/ / The best play for school theater

Best play for school theater

Each school will certainly have its own director.It can be a teacher of literature or a teacher for extracurricular work. The main thing is that this person will not be indifferent to this kind of art and loves children. Otherwise, no education will help to put a real fascinating performance, no matter how ingenious it was not a play for the school theater.

play for school theater

Children love to perform

For many people, performances on stage are comparablewith a feeling of something extraordinary and exciting. The theater gathers as a holiday, put on smart clothes, make a beautiful hairstyle. This event is awaited with impatience, tickets are purchased in advance. In the soul, many would like to enter the scene as a hero of some work. And children are drawn to the theater from a young age. And this happens first unconsciously.

After all, even the kids are pleased to learn poems andspeak to relatives. Hence, in man, initially the desire for publicity, reincarnation. The first performances in which the child takes part are short productions in the kindergarten. It turns out that despite the sincere desire to be an artist, it's not up to everyone. One can not learn words, the other is embarrassed by a large audience. But he who overcomes all difficulties and goes out in a bunny costume to pronounce his first remark before all, may become an artist in the future.

plays for school theater

Change yourself on stage

Эту любовь к переодеванию, аплодисментам и praise for adults and children, the desire to feel the emotions of the auditorium, which change along with the mood of the artist, the child will transfer to school. It's not for nothing that theatrical circles are the most visited and rightly considered to be the most interesting. Such activities allow you to relax from the student's everyday life, to distract yourself, to try on the role of another person.

The play for school theater should be such,so that as many children as possible can participate in it. Therefore, each will find the right image for himself. Of course, the distribution of roles is usually handled by a school director. But he takes into account the characteristics of the child and his wishes. Tikhon can become a hero, a brave man. Too active tomboy and bully will be on the stage quiet and complaisant. Girls usually want to play the most important role that the play for the school theater only offers. But it happens that someone in the nature and secondary.

script plays for school theater

Criterias of choice

Picking up plays for the school theater, the headfirst of all, must take into account the age of the artists and the public, before which it is planned to speak. For younger students, light scripts with short replicas will fit, so that all children can understand the meaning of the text and remember it. If the older students prepare a performance for the kids, the repertoire must also be appropriate. The audience must understand what is happening on stage. It will be better if the play for the school theater will present to the small public a plot in which lines of good and evil are clearly traced. And her characters should be familiar characters, for example, from fairy tales or cartoons.

Choosing a play script for the school theater, you needtake into account, to what event the speech is timed. Usually at school, all events are held before any big holidays. For example, if February 23 is approaching or Victory Day, what can the school theater supply? Plays about the war, of course. On this principle, scenarios are chosen for other holidays. It should be borne in mind that the closer the term of a speech, the less time it takes to rehearse. Therefore, plays for the school theater in this case should be chosen shorter, in such a way that all children have time to learn the words and managed to hold at least a few rehearsals.

Which scenario suits you?

Usually for theatrical performances take readyworks of famous or young authors, depending on what the director plans. In the school theater, the supervisor often creates the necessary scenario, focusing on the requests of the institution. The main thing is that the result is liked by children who participate in the play or skit. Then they will gladly teach the role and attend rehearsals. For older students it is better to take the ready plays of serious writers. This will help to reveal their creative potential and will allow a better understanding of the classical work. For younger students, fairy tales are ideal as a basis. They are familiar, funny and teach good.

Mistakes of the theatrical leader

Sometimes the manager makes a mistake and choosesunsuitable play. For example, very difficult for perception by the artists themselves. Of course, it's hard to portray what you do not understand on stage. The same with words. The harder and more cunning the cues are, the more uninteresting the children become. It is also wrong to speak in front of the public with inappropriate material. Kids are not ready for serious works, and older students are sure to get bored at a children's play. The success of the production depends on how correctly the scenario of the play for the school theater is chosen.

the school theater of the play about the war

Joint rehearsals unite children,promote communication, emancipate the shy. And as a result, a miracle of reincarnation takes place on the stage. A bright holiday for those who are able to assess the efforts of the school team for their dignity.