a little and went to look at the safety of the remaining files. And here, once - and all the data has such a strange ending. Strictly speaking, they cannot be opened.
When trying to work with your already lostwith the data, you will be presented with a window asking you to pay for the decryption of certain objects. This is the so-called ransomware. The paycrypt @ gmail_com virus creates a new extension for existing files, which prevents them from being used. So, you have to fight this infection. But first, let's see where it comes from, and what the signs of an "infection" on your computer might be.
Where did it come from?
If you are thinking about the question:"Paycrypt @ gmail_com - how to treat?", Then first you need to figure out how the virus could get into your operating system. After all, the security of your computer in the future depends on it. So, those who have not come face to face with this infection should find out how the Trojan can "settle" in the system. There are several options here. Let's take a look at each of them.
The first source of infection is, of course, spam. If you went through a suspicious advertisement or clicked on an annoying banner, then there is a possibility of infection.
Another place that is a huge threatfor a computer - it's nothing like a variety of Internet downloaders. They allow you to download files from the network. But at that time, viruses are often added.
Also, the paycrypt @ gmail_com virus can be"picked up" due to promotional emails that came to your email address. Sometimes it's enough just to open a letter from a person you don't know - and the infection is already on the computer. Let's now try to see how the virus manifests itself and how you can get rid of it.
Signs of presence
Well before we know how it goescure paycrypt @ gmail_com, let's see what may indicate the presence of this dangerous encryptor. There are several clear signs that will help you figure out what is wrong.
The first and most obvious option is newextension of most files. The end of documents will have the address "paycrypt @ gmail_com". So, if you suddenly saw him, then you should think about the methods of dealing with the infection.
The second sign is the strong "brakes" of your computer. Even if it is very powerful. True, this behavior can be caused by several reasons. However, this is one of the responses of the virus.
One more variant of development of events is that,when you suddenly find yourself in the processes of some strange lines. Moreover, they are either not signed, or displayed by some kind of hieroglyphics and "krakozyabami." After rebooting the computer, these processes occur again and again, even if you have already deleted them.
Also, if you are thinking about the question:"Paycrypt @ gmail_com - how to treat without data loss?", Then most likely you have already noticed that some files still allow you to run them. Unfortunately, this is where it all ends - something seems to be happening in the computer, but what exactly is not clear. If you have found such documents, then it is worth worrying about the timely elimination of the ransomware. Let's see what can be done.
So, if you intend to "disassemble"paycrypt @ gmail_com, decrypt encrypted files and eliminate the infection, then the first thing you should think about is a good way to scan your computer. The point is that often even the most modern anti-virus programs are unable to detect the source of infection in time.
In order that a thoroughyou need a powerful and high-quality antivirus. Completely suitable Dr.Web. In addition, you can use Kaspersky and Nod32. True, it is best to dwell on the first option.
So, update the virus database and get startedto check. You need a deep scan. Wait a bit and see what comes of it. Most likely, a lot of viruses will be found on the computer. Try to cure them. If it doesn't work, delete it. Just be careful with those documents that are in the Windows folder. Is it done? Then let's see what else can be done to correctly answer the question: "Paycrypt @ gmail_com - how to treat on a computer?"
Well, maybe the so-calledsystem rollback. This is a process that allows you to "unwind" the state of your computer on a specific date. True, it may happen that some of your data (in particular those that were created after the selected date) will be damaged. Not the worst, in comparison with their full coding.
In order to roll back the system, you canuse special recovery tool. On Windows, this service is located in "Standard", in the "Service" sub-item. So go there and see what you get.
First of all, the system will display a message aboutirreversibility of the process. We agree with everything said - we move on. Now it's worth choosing a rollback date. Typically, restore points are created automatically. If they are not there, then all settings will be "rolled back" to the initial stage. That is, the one that was when the system was first started. If you are thinking about the question: "The Paycrypt @ gmail_com extension has appeared - what to do?", Then you can safely choose the "point" and continue the process. Wait for the system to recover. Happened? Great (sometimes this method actually works). Not? Let's talk further about the methods of struggle.
You should not lose heart and panic ifsuddenly found out that the previous steps did not help you. Instead, you should use the so-called paycrypt @ gmail_com-decoder. This is a special utility from antivirus programs that helps to return encrypted data to users.
In order to implement this method,it is enough to visit the site of your antivirus and then find "data decryption" there. Leave a request and wait for an answer. However, if you are thinking how to recover paycrypt @ gmail_com-files on "pirated" software, then you can leave this idea - "antivirus programs" work only with a "license".
Well, even this fact shouldn't scare you. After all, there are still some rather interesting and simple methods of dealing with the ransomware. True, one of them is unlikely to please users who have a lot of important files. Let's see how else you can answer the question: "Paycrypt @ gmail_com - how to treat on a computer?"
Appeal to "comrade"
So, now we look at the rather stupid andrisky scenario. After all, if the user goes into a panic, then all the means that give at least some hope of saving the data are suitable.
So the paycrypt @ gmail_com treatment can go throughby "buying" the decryption from a hacker. It's about the creator of the virus. In order to contact him, use the address that you saw in the extension.
Sometimes this option actually works. The hacker will demand a "weighty" fee from you for his services, after which your data will be saved. True, there are no guarantees that a person will not hide after you transfer money to him. So, it is better to bypass this action. If you are thinking about the question: "Paycrypt @ gmail_com - how to remove it from your computer?", Then you should use several more methods. Let's start with the most enjoyable.
Again about antivirus
You still intend to keep your files anddecrypt paycrypt @ gmail_com? Then try downloading a special decryption utility from Dr.Web to your computer. This is not at all the program that we considered earlier.
Action of a special "anti-hacker" utilitybased on the selection of keys to the data. The fact is that special serial numbers are used for quick decoding. If they can be picked up, the virus will disappear. The utility database is quite extensive. So, just go to the site and go to the "sysadmin's first aid kit". There, scan the system and see if it makes sense. Paycrypt @ gmail_com is quite difficult to decrypt. But you better hope for the best.
When there is no choice
True, it also happens that there is no fight against infectionmeaning. More precisely, if you have little data, and even all of them are stored on some medium, then you should not suffer for a long time and "expel" the paycrypt @ gmail_com virus.
What to do to 100% clean your computer fromthis infection? Just format all partitions on your hard drive and install the new operating system. After that, you need to stock up on a good antivirus and avoid the same mistakes. Be careful - then you don't have to rack your brains over recovering your own data. Now you know the answer to the question: "Paycrypt @ gmail_com: how to deal with a virus?"