/ / "The Legend of Robin Hood": summary. Robin Hood in prose of Walter Scott, Alexandre Dumas

"The Legend of Robin Hood": a summary. Robin Hood in the prose of Walter Scott, Alexandre Dumas

The most famous character of the medieval epic -noble robber Robin Hood. What does the legend tell? This article provides a summary. Robin Hood, moreover, is a person who for several centuries has aroused the interest of historians, inspiring prose writers and poets. The article also contains works of art dedicated to the leader of the forest robbers.

Robin Hood summary

Ballad of Robin Hood

Summary of the poetic workScottish folklorist Robert Burns can be summarized in a few sentences. The work of the poet of the eighteenth century, which was based on a medieval legend, should be read in the original. The legend of Burns is an example of poetic romanticism. The main role here is played not by the plot, but by the literary language. Nevertheless, we present a brief summary.

Robin Hood lived in defiance of fate.He was called a thief only because he did not give to others to steal. He was a robber, but did not harm any poor man. Baby John once with Robin started a conversation about his duties in a gang. He, of course, ordered an inexperienced robber to rob money bags.

It's dinner time. However, the leader of the gang was not accustomed to eat at their own expense. That is why he ordered John to go to fulfill a noble robber duty.

The young member of the gang fulfilled everything as taughtmentor. However, the victim of the robbery was an impoverished knight who once took a big loan from the abbot. Robin Hood helped the poor fellow by providing armor and all the rest necessary for the fulfillment of knightly duty. About this story tells the first song. The following chapters deal with Robin's other glorious exploits.

The most popular is the version of the writer andhistorian Walter Scott. Based on a medieval tradition, the Scottish author created the novel “Ivanhoe”. The piece is famous all over the world. He was filmed more than once. Therefore, it is more important to analyze the image of the famous robber in the interpretation of the Scottish author, rather than present a brief summary.

Robin Hood Summary

Robin Hood in prose of Walter Scott

The novel depicts an era of controversy betweenNormans and Anglo-Saxons. According to Scott, Robin Hood lived in the second half of the twelfth century. According to critics, the best chapters of this adventure work are devoted to the struggle of national liberators against the arbitrariness of power. Glorious feats in the novel makes the squad Robin Hood. Popular liberators are storming the castle of Fron de Beuf. And before her onslaught, Normandy feudal man could not resist.

The image of Robin Hood in the work of Scott symbolizes not only justice, but also freedom, strength, independence.

Based on the legends of a fair robber, two novels by Alexander Dumas wrote. The French prose writer essentially changed the canonical history. What can you learn by reading the summary?

"Robin Hood is the king of thieves," as well asOther works of classic, is an exciting prose. The novel in question has, moreover, an unexpected ending. What is depicted in the work of the French writer Robin Hood?

Robin Hood Ballads Summary

Summary of the novel Dumas

In the book of Robin surround, as expected, the faithfulfriends. Among them is John Baby. But the French writer paid attention not only to the feats of the fearless robber. Robin Hood in the novel Dumas can also be called a lyrical hero. He flirts with women. But at the same time loyal to his beloved.

В роман о Робин Гуде герои либо положительные, any negative. This is due to the author’s style and romantic stories born in the medieval era. However, the version of Dumas is an unfinished story. Continuation is stated in the book “Robin Hood in Exile”.

In domestic prose

Artistic writers and Russian writers dedicated themselves to the noble leader of the forest robbers. One of them is Mikhail Gershenzon (“Robin Hood”).

Summary of the story of a beloved heroEnglish people in any of the versions is a statement of the old tradition. Robin Hood is a character with fearlessness, nobility, and a keen sense of justice. The interpretation of one or another author is distinguished by a system of images, an interpretation of historical events. The image of the main character remains unchanged.

История Робин Гуда, вероятно, была чрезвычайно close in spirit to Gershenzon. The writer died during World War II. According to the recollections of eyewitnesses, he fell on the battlefield "completely robingud death."

Gershenzon Robin Hood Summary

Робин Гуд – герой, история которого всегда будет inspire writers and filmmakers. It does not matter how true the plots of books about him. It is important that the image of the hero is an example of honor, courage and self-sacrifice.