/ / Gauthier Theophile - poet of the Romantic era

Gauthier Theophile - the poet of the Romantic era

French poetry of the XIX century gave the world a lottalented authors. One of the brightest at that time was Gauthier Theophile. A critic of the romantic school, who has created dozens of poems and poems, popular not only in France, but also abroad.

Personal life of the poet

Gauthier Theophile
Gauthier Theophile was born on August 31, 1811years in the town of Tarbes on the border with Spain. However, after a short time, his family moved to the capital. Gauthier spent almost all his life in Paris, retaining a longing for the southern climate, which left an imprint on his temperament and on creativity.

In the capital, Gauthier received an excellent education withhumanitarian bias. At first zealously fond of painting, quite early became a supporter of the romantic trend in art. He considered Victor Hugo his first teacher.

The young poet was well remembered by his contemporaries with his bright outfit. His unchanged red vest and long flowing hair became a way for a romantic young man of that time.

First publications

Theophile Gautier
His first collection of poems Gauthier Theophile releasedin 1830, when he was 19 years old. He called uncomplicated - "Poems." Most of his most famous works also belong to this period (until 1836). This is the poem "Albertus", the novels "Young France", "Mademoiselle de Mopin", "Fortune", "Tear of the Devil".

And if the early poem "Albertus" is written inclassical romantic style, then in the novel "Young France" clearly traced the creative personality of the writer. First of all, it is simplicity and poetry, which balances the excessive pretentiousness and sharpness of the classic romantic style.

Top of poetic creativity

Theophile Gauthier Poems
Admittedly critics deserve a place inThe pantheon of French poets is occupied by Theophile Gautier. The works, created by him, are compared with precious stones, the poet could work on more than one month for one poem.

First of all, all this relates to the collection"Enamels and Cameos". Gauthier worked on him in the 50s – 70s of the 19th century. He devoted the author any free minute for almost the last 20 years of his life. Without exception, the works included in this collection are associated with personal memories and experiences. During the life of Gauthier, Teofil published 6 editions of Enamels and Cameos, each of which was supplemented by new works. If in 1852 18 poems were included in it, then in the final version of 1872, which was released several months before the poet’s death, there were already 47 lyric miniatures.

Wandering journalist

Theophile Gauthier works
True, poetry could not fully contain Gotye, so he was engaged in journalism. He treated this work without piety, often calling it "the curse of his life."

In the journal "Press" Girardin Gautier to the verydeath published dramatic feuilletons on the topic of the day. In addition, he wrote books on criticism and literary history. Thus, in the work of “The Grotesque” of 1844, Gauthier discovered for a wide circle of readers several poets of the 15th and 16th centuries, who were unduly forgotten. Among them are Villon and Cyrano de Bergerac.

В то же время Готье был заядлым путешественником.He visited almost all European countries, including visited Russia. The trip later devoted essays "Journey to Russia" in 1867 and the "Treasures of Russian Art" in 1863.

He described his travel impressions in artisticessays by Theophile Gauthier. Biography of the author is well traced in them. These are "Travel to Spain", "Italy" and "East". They are distinguished by a rare for the literature of this genre landscapes and poetic presentation of the beauty of nature.

The most famous novel

Theophile Gauthier biography
Несмотря на сильные стихи, большинству читателей for another reason, Theophile Gautier is known. "Captain Fracassus" - a historical adventure novel, published for the first time in 1863. Later it was translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian, and twice - in 1895 and 1957.

Actions take place during the years of rule in FranceLouis XIII. This is the beginning of the XVII century. The protagonist - the young Baron de Sigonyak - lives in the family estate in Gascony. This is a dilapidated castle, in which with it remains only one faithful servant.

Everything changes when they let into the castle for the night.troupe of stray artists. The young baron unconsciously falls in love with actress Isabella and follows the artists to Paris. On the way, one of the members of the troupe dies, and de Sigonyak is decided on an act unprecedented for a man of his status at that time. In order to achieve the location of Isabella, he goes on stage and begins to play the role of Captain Frakass. This is the classic character of the Italian comedy del arte. Description adventurer military.

Further events develop as in an excitingdetective. Isabella seeks to seduce the young Duke de Vallombrez. Our baron calls him to a duel, triumphs, but the duke does not give up his attempts. He organizes the abduction of Isabella from a Paris hotel, and sends a hired assassin to de Sigonyak himself. However, the latter is a fiasco.

The ending is more like an Indian melodrama.Isabella languishes in the castle of the duke, who aggressively offers her his love. However, at the last moment, thanks to the family ring, it turns out that Isabella and the Duke are brother and sister.

The duke and the baron reconcile, de Sigonyak takes a beautiful wife. In the end, he also finds a family treasure in the old castle, hidden there by his ancestors.

Gauthier’s legacy

Despite the love of poetry and creativity,Téophile Gautier could not devote enough time to them. He managed to create poems only in his free time, and he devoted the rest of his life to journalism and solving material problems. Because of this, many works were imbued with notes of sadness, it is often felt the impossibility to realize all the plans and ideas.

Theophile Gautier died in 1872 in Neuilly near Paris. He was 61 years old.