/ / Herpes in men: a clinic and its features

Herpes in men: a clinic and its features

Sexually transmitted infections often livein the human body and do not manifest themselves in any way until the immune system is weakened. According to doctors, one of the most common diseases of the genital area is genital herpes. In civilized countries, the virus annually affects more people. The transmission route is mainly sexual. Sexual or genital herpes is the prototype of conventional herpes in 80% of people. The most susceptible to this disease are young men under 40 who lead a disorderly lifestyle, often change partners, forget about contraceptives.

To identify herpes in men you must passspecial tests, with their help the doctor will be able to clarify how the virus got into the body. The virus may not manifest itself for years - it is a disease of paroxysmal nature, i.e. after a bubble rash comes the stage of imaginary well-being - in an indefinite time, herpes again progresses. This has a reasonable explanation - the virus is in the human nerve cells and is waiting for its time. Provocateur can act even elementary irritation of the genitals. If you do not treat the virus - then it will constantly recur.

After infection, a person becomes a carrierinfection, even without any characteristic signs. As is known, genital herpes in men is not completely cured as well as chlamydia, but only healed. A person who has genital herpes will have to maintain her immunity for life, in order to avoid episodes of resumption of rashes. This virus is dangerous in pregnancy, tk. has a disastrous effect on the embryo, so gynecologists prescribe a certain course of treatment for pregnant women, usually after treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Signs of genital herpes

Getting into the body, this infection at a timequiet - in some cases, a person does not feel discomfort and only a blood test can determine the disease. Only 20% of people in the first few weeks after infection have symptoms, genital herpes in men is accompanied by:

- a rash on the genitals, on the head of the penis, scrotum, near the anus,

- itching,

- tenderness in the perineum,

- discomfort during urination,

- weakness, fatigue,

- high temperature,

- an increase in lymph nodes.

If you run herpes in men or in a timely mannerstart treatment - then the bubbles filled with liquid will start to burst and turn into painful sores. Approximately one month after infection, a person develops immunity to infection, however, the virus remains "alive" in the cells of the body periodically causing exacerbations.

Key Features

It should be noted that herpes in menproceeds in different forms. At the initial stage the virus can pass without a clinical picture or with minimal manifestations. As a consequence, a person does not seek help, launching the disease and infecting his partner with a virus.

What complications can genital herpes cause?

Cases when the herpes at men passedon the fingers, the prostate, testes, the cornea of ​​the eye - this threatens to impair vision and even blindness, then an immediate appeal to a specialist is required. In rare cases, the infection spreads to internal organs, to brain cells, which can cause death.


Medicine has not yet managed to create drugscompletely destroying genital herpes, today modern antiviral drugs block the further growth of dangerous microorganisms. For treatment, special creams, ointments, aerosols for local use, as well as multivitamins that boost the immune system are used. For prevention - the observance of hygienic rules and a healthy lifestyle.