/ / James Stethem and his path to fame

James Statham and his way to fame

Actor, widely known representatives of the stronghalf of humanity in the militants - James Stethem. The bald, pumped up, brutal hero of films also has a huge number of fans. The British actor reincarnates with ease and perfectly plays the role of James Bond to the drunk in the bar.

James Stethem Biography

The future actor was born in England.The family of James consists of a father, mother and older brother. James was born on July 26, 1967. The father of the actor was a singer, but also engaged in gymnastics and boxing. Mother worked as a dressmaker and practiced dancing. The father taught the sons of the fight, thereby introducing to physical exercises. James's older brother was engaged in martial arts and quite often coached receptions at the youngest, as Stethem himself tells.

James Stethem biography

Стетхем не представлял свою жизнь без спорта.At the age of twelve, he joined the English diving team, and he also enjoyed football and wrestling. James Stethem owns kickboxing and jiu-jitsu.

The whole life of an actor is somehow connected with sports. In 1988, the future actor took part in the Olympic Games.

In adolescence, to somehowearn, James Stethem was engaged in the sale of stolen things. The young man had an excellent gift of conviction, so this job was easy for him. Plus, at that time, Stethem began to master the profession of street actor. However, his business was not entirely legal, so one day he almost went to jail.

Already being a famous actor, James Stethem played American football. But soon this passion came to an end because of the possibility of receiving various kinds of serious injuries.

The way to fame

James Stethem became famous in the sports field. In the late nineties, he was offered to appear in commercials. Then he participated in some music videos, voiced the heroes of computer games.

Jason Statham

After the successful past campaign of Jamesgot a role in the movie "Cards, money, two trunks". During the auditions, the director was impressed with the play of a novice actor, so he offered him a role. The tests were easy, because the director asked Stethem to portray the street vendor and persuade him to buy something. Considering that when he was young, James did just that, he performed this task superbly.

Спустя некоторое время актеру предложили роль the second plan in the film "Big Jackpot". However, after the start of filming, it turned out that the main role seemed to be specially created for Stethem. After this movie, the actor's career went swiftly up the hill.

Personal life

James Stethem, unfortunately, can not boast of success in his personal life. Many representatives of the weaker sex from around the world admire the famous actor who was betrayed by her beloved.

В 1997 году Стетхем объявил о романтических relationship with kelly brook. The happy union pleased the eyes of fans for seven years. But one day Brooke meets Billy Zane and throws James Stethem for him.

James Stethem Movies

After such a long relationship, the actor could not find his only one for a long time. Within three years after the collapse of the alliance with Brooke, he had short-term connections with Sophie Monk, Alex Zosman.

In 2010 at the James Music FestivalStatham meets Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Each other they liked at first sight. Despite the rather substantial difference in twenty years, their union looks great at social events and in everyday life. Each of them is engaged in building his own career, but at the same time they do not forget about each other. In the press, none of the couple does not comment on the gossip about the future wedding, but the ring on Rosie's ring finger speaks for itself. The union of a strong brutal man and a beautiful fragile woman has been lasting for six years, and fans of the famous actor hope that his grand completion will be a grand celebration.

In January 2017 it became known that the famous happy couple is waiting for their first child.

James Stethem: Actor Movies

The actor has repeatedly been nominated for an Oscar.However, this award is not in his piggy bank. He himself understands that it is difficult to get this award with films in which he is being shot. But James Stethem is quite satisfied with this option, because films with his participation can be reviewed several times, and fans love him and recognize him on the streets.

best james stethem movies

James Stethem's Best Movies:

  • "Cards, money, two trunks".
  • "Mechanic".
  • "Carrier".
  • "Robbery on Baker Street."
  • "Revolver"
  • "Adrenalin".
  • "The Expendables."

This is not the whole list of films for which we love the British actor.


On the body of the actor in films regularly flash himnumerous tattoos. However, in reality, James Stethem has no tattoos on his body. They are drawn by a make-up artist on the set. Tattoos are different each time; they depend on the image in which James Stethem is shot.