/ / Puppet show for children: script

Puppet show for children: script

Puppet show is a theatrical performance, inwhich the physical component is carried out by puppets, which are controlled and for which the actors-puppeteers speak. This kind of art has existed for many centuries and remains loved by both children and adults.

Significance of puppet shows in the life of children

children's puppet show

It is very important to take children to the theater, because hehas great educational value. But many kids are afraid of fairy-tale heroes, when they are played by actors-people on stage. At the same time, they are not afraid of puppet actors, since they are small and similar to the toys that kids like to play. Therefore, the best option will be puppet shows for children. The script should correspond to the age of the viewers in order to be understood by them.

Performances with dolls give the kids goodmood and a lot of impressions, develop their abilities, educate their emotionality. Children see the relationship between the characters who show them what they need and do not need to be. Characters are examples of kindness, love for loved ones and for the Motherland, true friendship, diligence, desire to fulfill dreams ...

Very important are thepuppet shows for children. Scenario performance in the performance of dolls is close to the child. Children are delighted when they see puppet shows. In their eyes, magic happens - the dolls come alive, move, dance, talk, cry and laugh, turn into something or into someone.


performances of puppet theater

To write a good, interesting scriptchildren's puppet shows, it is necessary to know for which audience it will be shown: for ordinary children or for a specific audience, where not everything can be shown. In some cases, it may be necessary to demonstrate something concrete.

When the script theme is defined, you needchoose the main character (he should be positive) and his antagonist, that is, a negative character, which will create difficulties for him. The appearance of the dolls should match their characters.

When the characters are identified, you need to think over the plot:what will happen to the heroes and where. Puppet show should be instructive and at the same time it is desirable to have humorous details in it. It's better if the dialogs are not too long. There must be more action in the play than in the text. Long dialogues will be tiring for small viewers. The most important thing is to write a script that is interesting and understandable.

Scene Selection

This must be puzzled in the first place.Choose a story, according to which the script of the puppet show will be written, it is necessary, based on the age of the children who will watch it. Kids, for example, 3 years will be difficult to perceive what is intended for children 8 years.

Puppet show for preschoolers will beinteresting and understandable if his script is written on one of such fairy tales as "Kolobok", "Repka", "Teremok", "Ryabka Kuroka", "Three Bears" and so on. These subjects are familiar to kids since their earliest childhood. Puppet plays for children of primary school age are more appropriate for such tales as "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "Ali Baba and 40 Thieves", "Winnie the Pooh", "Cinderella", "Thumbelina", "Cat in boots "," Mowgli "," Gulliver's Travels "," Blue Bird "and others. Scenarios for these works are ideal for spectators from 6 to 12 years. Puppet performances for children should be bright, memorable, so that in small viewers they cause as much positive emotions and leave a lot of impressions.

puppet show for preschoolers

Scenario composition

Performances of the puppet theater (as well as any other) are built according to the scheme:

  • the outset;
  • development of action;
  • culmination;
  • denouement.

Tie - this is the very beginning of the whole performance. It is necessary for acquaintance of the viewer with actors, with a place of action and with what events the whole story began to be told.

The development of action is a gradual transition from an outset to a culmination.

The culmination is the main point in the play, it serves as a transition to the denouement. He is the most intense and significant in the plot, the outcome of the play depends largely on him.

Decoupling is the stage at which the action is completed, summing up takes place. This is a kind of result of the previous components of the whole plot.

"Masha and the Bear"

This article presents an example scenariopuppet show for preschool children. The fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" is taken as a basis. Children's puppet show on this Russian folk art will meet all the requirements on which the plot is to be built. There is a positive main character (Mashenka) and a negative character - Bear, which creates difficulties for the girl. In this tale there are funny and instructive moments.

puppet shows for children script


Scenario puppet show on the tale "Masha and the Bear" involves the use of the following characters in the presentation:

  • Mashenka;
  • bear;
  • Masha's grandmother;
  • her grandfather;
  • girlfriend Masha;
  • Dog.


puppet shows for children

Puppet show "Masha and the Bear" begins with the fact that the girlfriend invites Masha to go to the forest for mushrooms.

The scenery depicts a village house where the main character lives with her grandparents. In the distance one can see a forest. To the house of Mashenka comes her friend with a basket in her hands and knocks at the window.

Girlfriend: Masha, wake up sooner, and then all the mushrooms will miss! Enough sleep, already the roosters sang.

At this time, Grandmother's Machine peeks out from the window.

Grandmother: Do not make any noise, otherwise you'll wake up! I will not let my granddaughter go to the forest, the bear lives there.

Mashenka comes out of the house with a basket. Grandmother follows her and tries not to let her go to the forest.

Mashenka: Grandma, let me go to the forest for mushrooms, please!

Girlfriend: We must hurry, and then the sun is already high, and the forest is far away. We pick up podberezovikov, chanterelles and strawberries.

Mashenka: Let go of me, grandmother.

In the window of the house there is a grandfather.

Grandfather: Okay, grandma, let Masha go into the forest! There had long been no bear and there was no trace, Fedot shot him.

Grandmother: It is good to. Only here is your lieutenant Fedot.

Mashenka: Grandma, well, let me go to the forest for mushrooms and berries!

Babka: Okay, granddaughter, go, but look, do not get lost and return to darkness.

Mashenka and her friend went into the forest, and grandfather and grandmother went into the house.

Development of action

The puppet show (its action) is transferred to the forest. Mashenka and her friend pick mushrooms and berries. While they are walking through the forest, they sing a song.

Mashenka (seeing the mushroom, runs forward): Oh, I found the mushroom.

Girlfriend: Do not run away from me and do not lag behind, otherwise you'll get lost!

Mashenka: And here's another mushroom.

She runs away behind the trees and her behind them is no longer visible, only her voice is heard.

Mashenka: How many mushrooms! Pigs, honey agarics, chanterelles. Oh, there are berries. Strawberries, blueberries, red bilberries.

The girlfriend finds a mushroom, tears it and puts it in its basket. After that, he looks around.

Girlfriend: Masha, where are you? Ay! Answer me! Come back! Probably, Masha got lost. It's getting dark, it's time for me to go home.

The girlfriend tears off a few more mushrooms, then returns to the village.


script of a puppet show

Mashenka walks through the forest with a full basket of mushrooms. She goes to the edge where there is a bear's hut.

Mashenka: My girlfriend, ay! Answer me! I'm here! Where are you? But someone's hut, we ask the one who lives in it, to take us home.

She knocks on the door and the bear opens to her. He grabs her and drags him into his house.

Bear: Come on, just come. You will stay with me! You'll bake me a stove, clean up the mess, cook pies with raspberries, cook jelly and porridge with manna, otherwise I'll eat you.

Mashenka (cries): I can not stay here! My grandmother and grandfather are waiting for me, crying. Who will cook for them without me?

Bear: You need me on the farm! You will live with me, and you can cook them for lunch here, and I will take them.

The next picture is a village house, out of which machines Grandma and Grandpa go, they go to the forest in search of their granddaughter.

Grandmother: I told her that she would not go to the forest, and you: "Go, go." And my heart felt mischief. And where now to find us our granddaughter?

Granddad: What about me? You let her go to the forest! Who knew that she would go wild before dark?

Grandmother: Vnuchenka, where are you? Ay! And suddenly the bear ate it? Where are you, Masha?

A bear is shown from behind a tree. He goes out to meet his grandmother and grandfather.

Bear: What are you shouting about? You prevent me from sleeping!

Grandmother and grandfather are frightened of him and run away.

Bear: Well, fine! Nothing to walk in my forest!

The bear goes to his hut.


puppet show

It is morning. The bear comes out of the hut. Behind him comes Masha and carries a large box.

Bear: Where are you going? What do you have in the box?

Mashenka: I baked pies with raspberries and blueberries for grandma and grandpa! They will be glad.

Bear: Want to get away from me? I can not fool! I am the smartest in the forest! I'll take your pies to them myself.

Mashenka: OK, take it. Only here I am afraid that you will eat all the cakes on the way. Then I will climb a pine and from there I will follow you so that you do not open the box and eat nothing.

Bear: I will not deceive you.

Mashenka: Bring me some wood for me to cook for you while you go to my grandmother and grandfather.

Bear leaves for firewood. The girl is hiding in a box at this time. Soon the Bear returns, brings firewood, dumps a box on its back and goes to the village, singing a song.

Bear: Oh, something I'm tired. Sit on a stub so eat a pie!

Mashenka: (leaning out of the box): I sit high, I look away! Do not sit on my stumps and pies do not eat! Take them to your grandparents.

Bear: That's what a big-eyed.

He sighs and walk on.

The forest ends, the bear is already in the village.He walks over to the house of Masha and knocks. A dog runs up to him and pounce. The bear throws the box and runs to itself in the forest. Grandmother and grandfather open the box, and from there Masha jumps. They are happy that the granddaughter is back, hug her and lead to the house.

Scenario puppet show "Masha and the Bear" is designed for children from 2 to 6 years.