/ / Writer Averchenko Arkady Timofeevich: biography, features of creativity and interesting facts

Writer Averchenko Arkady Timofeevich: biography, features of creativity and interesting facts

Averchenko Arkadiy Timofeevich - the author of satiricalstories. His works were widely known in Russia a few years before the revolutionary events. And then he emigrated. The topics he touched on in his books were relevant at the beginning of the century. What is interesting today works that created Averchenko Arkady Timofeevich?

averchenko arcady timofeyevich

short biography

The hero of this article outlined the main events of hislife in one of the early stories. Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko is a writer, whose works are distinguished by an easy syllable and a sharp, but without a malicious satire. He knew how to talk about the sad side of life with irony. Proof of this - the story "Autobiography."

Averchenko Arkady Timofeevich was born inSevastopol. From childhood, he had poor eyesight. Due to this illness, education was received at home. Father was a merchant and, according to the writer's recollections, gave little time to his son, as he was concerned about the question of how quickly to go bankrupt. His hapless entrepreneur achieved his aspirations.

Averchenko Jr. meanwhile became a victimpedagogical exercises of the elder daughters of a ruined merchant. Which, however, went to the benefit of the future writer. At a time when his father lost his last hope of improving family well-being, his son was a moderately literate young man. And that's why at the age of fifteen I entered the service in the transport office.

arkady timofeevich averchenko

The beginning of the creative path

Averchenko Arkady Timofeevich short storieswrite in years of service on stone mines. Here he also worked in a small office. The deaf settlement, where Averchenko spent several years, is depicted in his works. Local residents of the mining town drank like shoemakers. Steppe Donetsk scenery drove depression. When the management of the mines was transferred to Kharkov, Averchenko was so inspired that he wrote a small literary work. In the next two years, the young writer created and published only three stories.

Editorial Activity

Inspired by literary creativity, AverchenkoArkady Timofeevich in 1905 got a job in the Kharkov satirical magazine. In the publishing house, he edited, corrected and drew cartoons. And so he was carried away by this activity, that he was fined by the governor-general for five hundred rubles.

Despite the popularity among the inhabitants of Kharkov, Averchenko had to leave this glorious city. He did not want to pay a fine, and did not have the opportunity. And to argue further with the governor did not make sense.

averchenko arkadiy timofeevich a brief biography

The Satyricon

In St. Petersburg, Averchenko's career went uphill.The articles and notes he published in The Satyricon were extremely popular. At the foundation of this literary magazine, Averchenko took an active part.

Satirikontsy enjoyed recognition and freedomcreativity. But only as long as there was almost no censorship in the country. In 1917, everything changed. Averchenko Arkady Timofeevich was forced to leave for Sevastopol, and then completely emigrate.

Interesting Facts

The author of satirical works and todayremains one of the most mysterious figures in Russian literature. Disputes are being conducted both on the date of his birth, and the illness, by virtue of which he died so early. And most importantly, there is no reliable information about the personal life of the writer. White spots in the biography of Averchenko appeared because he always gave an interview in a rather joking manner. In addition, he had been on the list of banned authors for too long.

Arkady Averchenko really did not knowthe exact date of his birth. And most importantly, nothing is known about the personal life of a satiriconer. However, there is information about his relationship with the then-known actress Alexandra Sadovskaya. This novel was long, but still they parted.

About why the writer never married, hetold his readers in the story "Razor in Kisel". Sadovskaya was an energetic and active lady. He is a phlegmatic and not very determined person. They parted in 1915. It is noteworthy that the actress had three children, and one of them was born in 1915 - exactly when, according to Averchenko's stories, his relationship with Alexandra Sadovskaya reached its apogee. Moreover, the son of the actress was participants in the breakthrough of the Blockade, and after the war he became a writer.

Alexandra Sadovskaya did not tell anyone abouthis relationship with the editor of the magazine "Satyricon". But the echoes of these relations are present in the works of Averchenko. In the stories "Surrounding", "Tail of a Woman", "Ordinary Woman", the hero decides long and painfully whether to settle scores with his bachelor way of life. And in the last novel of the writer "A joke of the patron of art" is depicted a woman who, according to external data, reminds Sadovskaya: pompous, dark-haired, stately.

Is the son of Sadovsky the son of the illustriousa satirist, is for certain unknown. This is only the assumption of his biographers. However, there is information that, even while in exile, Averchenko did not stop inquiring about the fate of his former lover. And this despite the fact that Alexandra Sadovskaya was not the only woman in the life of a satirist.

averchenko arcady timofeyevich stories

"It is easy to understand a woman, but it is difficult to explain it"

This phrase is present in one of the worksAverchenko. To the opposite sex, he was always interested, but treated him somewhat cynically. In his work, the St. Petersburg bachelor asserted the idea of ​​man's freedom. To attract fans, he carefully monitored his appearance. This feature sometimes caused criticism of colleagues. However, one of the admirers of the writer admitted once that a person with such a mind and sense of humor, can look like anything. Appearance for a witty and charming man is not important.

Memoirs of contemporaries

"Stories for the convalescent" ArkadyTimofeevich Averchenko released in 1910 an incredible circulation. And so, the writer earned a decent job. His colleagues, native Petersburgers, noted in him the ability to have an interlocutor with him. Averchenko, with a reputation as an avid bachelor, always struck a flawless appearance, despite the slightly provincial style of dress.

In order to maintain a good physical condition,according to the memoirs of friends and colleagues, he daily raised weights, singing at the same time a party from the famous opera. By the way, he did not have a voice or a hearing as the chief satirist.

The disease that once deprived the writeropportunities to get a full-fledged education, reminded of myself in a foreign land. Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko passed away in 1925 in Prague. His health was undermined by events that foreshadowed the forced departure from Russia. The Bolsheviks deprived him of everything: friends, homeland, work, bank account.

creativity averchenko arcady timofeyevich

Averchenko and the new government

The writer called the Bolshevik policy vilebetrayal of all that was in Russia. His views, he did not fail to express in one of the essays. Incompatible were the new government and its creativity. Averchenko Arkady Timofeevich easily wrote, was an eater in the assessments and strikingly observant. In the stories he ridiculed human stupidity, greed, hypocrisy and rudeness. But the new authorities did not need a criticism of human vices. In Bolshevik Russia, only the author of romantic-utopian works, glorifying the proletarian revolution, could survive.

stories for convalescent arkady timofeevich averchenko

Последние годы были для писателя плодотворными.But creativity did not bring in his life peace of mind and harmony. In Prague, he was short of Russian literature. I read mainly local newspapers. Perhaps, longing for the homeland had a negative impact on the writer's mental state.

Averchenko died at the forty-fifth year of life.In the eighties, the works of anti-Soviet author Arkady Averchenko were first published. Compatriots of the writer remembered only half a century after his death.