/ / Questions and riddles about the snowdrop for children of different ages

Questions and riddles about the snowdrop for children of different ages

The puzzles contain the main features and qualities of the subject. In flowers, this is the time of flowering, the shape of the flower, the smell. Sometimes an important criterion is its color. These are the riddles about the snowdrop.

riddles about the snowdrop

Primula, appearing immediately from under the snow

With the onset of early spring, the firstthawed patches. And in them one can observe how the flowers make their way to the sun and dissolve their cups. This particular feature is often emphasized by riddles about the snowdrop.

Out of the snow came one
Delicate white flower.

Here you can see the second quality of the flower.After all, there are many primroses, and only the snowdrop is white. By the way, most people are not very good at this. Therefore, many consider all primroses to snowdrops. In fact, they differ in a number of features:

  • there are only white colors;
  • have only 3 external spoon-shaped petals;
  • On the three inner petals, green strips are visible.

The fact that the snowdrops are always white, not blueor yellow, says his scientific name. In Greek this flower is called galanthus, which in translation means "milk flower". And somewhere, someone saw animals giving blue or yellow milk? That's why the spring riddles about the snowdrop reflect this feature of the plant.

The flower is gentle, white-eyed!
He is the first to please us all.

The shortest riddles about the snowdrop

The definition of a flower can be found in a verycompressed form. For example, there are riddles about snowdrops short. True, they are for children who already know something about this flower. These riddles about the snowdrop are based on the translation of its name from different languages.

riddles about snowdrops short

  • Which flower in the English-speaking countries is called a snowball?
  • The Germans call it a snow bell. And in Russia, how is it called?
  • What kind of "milky flower" blossoms in early spring?

These questions are quite appropriate in the school quiz. Of course, you need to prepare a little for her children, a few days before the meeting, to push them to find the necessary information.

And even such puzzles can be placed in the wall newspaper. Junior schoolchildren like to find and find answers to questions in the section "Think and guess!".


Junior students learn decipher puzzles. They can be placed in the wall newspaper in the section "Think and guess!". They can be short, in one word.

spring riddles about the snowdrop

Considering the first element, you can see that under the letter "C" is "H". This is deciphered as a "sub".

Next comes a picture of hedgehogs,and in the corner at the top right there is a comma up the tail. This means that the word needs to remove the last letter. On the picture of a hedgehog. If you remove the last letter, you get "hedgehog."

In the last element, the letters "H" and "K" joined hands. This is the meaning of "N" and "K". Write down the "nickname".

And now you need to read everything together, what happened - the "snowdrop".

Riddles with rhymed answers for the little ones

At the age of four or five, children love to notice inobjects distinctive qualities, compare them with each other and look for rhymes to the last lines in the verses. To facilitate the task of finding the right answer to the riddle, they make up the quatrain, where the answer word is at the very end. For example, kids read this poem, without uttering the last word. But it is easily selected due to simple rhyming. So children get a hint that helps to find a solution.

Between the snow white mounds
A bell appeared!
On the thin side of that tender
He bows to us ... (snowdrop)

Here are some options for puzzles and questions for children of different ages. Answers to all will be one word - "snowdrop."