/ / Robin Sharma, "The Monk, who sold his Ferrari": reviews, quotes, a summary

Robin Sharma, "The monk who sold his" Ferrari ": reviews, quotes, summary

Just a hundred years ago, it was believed that if a personnoble and wealthy - he achieved everything. But today, in most countries of the world, an indicator of a person’s status is his success. The cult of success is persevered by all means, and even the whole industry is built on this. Every year in the world dozens of books are published that promise the reader to discover the secrets of achieving the cherished goal. Among the most famous authors of such literature is Canadian Robin Sharma. His motivation books are popular all over the world, but are they really good, as stated in numerous eulogistic annotations?

Biography of Robin Sharma

At one time, Fitzgerald argued that each writer has only one story, which he tells many times. What is the story of Sharma?

robin charm

The future best-selling author in Canadianin the town of Nova Scotia in March 1965. The Sharma family had Indian roots, so Robin practically absorbed many traditions of the East with her mother's milk. However, life in a country like Canada requires certain behavioral stereotypes from a person, and the future writer is no exception.

Growing up and trying to succeed, Sharma chose one of the most prestigious professions - the lawyer.

9 messages of a monk who sold his Ferrari
After receiving a doctorate degree in law in one ofUniversities, a young and ambitious Robin began to build a career. His talent of orator, charm and enormous ability to work helped him in this. That's just succeeding, he did not feel the joy of it. Realizing that he needed to understand himself, Robin Sharma decided to temporarily leave his law practice and go to the homeland of their ancestors.

Traveling in India and other eastern countries,Since ancient times, renowned for its wisdom, Robin gradually joined the culture of ancestors, which he did not recall for a long time, striving to achieve success in modern society. Having dealt with the problems, the man decided to share his discoveries about how you can improve your life and gain composure. For this, he wanted to write a book.

Career Writer, Speaker and Business Coach

Unfortunately, in the novice writer none ofpublishers did not believe it. Then he collected the necessary funds on his own and published his first few motivation and self-improvement manuals for Robin Sharma. These books were soon appreciated by the readers according to their merit, and their author attracted the attention of the Canadian publishing company Harper Collins. They signed a contract with Sharma and in the future engaged in the publication of all his writings in Canada and the United States. After reviewing the content of the writer's works and having tried some of the techniques offered by him, the management of the publishing company quickly realized that the very useful books written by Robin Sharma for personal development, and they will be popular with readers not only in Canada, but throughout the world.

julian mantle

The first four works of Sharma are not badproved themselves, but the real success and love of the reader brought the 5th book - "The Monk, who sold his" Ferrari "." A parable about the fulfillment of desires and the search for one's purpose (1997).

After the success of this work Sharma, its author wroteThere are many other interesting essays loved by readers. However, their author was not enough, because he wanted to share his discoveries with others personally. Therefore, in parallel with the writing activity, Sharma began to lecture and conduct seminars on motivation. Over time, the former lawyer became one of the best business coaches in the world, whose services are used by many wealthy and successful celebrities. Paradoxically, due to the fact that Robin Sharma found a way to apply Eastern personality development techniques for Western people, he became richer and more popular than if he remained an ordinary lawyer. And most importantly, Sharma managed to keep the peace with himself, which he considers his main merit. Today, he is not only a successful writer and business coach, but also a happy husband, Alki, and the father of Colby and Bianchi. As Robin himself admits, his life is a full cup of plenty, which he shares with a generous hand with everyone.

Famous writer works

The most popular among readers amongSharma uses the parable "The Monk, who sold his Ferrari". Its author has written many more entertaining works, designed to help everyone put in order their spiritual state and achieve the desired.

very useful books

После истории о монахе опубликовал также Робин Sharma books are different, the character of which remained the same former lawyer Mantle, beloved by readers. In fact, in the titles of most of his subsequent writings, the author simply referred to his most famous book.

robin charm books

An example is the namemanuals "9 messages of a monk who sold his Ferrari", translated into Russian in 2015. By positioning this book as a continuation of the parable about a lawyer-monk, its author in this way attracts the attention of potential readers who might not have paid attention to the new edition, if not for the mention of Julian Mantle in the title.

"The monk who sold his Ferrari": characters and structure

In the center of the plot are the student and his mentor, and the form of the narration is a dialogue between them, resembling in style oriental parables.

the monk who sold his ferrari quote

Julian Mantle is a teacher.hereditary lawyer. At the beginning of the story, he is fifty-three, but he looks like a seventy-year old man. Having returned from India, outwardly he becomes like a full man of thirty years old. In a past life, he was an extremely successful lawyer, earning seven-digit amounts annually. He was respected and jealous of him, however, all this did not bring happiness to the hero.

Deciding to change his life, he sold everything.property and became a wandering monk sharing with every knowledge gained in India. This character has many features of the author himself, however, it’s not worth identifying Robin and Julian completely.

В роли ученика выступает бывший партнер по Mentle lawyer - John, who is also a storyteller. Unlike Julian, he was the son of simple hard workers and with his work achieved success. At the beginning of his career, John took the example of Julian, whom he genuinely admired. As Mantle spiritually exhausted and lost his former hold, the adoration of his young colleague grew into filial sympathy. After the return of the transformed Julian, his friend happily agreed to become his student.

Another character book - mentor himselfJulian, Yogi Raman from Sivana. He is the same age of Mentle, but wiser. The book mentions that once a mentor died a son. Because of this, he treated Julian with paternal care, believing that the Universe sent him in exchange for a lost child.

"The monk who sold his Ferrari": a summary

Begins the story with how JulianMantle happens to have a heart attack right in the courthouse. Doctors save him, but advise the hero to quit his job if he wants to survive. Julian leaves the practice of law, sells for nothing all the property, including the luxurious Ferrari, which he was very proud of for a long time. After that, he leaves for India for 3 years.

the book of the monk who sold his ferrari
One evening, an unknown person comes to John's office.young man. Looking closer and hearing the voice of the visitor, the office owner will be surprised to recognize in him a younger Julian. John really wants to know how his friend managed to achieve such an appearance and he agrees to become his student. Since then, Mantle often comes to his ward and tells him about the secrets of a happy and fulfilling life, which he learned in the lost village of Oriental sages - Sivan.

Gradually, listening to the stories of his mentor,the student has changed. At the end of the book, Julian finishes his lessons and, after saying goodbye to a friend, leaves. John also notices his empty cup on the table, which seems to symbolize that, despite the wisdom achieved by the main character, he does not cease to change and work on himself.

Daily rituals from the book

The lion's share of the work takes a story aboutvarious methods of self-improvement. So, the main character Julian offers his ward to perform certain rituals for 21 days, which should help him to look at the world in a different way to find spiritual harmony and happiness. Here are the main ones:

  • "Loneliness". It is important for a person at least a few minutes a day to be alone, in silence, in order to understand himself.
  • "Physical perfection." Flesh and spirit are interconnected and constant body workouts contribute to the development of spiritual strength.
  • "Healthy food". The food a person consumes affects his spiritual state.
  • "Early Awakening."Six hours of sleep is enough for a human body to function normally. The best is to wake up with the sunrise and morning meditation, as well as thinking about your plans for the day ahead.
  • "Immersion in knowledge." For personal development, it is necessary to constantly acquire new knowledge. This contributes to self-improvement and helps to be helpful to others.
  • "His reflection." We must not forget ourselves, because a person is not able to feel love for others, not loving and not respecting himself.
  • "Music". Listening to musical compositions can not only cheer yourself up, but also add strength.
  • "Pronounced word." Constantly it is necessary to pronounce aloud positively setting phrases - mantras. They help to focus and customize your thinking in the right way.
  • "Harmonious character." Every day, you need to monitor your character and work on its improvement.
  • "Simplicity". You must be able to find joy in everyday trifles. At the same time, you need to clearly define what you live for and constantly follow this goal.

“The monk who sold his Ferrari”: quotes

In the text of the parable, there are many familiar phrases of famous authors: from Bernard Shaw to Confucius. In addition, a collection of motivating quotes is posted on both bookends of the publication.

the monk who sold his Ferrari author
There are other original design features.books "The Monk, who sold his" Ferrari "." Annotation to it is a collection of statements about this essay by other famous writers. By the way, among them are the words of Paulo Coelho, whose novel “The Alchemist” is a favorite with Sharma.
the monk who sold his Ferrari abstract

It is worth mentioning that for many famouspoliticians is the reference book "The Monk, who sold his" Ferrari "." The positive feedback from these readers and the fact that they use the principles of Sharma is the best advertisement for this manual.

Positive feedback from readers

На большинстве сайтов книжных магазинов в On the Internet, there are enthusiastic statements about the history of "The Monk, who sold his" Ferrari "." These reviews contain numerous thanks and stories about how this work influenced the fate of readers and helped to achieve the desired in life and not lose on the way to the goal, spiritual harmony.

It is noteworthy that wealthy people in theirThe reviews characterize Sharma's parable as a guide that helped them learn to relax and rejoice in simple everyday trifles. And less successful readers, who are still ahead, appreciate the methodology in this work, how to achieve the desired goal. However, both the first and second ones call Sharma's work a real revelation, which taught the pragmatic people of the West to use the ancient secrets of Indian sages.

the monk who sold his ferrari reviews

On most commercial forums you canto meet the most enthusiastic responses of readers about the work “The Monk, who sold his“ Ferrari ”. These reviews, however, are often just a publicity stunt to draw attention to the book. While on non-commercial sites and forums you can find very different opinions about this book.

Opinions of those who did not like the work

In contrast to the positive, negative evaluations are more informative about the real advantages and disadvantages of the work “The Monk, who sold his Ferrari.

Отзывы тех, кому рассказ о преображении Мэнтла не Liked often contain mentions that the first part of the story is more interesting, but the second part is much inferior to it. In other words, while John tells the story of his friend - it is fascinating, but when Julian begins to discover the secrets of success - it becomes boring. Most often, readers attribute this to the fact that people familiar with the religious teachings of the East, the presentation of information by the writer seems superficial. At the same time, the majority notes that if they had read this work at an earlier age, it would probably not have seemed boring.

Separately, the cover designSome editions, which depicts a monk in an orange robe. The fact is that according to the plot of the book, both Julian and the wise men of Sivana wore scarlet robes with blue hoods.

Pros and cons of the work

The main advantage of the parable of the monk is thatthat he its author simplified and adapted the basic tenets of eastern creeds for business people who do not have time to delve into something for a long time. At the same time, this is a huge weakness of this work, because for readers who are familiar with classical artistic and spiritual literature, this manual will seem just a collection of quotations from various sources.

If you analyze this work asmotivating tool for success, it is much inferior to other books of this kind. The problem is that its author is overly fixated on physical health, as a sign of spiritual balance. That's just practice shows that many successful people do not have perfect health.

For example, Mother Teresa during her greatestfame suffered from heart disease and, despite this, she continued her work. Steven Jobs in recent years has had pancreatic cancer, which did not prevent him from successfully promoting Apple products for 8 years. A well-known Christian preacher Nick Vujcic, born without arms and legs, managed, despite his disability, became an example for millions of other people with special needs. By the way, this person has written several motivational books that everyone should read.

Another feature of Sharma's work is that it is well suited for people in rich countries and much worse for the poor.

worth reading
Ведь, согласно пирамиде Маслоу (которая служит vividly illustrating the needs of a person), first the individual has basic needs: food, clothing, safety, love - and only then a thirst for success and self-expression. It turns out that when citizens of rich countries (such as the USA and Canada, where Sharma's work was most successful), provided with everything they need, begin to look for themselves - the parable about the monk can help them. However, the inhabitants of countries in which the majority of residents hardly make ends meet, all searches of the main character of the work will seem like nonsense of a rich man who has snicked.

Weighing the positive and negative sides of the bookRobin Sharma “A Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” can be said with confidence that this essay will be interesting to read for those who have little knowledge of motivational literature. For such readers, this book will open a lot of new and useful.