/ / Writer Lewis Carroll: biography, real name, creativity

Writer Lewis Carroll: biography, real name, creativity

Lewis Carroll, whose biography is to datethe day leaves a lot of juicy questions, gives a multi-faceted and talented person. This is both a capable mathematician and a talented writer. According to the works of the author, more than 100 films in various genres have been shot.

Birthplace England

Lewis Carroll biography
The 19th century is famous for many geniuses, one of themeveryone knows - Lewis Carroll. His biography begins in the picturesque village of Darsbury, which was part of Cheshire. In the house of the priest Charles Dodgson, there were only 11 children. The future writer was named after his father, he was born on January 27, 1832 and received education at home for 12 years. Then he was sent to the school of private order, where he studied until 1845 inclusive. The next 4 years spent in Rugby. In this institution, he was less happy, but he showed brilliant successes in the disciplines of mathematics and the word of God. In 1950 he entered Christ Devil, in 1851 transferred to Oxford.

At home, the head himself dealt with all the children.families, and classes were like fun games. To better explain the basics of writing and writing to small children, the father used items such as chess and abacus. The lessons of the rules of behavior resembled merry feasts, where by “tea drinking in reverse” knowledge was put in children's heads. When young Charles attended grammar school, science was easy, he was praised, and learning was enjoyable. But in the subsequent study of science the pleasure was gone, and there was less success. By Oxford, he was considered an average student with good but unused abilities.

New name

The first stories and poems began to write back inCollege under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. The biography of the birth of a new name is simple. His friend and publisher Yates advised to simply change the first letters for better sound. There were several suggestions, but Charles settled on this short version, and most importantly, convenient for the pronunciation of children. He published his work in mathematics under the real name: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

Mathematician and Logic

lewis carroll books
Studying in college was boring for a writer.But he earned a bachelor's degree easily, and won an opportunity to teach a course in Christ Damn at a maths lecture contest. For 26 years, Charles Dodgson devoted to Euclidean geometry, algebra and mat. analysis, seriously carried away by the theory of probability and mathematical puzzles. Almost accidentally developed a method for calculating determinants (Dodgson condensation).

There are two views on his scientific work.One is considered that he has not brought the impressive contribution, but teaching brought the constant income and an opportunity to be engaged in favorite activity. But it is believed that the achievements of Charles L. Dodgson in the field of logic just ahead of the mathematical science of the time. The development of simpler solutions of sorits are described in the “Symbolic Logic”, and the second volume was already adapted for children's perception and was called the “Logical game”.

Dignity and travel to Russia

In college, Charles Dodgson took holy ordersdeacon Because of this, he could read sermons, but not work in the parish. At this time there was a development of contacts between the English church and the Russian Orthodoxy. For the holiday dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the stay of Metropolitan Philaret at the Moscow department, the writer and deacon Charles with the theologian Henry Liddon were invited to Russia. Dodgson truly enjoyed the journey. Having fulfilled his duties at official meetings and events, he visited museums, wrote down impressions of cities and people. Some phrases in Russian are included in his “Travel Diary”. It was a book not for publication, but for personal use, which was published only after the death of the author.

Meetings of Russians and Englishmen, conversations throughtranslators and informal walks around the city left a vivid impression on the young deacon. Prior to this (and after), he did not go anywhere else, except for rare visits to London and Bath.

Lewis Carroll. Biography of the writer

Alice in Wonderland

In 1856, Charles met the family of the newthe dean of college Henry Liddela (not to be confused with the deacon, these are different people). Between them tied strong friendly relations. Frequent visits bring Dodgson closer to all family members, but especially to his youngest daughter, Alice, who was only 4 years old. The immediacy, charm and cheerful disposition of the girls fascinate the author. Lewis Carroll, whose works are already published in such serious journals as Comic Times and The Train, acquires a new Muse.

In 1864, the first work aboutfabulous alice. After a trip to Russia, Carroll creates a second adventure story for the main character, released in 1871. The style of the writer went down in history as "a kind of Carrell". The tale "Alice in Wonderland" was written for children, but enjoys steady success with all fans of the fantasy genre. The author used philosophical and mathematical jokes in the plot. The work became a classic and the best example of the absurd, the structure of the narration and the actions had a strong influence on the development of the art of that time. Lewis Carroll created a new trend in literature.

Two books

lewis carroll quotes
The tale "Alice in Wonderland" is the first partadventures. The plot tells about a girl who is trying to catch up with the funny Rabbit in a hat and with a pocket watch. Through the burrow it enters the hall, where there are many small doors. To enter the garden with flowers, Alice with a fan reduces her height. In the wizarding world, she encounters a leisurely Caterpillar, a funny wise Cheshire Cat, and a mischievous Duchess who loves to chop heads. Alice is present at a crazy tea party with the March Hare and the Hatter. In the garden, the heroine meets with the card guards, who repaint white roses in red. After playing croquet with the Queen, Alice ends up in court, where she acts as a witness. But suddenly the girl begins to grow, all the characters turn into cards and the dream ends.

A few years later the author publishes the second part underby pseudonym Lewis Carroll. "Alice through the looking glass" is a journey through a mirror to another world, which is a chessboard. Here the heroine meets the White King, talking flowers, the Black Queen, with Humpty Dumpty and other fabulous characters, chess prototypes.

A brief analysis of books about Alice

lewis carroll works
Lewis Carroll, whose books can be decomposed intoMathematical and philosophical problems, in his works trying to ask difficult questions. Flying through the Rabbit hole in its sluggishness is reminiscent of a theory with a decreasing acceleration to the center of the Earth. When Alice recalls the multiplication table, Taylor's theory is used, in which 4X5 is really equal to 12. And in the reductions and increases in the girl and in her fear (no matter how completely disappear), you can find out E. Whitteker's research on the changes of the Universe.

The smell of pepper in the house of the Duchess is an allusion tothe severity and rigidity of the nature of the hostess. As well as a reminder of the habits of the poor, pepper the food to hide the taste of cheap meat. The conflict of science and ethics is clearly seen in the replica of the Cheshire Cat: "If you walk for a long time, you will definitely come somewhere." In the process of tea drinking, Carroll gives the phrase that you need to cut Alice's long hair, the character Hatter. A contemporary of the writer claims that this is a personal hairpin to all those who were dissatisfied with Charles's hair in his life, as he wore his hair longer than the fashion of that time allowed.

And these are just well-known examples. In fact, any situation in Alice’s adventures can be decomposed into a logical puzzle or the philosophical task of the concept of the world.

Carroll Quotes

charles lutwyge dodgson
Lewis Carroll, whose citations are usedtoday, as often as Shakespeare's, was the hidden rebel of his time. “Hidden,” which means that he expressed his disagreement with the rules of behavior in society with veiled tricks. For example, too long hair.

  • Here for a change to meet the reasonable person!
  • Life is certainly serious, but not very ...
  • Time can not be spent!
  • Correctly explain something to another - to do everything yourself.
  • Morals are everywhere - you need to look!
  • Everything is different, that's fine.
  • If you hurry, then you miss the miracle.
  • Why does someone need morality so much ?!
  • Entertainment of the intellect is necessary for the health of the spirit.

Savory Gossip of the 19th Century

Lewis Carroll Alice in the looking glass
Lewis Carroll, whose books do not losepopularity from the Queen of England to the Russian schoolchild, was a lonely and unsociable member of society. A talented person was engaged in photography and (with the permission of mothers) shot young beauties naked for his collection. In life and in college, Charles Dodgson was withdrawn, stuttered and not heard with one ear. The clergy did not allow him to marry.

There are several denials to rumorsborn during the lifetime of the writer. Yes, he felt flawed and that is why he avoided women of his own age. All the girls with whom he spoke were over 14 years old. For that time, these are already young ladies in search of the groom. There is no hint of sexual harassment in the memories of the girls. And many of them specifically reduced their age, so as not to be compromised. A child can freely communicate with a man, but a decent lady is impossible.