/ / Olbia Edward - biography and creativity

Albee Edward - biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Edward Albee is. His biography will be discussed in detail below. It's about the American playwright. He was born in Washington, in 1928.


albi edward
Albee Edward two weeks after birth wasis adopted. He was accepted into the family of the owner of the theater halls. The parents of our hero were Reed and Francis Albee. He studied at Choate School. A little more than a year he visited Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. After that he moved to New York. He was interrupted by casual earnings. He was a clerk, a seller of records and books, a barman. I got a job on the radio. At the same time he was financially secure. Settled in Greenwich Village. I tried myself in prose and poetry.

Albee Edward made his debut as a playwright in 1959.Later collaborated with the association "Albee-Barr-Wilder". Supported prospective playwrights. So began his work Albee Edward. His books began to be published since the 1960s. It was then that the first collection of plays was published. In the foreword to the book was given the installation of an unusual, incredible, unexpected. Our hero is the representative of the so-called "theater of the absurd." The unmotivated clashes of various characters, as well as a number of naturalistic scenic effects, are designed to convey the meaninglessness of the present life. In these works, the influence of E. Ionesco is traced. Our hero at the same time readily admits that he owes a lot to the famous French playwright.

Creativity of our hero raises the problemloneliness of people, and also their inability to reach mutual understanding. In living, witty dialogues, the writer shows human communication as a form of struggle for self-affirmation. This approach is most vividly embodied in a play called "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?". This work was awarded the Tony Award.

Creativity of our hero is very diverse.It includes, in particular, a metaphysical allegory. "Little Alice" is a work that meets the requirements of the usual plot drama. Also the author of the playwright is the play "Box and quotes from Chairman Mao". In it, the speech of the characters and behind-the-scenes voices are intertwined into something similar to the musical themes, but do not reflect a coherent dialogue.

The early one-act works of our hero werefirst put on European stages. There they received high marks from critics. After these works were embodied in the United States. One of the last plays of our hero was staged in 2010 in New York.

Interesting Facts

edward olbi biography
Albee Edward came to the USSR several times.In 1976 he published a collection of works by the playwright "The Death of Bessie Smith and Other Pieces", he was translated into Russian. Several of our hero's works were staged on the stages of Soviet theaters.


olbie edward books

Albee Edward in 1958created the work "What happened in the zoo." In 1959 there were plays "Death of Bessie Smith", "Sandbox", "Fem and Yem". In 1960, the "American Dream" appeared. Then came the play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. In 1963, based on the story Carson McCullers was created the work "Ballad of a mournful tavern." In 1964, the play "Little Alice" appeared.

Also the authorship of our hero belongs toThe following works: Malcolm (based on the novel by James Pardee), Unstable Balance, Breakfast at Tiffany's, All in the Garden, Box and Quotes from Chairman Mao Zedong, Seascape, Listening, "Counting the ways," "The Lady of Dubuque," "Lolita," "The Man with Three Hands," "Finding the Sun," "The Play of Marriage," "Fragments," "Occupant," "Goat, or Who is Sylvia, Peter and Jerry.


Теперь перечислим призы, которые получил Олби Edward. "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" is a play that won the Tony Award. The same award was awarded to the work "Unstable Balance". In addition, this piece received the Pulitzer Prize. Also, the work "Seascape" did not pass unnoticed. The play was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. The work "Three Tall Women" received a number of theater awards. In 1996, our hero received the Kennedy Center Award. In 1997, President Clinton awarded the playwright a National Medal for achievements in the field of art. The work "Goat, or Who is Sylvia" was nominated for the Tony Award.


olbi edward who's afraid of virginia woolf
Twice the film "Whoafraid of Virginia Woolf? ". The first tape based on this work was published in 1966, and in 1992 a film-performance appeared. The plot unfolds in New England. The main characters are the professor of history George and his wife Marta is a debaucher. However, her father is the rector of the college, in which George teaches. After 20 years of marriage, the alliance of heroes constantly jumps between love and hate. Marta likes to make comparisons between a husband and a father. The heroes go to the party of the faculty, get acquainted with Hani and Nick - the young employees. All night they play, drink, dance.

Now you know who Edward Albee is. He died after illness in 2016, September 16, while in his own home, in a suburb of New York.