/ / Iron Throne ("Game of Thrones"): a symbol of royal power from the swords of fallen enemies

Iron throne ("The Game of Thrones"): a symbol of royal power from the swords of defeated enemies

For his sake, betrayals, murders,coups and treason. For the sake of owning it started the war. This is the most unusual and desirable artifact of Westeros, well known to all fans of the Game of Thrones - the Iron Throne.

game of thrones who sits on the iron throne

George R. R.Martin, the author of the books and co-author of the series’s script, decided that the line of formidable rulers should not be seated on an ordinary armchair, even if it was made of gold. He came up with something more abruptly. And I must say that his idea had considerable success.


This is the case when the reader knows more.the viewer. The history of the Iron Throne in the books described in more detail. Although in the series this image is not the last place. Still, the struggle for him never subsided!

What is so memorable for fans of the “Gamesof thrones ”Iron throne, what is so great about him? This is a thing with history, and if you believe superstitious gossip, it is also with character. It is rumored in Västerås that the throne itself can decide that the king is not worthy of him, and then to wound the monarch, or even kill him.

iron throne game of thrones

The Iron throne was created by order of Aigon ITargaryen of weapons of the vanquished. Part of the swords previously belonged to the ironborn and was delivered from the burned Harrenhola. Another part was delivered along Chernovodnaya from the Ardent Field, swords were also heavily melted by the flame of dragons. Swords paid off something Torrchen Stark, who recognized the power of Targaryen. Without a fight, the Eagle's Nest also submitted, from where Visenya Targaryen brought another batch of weapons previously belonging to the garrison.

As you can see, part of the weapon was mutilated by fire, andpart is quite usable. The king ordered that the throne be made of swords. The blacksmiths worked on the order, and the personal dragon of the sovereign, Balerion, heated and melted iron with his flame.

Невзрачная крепость Эйгонфорт, которая была built as a temporary shelter, was soon demolished. But the throne was so huge and heavy that they decided not to touch it. Red castle, in fact, just erected around the throne.

Royal comfort

First of all, we note that deliberately no one swords stupid. It is easy to guess that the Iron Throne in the Game of Thrones is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. But that does not make him less desirable.

The Iron Throne in the Song of Ice and Flame

Anyone who watched the show, the throne seemsan incredible structure, really powerful and monumental. But in the books he is even worse and more! According to the author, about 1000 swords were spent on its construction.

By the way, the book throne injured severalowners. And Mayor Cruel died sitting right on it. The reason for the death of Viseris I, too, was the throne - the king was hurt and died over time from infection, even though he tried to heal, and even had his fingers amputated.

The image of the throne in the series "Game of Thrones"

Iron throne, the photo of which is presented in thissection, familiar to all who watched the fate of the Seven Kingdoms on the screen. Although he does not look like a giant metal monster, it looks rather formidable.

iron throne game of thrones photo

Fans of the series first saw on the throneRobert Baratheon After his death, his stepbrothers Joffrey and Tommen ruled the state. Then Cersei ascended the throne, but her position remains precarious.

Future owner of the throne

The main contender for the crown remainsDaenerys Targaryen. But to say that she will become the next owner of the Iron Throne in the Game of Thrones is impossible. The war continues, and the writers still have a lot of jokers and trump aces in their sleeves. For example, quite recently, viewers have learned that John Snow is not Ned Stark’s bastard, but Reagar Targaryen’s legitimate son, which means he has much more rights to the throne than Deayenerys.

Therefore, everyone who wants to know who will sit on the Iron Throne in the Game of Thrones, there is only one thing to do - wait for the new season.