/ / Portrait of Mozart - the genius of pure beauty

Portrait of Mozart - the genius of pure beauty

What is behind the music in a person's life?Some do not need it at all. Yes, there are those. Some can not spend a day without a light rhythmic dance music. This list can be continued. The works of Mozart capture and stop even a person indifferent to the music, if for some reason he begins to listen to them.

Love in the composer

Wolfgang Amadeus's Musical Talentmanifested in early childhood. He was subject to all musical genres. The musical portrait of Mozart is cosmogonic harmony, which is based on love. The joy and torment of first love, when the beloved refused him to enter into marriage, helped him to reach unprecedented creative heights.

portrait of mozart
In "The Wedding of Figaro" the young page of Cherubino is alltrembling from embracing his feelings. He is in love with all women at once, feverishly agitated and unable to control his behavior. In "Don Juan" Mozart reaches the deepest tragedy, showing what a powerful eternal uncontrollable instinct drives his hero.

Symphony No. 40 (G Minor)

It consists of four parts.By this time, Mozart had survived the death of children and mother, his father was seriously ill, whom he could not help, therefore the theme of death sounds in the first, second and fourth parts of the symphony. This is a portrait of Mozart - a man experiencing spiritual tragedy.

The first part of the symphony begins immediately withdisturbing notes, and in it, as in the fourth part, there is a struggle with evil fate. The second part is a leisurely, contemplative, filled with light, affectionate asking intonations. It goes from E-flat major to G minor, to the minuet drawing of the third movement, in which there is no heat, but there is a harsh and gloomy power. The final (fourth part) is dual. In it, indistinctly, the elation and bitterness are heard, the feeling of incomprehensible alarm is suppressed. The work ends sternly and bitterly. Such is the musical portrait of Mozart in this famous work.

Mozart - composer for all times

The phenomenal children's makings of the greatThe composer developed with extraordinary power. From nature, he was given absolutely everything: hearing, memory, rhythm, musical fantasy. And with indefatigable enthusiasm he learned the laws of music. He loved to write, doing it with great speed and willingness.

mozart portrait composer
Но записывать было для него тяжелой мукой.For example, the composer recorded the overture to the opera Don Juan at night a few hours before the performance. In his life there were three periods when he changed as a person and a composer.

The first mature opera "Idomeneo", was written,when his love collapsed. The works created between The Marriage of Figaro and Don Juan define the second period of his work. And the last final year of life is designated by the creation of the Magic Flute and Requiem.

This composer only seems light and airy.The purpose of his work - the introduction to world harmony. This is Mozart. The portrait of the composer consists of the search for ways to the spiritual beginnings of all living things, of all things.

Mozart in life

Creativity was the meaning of the composer's life.Without it, the creator could not exist. But he was all woven out of controversy. Mozart loved clowning and fun, practical jokes and humor. Arrogance was not inherent in him. Delicacy, honesty, pride, simplicity and gullibility complete the psychological portrait of Mozart.

Mozart in images

If you view portraits of Mozartconsistently, it can be noted that this was a strong-willed, energetic person. The portrait of Mozart (the photos are presented in the article) shows a focused person. The composer has always stood out nose, so artists often portrayed him dominant in the paintings.

portrait of mozart photo
According to the testimony of people who knew him closely, his expression was constantly changing. It vividly reflected all his feelings.

Such is the greatest composer in the first approximation. It is necessary to listen to his music, knowing him and himself.