/ / Boris Ekimov: the work of the Russian writer

Boris Ekimov: the work of the Russian writer

Boris Ekimov - famous Russian prose writer, wisewhose works immerse the reader in the familiarly painful world of ordinary everyday life with daily problems, an eternal crisis, constant struggle and humility.

Biography of Boris Ekimov

Boris - a native of the city of Igarka (Krasnoyarskregion), was born in 1938, November 19, in a family specializing in the production of furs. A year later, after his father died, the family changed their place of residence in Irkutsk, then the Almaty region - the village of Ili, and in 1945 settled in the city of Kalach-on-Don (Volgograd region).

Boris Yekimov
The path to the literature of the writer began withtime how the boy learned to read. After school, the young man graduated from the Stalingrad Mechanical Institute, then worked at the plant, after - he served in the army. Before writing, he tried himself in different professions: electrician at the factory, fitter, builder, teacher of labor in a rural school.

Writing debut

Его дебют как прозаика состоялся в 1965 году, after the publication of the story in the magazine "Young Guard". The Girl in the Red Coat (1974) - the author’s debut book published by Sovremennik Publishing House immediately became an application for a personal niche in literature. Further, Russian prose was enriched with the books “Night of Healing”, “We arrived safely”, “At our own”, “Officer”, “Last Hut”.

Boris Ekimov stories
In 1976, Ekimov Boris Petrovich received membership in the Union of Writers of Russia, and three years later he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses.

Boris Ekimov: stories about a Russian man

Over the entire period of long literaryRussian prose writer has written more than two hundred works that have been published in such publications as “New World”, “Russia”, “Niva Tsaritsynskaya”, “Znamya”, “Our Contemporary”. Most of all, the readership appreciated such works as “The Shepherd's Star”, “Parent’s House”, “For Warm Bread”, “Night of Healing”. The writer is deservedly considered the guidebook of the literary customs of the Don Region, because his spiritual works truly describe the everyday life of ordinary people. And this topic is understandable to many, so Ekimov's books are in great demand among readers.

Boris Petrovich Ekimov
In the characters of the author's stories, each person will recognizeoneself and one's being — alarming, with restructuring, perpetual crises, fraternal wars, shattered into fragments. Boris Ekimov neatly collects these fragments into a coherent picture as evidence of what the Russian man has experienced and is experiencing over the past decades. This is especially vividly traced in the works “Do not cry,” “For warm bread”, “Pinochet”. In 2008, the Russian author was awarded the Solzhenitsyn Prize with the phrase “For pain and severity in describing the lost condition of the Russian province and the display of the indestructible dignity of the Russian people”.

Sincerity in the works of Ekimov Boris

In his native Volgograd writer Boris PetrovichEkimov is the most recognized author. His prose is full of wisdom and calm. In the stories, the world of the human soul and nature is shown in integral unity, and individual and insignificant events, like a multi-colored mosaic, add up to whole pictures of life. The inner world of man Boris Ekimov reveals through the diverse manifestations of nature.

Russian prose

The collection "Wake up day" describes the lifeepisodes of everyday life of small towns and farm life. The stories described are based on the connection between old people, adults and children, the interaction of human consciousness and the surrounding reality. A city boy of six years old, having lived a year in the open spaces of a village, she becomes a husband, imbued with a love for a foal, which has not yet come into the world, and a zeal for work. Here, the grandfather takes his grandson to admire the river and the forest, and nature is the best binding for these representatives of two generations. A first grader is very worried that her mother laughed at him in front of a girl from a parallel class. The language of Boris Ekimov does not contain borrowings and dialectisms; The author writes in pure Russian, which is preserved in this form only on library shelves and in school textbooks.

The writer's works were translated into several languages: Italian, French, English, Spanish, German. And the story “Shepherd's Star” enriched the presidential library.