/ / Actress Bergusar Corel: biography, personal life

Actress Bergusar Corel: biography, personal life

Shehrasat from the popular telenovela "1001 night"wife of Khalit Ergenca - that's what the Russian star is familiar with about the Turkish star Berghuzar Korel. The biography of the actress, the details of her personal life are little known to the public, which is largely due to her inherent secrecy, dislike for the interview. However, many interesting facts related to the past and present of the mysterious girl, yet became public.

Bergusar Corel: biography of the star

A native city for the charming Turkishactress, born in 1982, became Istanbul, but the first years of her life were in Ulus. Birth in a creative family could not but affect the choice of profession, made by Berghuzar Korel. The biography of the celebrity suggests that her mother and father were also actors, so the girl could evaluate the positive and negative aspects of this work as a child.

berguzar biography

Dreaming of playing the movie, the future star did not forgetand about sports. Her favorite pastime for many years remained playing volleyball, but she did not develop the relevant skills professionally. Participation in the performances is what Berghuzar Korel devoted the lion's share of his time to as a teenager. Biography of the actress confirms that she was involved in almost all school productions, did not give up her passion in college.

Not surprisingly, the future Shahrasat wanted to learn acting skills. On the advice of her mother and father, the girl stopped at the University of Sinan.

Professional achievements

"Broken Lives" is the first telenovela in whichBerjusar Korel received a secondary role. The biography of the actress shows that this happened when she was just over 20 years old. This role did not become for her stellar, but helped to make the necessary acquaintances.

berguzar corel biography personal life

Success was waiting for Shehrasat in 2005, when she wasselected for the role of Leila, which she was to play in the TV project "Valley of the Wolves: Iraq." The shooting was difficult for the girl for many reasons. First, Berghausar did not speak Arabic, which, according to the idea of ​​the writers, is native to her heroine. The actress was forced to learn the basics of someone else's language, constrained by the time frame. Secondly, she was worried that she could not be at the bedside of her dying father.

The popularity of the series surpassed all expectations, the role ofLeila showed how talented the actress Berguezar Corel. The biography of the star also mentions the role in the project "The Branch of Olives". However, not this telenovela rising star owes its fame.

Fateless series

Unbending, purposeful and beautifulShehrasat - an image that for a long time became the visiting card of Bergusar Korel. Biography, the personal life of the actress after the release of the series "1001 Nights" became the object of intrusive media attention. People who are personally familiar with the star, note how much she looks like the heroine of Shehrasat. Berguzar, like her character, is distinguished by closeness, unwillingness to let strangers into her personal territory.

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The main male character of the series was Mr.Onur is a wealthy businessman, many women want to meet with her. However, the hero distrustful of women, convinced of their deceit and corruption. This confidence remains with him until he meets with Shehrasat, which makes him forget about prejudice and fall in love.

Acquaintance with Halit Ergench

The popular theory says that "Sultan Suleiman"It was on the set of "1001 Nights" that he met Berghuzar Korel. Biography, the personal life of the actress has acquired a lot of rumors, not all of them correspond to the truth. Future spouses met for the first time in the restaurant thanks to the presence of mutual friends. A fleeting meeting did not lead to the novel, but interest nevertheless appeared.

actress berguzar corel biography

The couple's relationship really flared up inprocess of filming "1001 Nights", which contributed to long hours spent together. Halit Ergench initially did not conceal his relationship with Berguzar, despite the presence of a pregnant wife. This time proved difficult for Corel, since it was she who was accused of breaking up the family. However Ergench soon left his wife, who preferred to have an abortion.

Creating a family

Having divorced, the popular Turkish actor practicallyimmediately married to Berghausar Corel. Biography, the actress's husband - all the details of the scandalous (from the position of the Turkish mentality of relations) for several months were exaggerated in the press. However, soon the journalists had new topics, and "Sultan Suleiman" and "Shehrasat" are still married, they bring up Al's son together.

Acting career Berghuzar Korel braked,since she so far flatly refuses to withdraw from the series, desiring to devote most of her time to her husband and child. However, the star is not going to definitively put an end to his own career, so fans can count on her soon appearance in new exciting projects.