The Harry Potter franchise was probably followedeveryone, or at least once heard about it. Many fans of the book and the film probably expected a fantastic ending and looked forward to the release of the latest series. The scene where Rupert Grint and Emma Watson are kissing gave the film fans a reason to dream. She led a lot of gossip and speculation. Is this really true? Emma Watson and Rupert Grint got married? And now with the relationship of the characters after the completion of the franchise?
On the shooting of the entire film, consisting of 8 parts,It took 11 years! All beloved heroes whom the entire planet knows by sight probably met for the first time while still young children. At that time, they were 9 years old.

Formation of the “magic” troika
The place of the protagonist of the book, Harry Potter himself,went to the talented actor Daniel Redcliffe. At 9 years old, the guy has already starred in several not very remarkable films. All friends and classmates always considered the guy a star. Everyone tried to persuade him to attend the tests, but the young Daniel did not see himself in this role and did not attach importance to the words of his classmates. Perhaps fate itself decided that everything would be different. One of the executive directors of the picture knew the boy’s parents and during a chance meeting offered to take him to the tests. Daniel beat all competitors and became Harry Potter for 11 long years. The heroine of the film Hermione Granger casting was a little different. The girl herself came to him. With her charisma and charm, little Granger literally captivated everyone who watched the casting.

Friendship at the site
Children for long 11 years side by sideworked on the set. More than once it was said that there was no particular friendship between Redcliffe and Grint. But Emma was more than good to both guys. They often competed and tried to give the girl as much attention as possible.

Emma and Rupert ... a couple?
The Harry Potter painting was filmed whenheroes were 9 years old. If in the first parts everything was childishly naive, then the latter were already distinguished by interesting love lines. One of them, between Ron and Hermione, gave birth to a lot of gossip and the desires of fans to make their relationship real. Even more, this question has heated up the last part. In it, Ron and Hermione, not hiding their feelings, passionately kissed. The actors themselves admit that there was never any relationship or even a hint of them from the partners on the set.

Last Kiss
In the latest Harry Potter movie there was a scene withromantic kiss of Ron and Hermione. He revealed the characters and gave the prospect a more serious relationship in the future. The key word in this is “characters”. Many fans of the film, seeing such a completion of the picture, began to actively attribute the real relationship of this couple. The public referred to the fact that such a passionate kiss could only be from real lovers. The actors themselves do not understand how the public takes these conclusions, and completely deny any connection between them.

Rupert Grint and Emma Watsonwhich for many years have pleased us from the screens, will surely please the viewers in more than one picture. Now they have grown. Each of them has a long life, both personal and professional. Rupert Grint and Emma Watson - very good friends, but the love line was and remains only on television screens.