/ / Who is to blame for the suffering of the heroine? "The Old Genius", N.S. Leskov

Who is to blame for the suffering of the heroine? "The Old Genius", N.S. Leskov

Analyzing the story of N.Leskov's "The Old Genius", it is immediately worth noting that the situation described in this work is typical enough for Russia of the XIX century. Yes, and our today's time, she will also be very familiar and close. But a bit later about the plot and about who is to blame for the sufferings of the heroine (according to Leskov's story "The Old Genius"). In the idea of ​​this work the author put the defenselessness of the common man before the state bureaucratic nobility.

who is to blame for the heroine's suffering the old genius

Who is to blame for the sufferings of the heroine: Leskov, "The Old Genius"

Есть и вторая идея, которая заключается в том, that if the law can not protect citizens, then they violate it, because it is necessary to take the matter for ourselves. And as a rule, this earns such "dark personalities", as the cunning and experienced former official Ivan Ivanovich.

And now, in fact, now come to the mainquestion: who is to blame for the suffering of the heroine. The “old genius” describes the image of the debtor, quite a dandy, but from these trifles one can understand that this is a complete egoist: the tears and pleas of others do not touch him. Spoiled by a rich life and connections, he left no room for morality. Using his impunity, he is ready to live and have fun at the expense of others.

Who is to blame for the suffering of the heroine "Old genius." Short plot

So, in St. Petersburg came to seek justicevery elderly lady. The fact is that she, by her kindness and kindness, borrowed money to a single high-society dandy, who was not a poor man at all, but lost himself in the cards and promised to pay the debt in the near future. The landowner had to pledge her property for this. But this debtor has disappeared somewhere, and the term of the mortgage will soon end.

who is to blame for the sufferings of the forest heroine old genius

Из сюжета становится понятным, кто виноват в the suffering of the heroine. The “old genius” continues by the fact that now the poor old woman walks through the appropriate authorities, where everyone promises to help her, but they can’t. As it turned out, this dandy borrows and does not return debts, and he already doesn’t have his own at home, since he moved to live with his lady.

A landowner does not know what to do.only that a man should be given some kind of receipt, but no one either wants or cannot. And a completely desperate old woman accidentally meets a man named Ivan Ivanovich. It is he who undertakes this business, but he had to pay five hundred rubles for the services. At the same time, the debtor is going to go to live abroad for a couple of years, and it is possible that he will not return at all, and with his lady.

The idea of ​​Ivan Ivanovich was fulfilled.His assistant, seeing the debtor at the station, provoked a scandal and a fight, so I had to call the police. Deboshir both arrested. The train with the lady of the debtor left, and he himself remained to testify.

who is to blame for the sufferings of the heroine in the story of Leskov old genius

A rare case of a happy ending

As soon as he called himself, he immediatelythe policeman handed the paper. Franta had nowhere to go, only to quickly give money with interest to the old woman and get rid of her obligations to leave the place. So the truth triumphed, and the landowner’s house again became calm.

On this you can finish the topic "Who is to blame forthe heroine’s suffering. ” The “old genius” blames not only the dandy for this, but also the entire rotten bureaucratic system, which even today cannot be rebuilt, so that it works for the good of man, and does not exist only for his employees and those in power. A person who was able to settle such a difficult matter has the full right to be called a genius.