In the sensational films based on the novel-tale JoanRowling is one of the main characters played by actress Emma Watson. In the story, her mom and dad are Muggles, that is, ordinary people who do not possess magical powers, but apparently endowed with a bold imagination, because they gave their daughter such an unusual, beautiful, real name - Hermione ( dentists).

She has a bright appearance and a "formidable" defender.
Где же должна учиться девочка с необычными abilities? Of course, at Hogwarts, the school of magical sciences! On the way, as soon as the special train started off from platform 9.3 / 4, brown-eyed, with lush shock of brown hair, Hermione met the new wizards like her. Their names were Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.
Then her smile was slightly spoiled by a long one.front teeth. But later she easily and painlessly coped with this aesthetic disadvantage. She was not helped by her parents' dentistry, but by Madame Pomfrey's potion (after Malfoy's spell, her teeth grew so large that they reached her chin).
All young wizards had tame animals.Mostly owls, but our heroine had a cat Crookshanks - this is his real name, Hermione Granger called him Zhivoglot, in the Russian version of the film. The girl took care of him, but he loved and, like a real bodyguard, defended her, for example, from harmful and dangerous rodents (from a angry animagus in the guise of a rat).
Hermione's outstanding qualities
Hermione is not a passionate "cram" and"upstart" (for which she got it more than once), she just loves and knows how to learn, she likes to read and participate in scientific research. Remember how often the knowledge of spells and magic recipes rescued her best friends - Ron and Harry, in their joint adventures. In addition to erudition, she also has sharpness. In the story of the search for the philosophical stone, she solved the riddle of Snape, based not on knowledge, but on logic. Often, because of the dedication with which she rushes to the defense of "her", it seems that the main character is not Harry, his real name is Hermione Granger.
Friends and Enemies
Her positive qualities did not remainundetected, the young sorceress has many friends. First, of course, parents, whom she loves. Secondly, the best friends of Harry and Ron (for whom, she eventually will marry). Thirdly, Ron Ginny’s sister, Nevil Dolgopups, Luna Lovegood and Victor Kram (actively courting her, was a knight at the ball). Her great friend, both literally and figuratively, was also the outstanding forester Hagrid and many others.

У человека (или персонажа), занимающего активную position in life, there are always not only friends, but also enemies. Our heroine is no exception. She, like her two close friends, had a very dangerous main enemy. Lord Voldemort is his real name! Hermione Granger also feuded and bravely fought with his minions - death eaters, and Draco Malfoy fought since childhood. She did not like the sassy journalist Rita Skeeter.
Strengths and weaknesses of the character
To the strengths of our character, firstturn, you need to take her greatest strength - intelligence and the ability to think critically in a complex, problematic situation. The heroine has another exceptional quality; she, like Harry's mom, Lily, is capable of self-sacrifice and compassion. She always helps those who are not easy. Finally, Hermione is very brave and always fights for what she believes in, especially when it comes to protecting her friends when in danger.

Our character’s weaknesses are much smallerthan strong, but they are. Sometimes she is too hot-tempered and loses self-control (most often this happened during adolescence and during conflicts with Ron). Sometimes she gets into a difficult situation due to the fact that she too protects her reputation as an excellent student and is afraid of failures. This is due to the constant need to prove to everyone all the time that Hermione Granger is the real name of a worthy sorceress, although of Muggle origin.
By the way, to play such a bright and multifaceted imageover the years it has been very difficult. Hermione Granger (the real name of the actress Emma Watson) is a great achievement, which brought the young performer great fame throughout the world and new interesting roles.