/ / Edmar Tally - the character of the series "Game of Thrones"

Edmar Tully - the character of the series "The Game of Thrones"

"Game of Thrones" - the series, for the durationFor several years, it has forced millions of people to freeze their screens. In the sixth season of the TV project, the plot of which is taken from the cult saga “A Song of Ice and Flame” created by George Martin, many characters return that fans did not expect to see. Among them, there is Edmar Tally - a hero, with whom the audience said goodbye in the third season of the show. What is known about this character, what fate awaits him?

Edmar Talley: the story of the hero

Not always representatives of the Tully familyperformed the duties of the High Lords of the Trident. This privilege was received by the House during the invasion of Västerås by Aigon the Conqueror, who intended to subjugate the whole continent. Edmin Tully, the distant ancestor of Edmar, was one of the first lords to support the invader’s claims. In a gesture of appreciation, Aigon Targaryen granted him authority over the Riverlands, which has since been handed down from father to son.

edmar tally

Edmar Talley - the only son and heirHostera Tully, a brother of Catelyn Stark and Lise Arrhen. There is almost no information about his childhood. It is only known that he, along with his sisters, grew up in Riverran, early lost his mother, was friends with Petir Beilish. After the death of his father Hoster, about which viewers of the series "Game of Thrones" will learn in the third season, Edmar becomes the legitimate Lord of Riverran.

First appearance

Как уже было сказано, Эдмар Талли – персонаж, с whom the audience of the series first met in the third season. Lord Riverrun supports his nephew Robb, who proclaimed himself King of the North and declared war on Geoffrey Baratheon, swears allegiance to him and recognizes his overlord. The first scene with the participation of Edmar - the funeral of his father, in which he manifests himself is not the best way.

edmar tally game of thrones

Традиции, которым испокон веков следует семья Tally, they order to bury the rulers of Riverran in a special way. Their bodies are laid on a raft, which is then lowered into the water. The heir of the deceased lord must set fire to the raft with a lit arrow. Edmar Tully shoots an arrow several times, but cannot hit. His father's brother Brinden is forced to take on this responsibility.

Следующая сцена, в которой участвует брат Catelyn Stark also presents him in an unfavorable light. His nephew Robb reprimands his uncle for starting an unnecessary battle at the Stone Mill, blatantly violating his strategic plans.

Red wedding

Красная свадьба – событие, которое зрители, those familiar with the plot of George Martin's saga have been waiting since Lord Edmar Tully appeared in the series. Some time before the introduction of this character, Robb Stark made an agreement with Lord Walder Frey, promising to marry his daughter in exchange for support in the war. However, the young king violates this treaty by falling in love with another woman. As a result, his uncle Edmar is forced to marry the daughter of an “ally”, who reluctantly agrees to replace his nephew.

edmar tally actor

Lord Talley Really Marries RoslynFrey, however, her father’s plans do not include support for Stark who deceived him. Robb and his mother Catellin are killed during the wedding feast, this happens only after the newlyweds are escorted to their chambers. The fate of Edmar remains a secret for the next two seasons of the “Game of Thrones” season, viewers may assume that the lord was killed along with relatives.

Latest events

In the sixth season of the show, it turns out that it was not at allEdmar Talley deprived of life. "Game of Thrones" - the series, constantly presenting the audience surprises. One of those is the return of Lord Riverrun, who all this time was held captive by the Freys, relatives of his wife. Fans of the TV project learn that the wedding night of Edmar and Roslyn did take place, moreover, Lord Talley’s wife had already had time to give birth to a child.

lord edmar tally

Edmar Tully in the sixth season becomes a manwith which Jamie Lannister captures Riverran. For months, the castle, handed over by royal decree to Lord Walder for helping to eliminate the traitor Robb Stark, is held by Brinden Tally, the uncle of Edmar. However, the return of the Lord forces his subjects to cease to obey the orders of the Black Fish (Brindin's nickname) and lay down their arms. Edmar agrees to this step in order to save his son, whom he vows to kill Jamie in case of disobedience. After that, the former Lord of the Riverran should go to the ancestral castle of the Lannister as an honorary prisoner.

Who plays edmar

Of course, fans of "Game of Thrones"I wonder who agreed to take on the role of such an unlucky character as Edmar Talley. Actor Tobias Menzies was born in the UK, it happened in 1974. In childhood, the boy dreamed of becoming a famous athlete, achieved notable success in the field of tennis. However, closer to the end of the school, he became interested in theatrical performances, as a result of which he decided to choose for himself an acting profession.

"Game of Thrones" - not the first knownteleproject in which Menzies starred. It can not remember the fans of the series "Rome", in which the actor played one of the key roles. Other well-known projects with his participation - "Casino Royale", "Atonement", "Stranger", "Magic Country".