/ / Story "Snowdrop": a summary. Bunin's Snowdrop (analysis)

Story "Snowdrop": a summary. "Snowdrop" Bunin (analysis)

"Snowdrop" - a short story by Ivan Bunin.What is this piece about? What is its summary? Bunin's Snowdrop is an insignificant story from the life of a ten year old boy. The plot works uncomplicated. But, like the other works of the “last Russian classic,” this story attracts with depth, lyricism.

Bunin snowdrop summary


"Snowdrop" Bunin begins with a concisedescriptions of a small county town and the boy Sasha - the main character. He lives with strangers. He is not easy. And although the woman who is raising him treats him with tenderness, calling him a “snowdrop” for an open look and kindness, Sasha longs for his father. He is looking forward to holidays when a big, curly, graying man arrives at the Yelets Compound. This is Sasha's father. During the holidays, the boy moves to the Yeletsky Compound and lives for several days with him.

Pancake week. Father comes from a deaf manor.Spends several days with his son. And again leaves it. “Good-bye, Sasha, Christ is with you!” - the last words of the father. And with these words Bunin’s story “Snowdrop” ends. Summary, of course, can not convey the feelings of the protagonist, masterfully described by the author. Therefore it is worth considering in more detail the characters of the work.

the story of Bunin snowdrop summary

Snowdrop among dullness and gloom

Why did Ivan call his work that way?Bunin? "Snowdrop", a brief content of which is set out above, is a story about the son of a typical Russian tradesman. Sasha's father is a man of far from subtle mental organization. He has petty-bourgeois ideas about life, he does not reflect on anything sublime. In the work there is a scene that is difficult to convey, setting out a summary.

Bunin's Snowdrop begins with a description of Sasha and his father’s long-awaited appearance. The next day, a man with his son goes totavern This is a dirty, stuffy room. Father orders a few simple dishes and a carafe of vodka. Red-haired men in sheepskins, dark-haired bourgeoisie in chuykah sit down to him. Long, incomprehensible conversations begin. And here the reader sees two worlds. One is gray, soulless, gloomy. The other is light, spiritualized. Like a snowdrop that barely makes its way out of the ground, despite the foul reality.

Ivan Bunin snowdrop summary

In the tavern

О чем повествует краткое содержание?Bunin's Snowdrop, like other works by this Russian writer, should be read in the original. This is the only way to understand the meaning that lies between the lines. Bunin does not characterize his heroes. The fact that Sasha’s father is a limited person can be understood from the description of the boy’s feelings and impressions. He rarely sees his son, but the short hours he spends with him flow in a dirty tavern, among drunken men, merchants and baryshneks. Sasha is uncomfortable in this environment. In the tavern, trampled, spit, sex rises back and forth with frying pans in their hands. Sasha can not be happy here. However, this is the most wonderful day of his life.


Despite the fact that Sasha is in this gloomy institution, he is happy. Because the father is near. Sasha loves him and that he can be with him,eclipses everything: drunken conversations of rude men, and the cries of cabbies, and the abuse of sex. In this work, Bunin again addresses the theme of love, in which he is probably not equal among twentieth-century Russian writers. Children's love, which does not require anything in return, can overshadow all the ugliness of the surrounding world. After all, this is a genuine feeling.

Bunin's story snowdrop in summary

Hard time

The story was written in 1927.The writer, like the whole of Russia, experienced difficult times. It was then that the prose miniature genre became especially close to him. The characteristic features of Bunin’s style are lyricism and conciseness.

Проза этого автора заставляет задуматься.It is simple, realistic. But at the same time filled with symbols, ideas. At first glance, just a description of a few hours from the life of an ordinary boy is the story of Bunin “Snowdrop”. In the brief content, after reading this work, it is impossible to penetrate the ideas of the author. In the twenties, the writer was consumed with sadness about the fate of Russia. And, perhaps, it was through the image of a blue-eyed “snowdrop” that he wanted to convey his hopes, aspirations, faith in the emergence of a new man who could force out all that was dead and inert that surrounded Bunin’s contemporaries and, unfortunately, still exists today.