/ / "M-Band": composition and photos of the band

"M-Band": composition and photos of the group

In the early 90's in the Western show businessthe concept of boyband, or "boy's group" appeared. Westlife, N'Sync and Backstreet Boys were a resounding success, and the army of their fans grew every day more and more.

m band composition

The main audience were teenage girlsage, who without a memory fell in love with attractive young men, went to their concerts and were ready to pay any money for the opportunity to approach the stars.

Boy band wins Russia

On the Russian stage, Bari Alibasov became the first producer to create a boy band. In 1992 the "golden" composition of Na-Na was formed, the participants of which will achieve unprecedented heights in the music industry.

In 1995, his first "boyish" groupcollects Igor Matvienko. "Ivanushki International" is still performing, but the current schoolgirls are much more interested in their peers, so there can be no talk of past glory.

The project of Konstantin Meladze

Talented composer Konstantin Meladze -a real "shark" of show business. One of the most successful projects of the Ukrainian producer is "VIA GRA". The creativity of this group was especially interesting to representatives of the stronger sex. In the composition of three incredibly attractive girls, a minimum of clothes and a maximum of liberated dances - that's the whole secret of success.

Gradually the vocal ensemble broke up, the soloistsbegan their own career, and Konstantin Shotaevich launched the musical reality "I want to Meladze", where he recruited new performers to "reset" the band "VIA GRA".

The success of the show was deafening, so Meladzedecided to make a second season. This time, talented young men were invited as challengers - so the band "M-Band" appeared. It is worth noting that all lucky ones, as for selection, have unusual surnames.

Anatoly Tsoi

In the "M-Band" Meladze included Anatoly Tsoi.A 25-year-old resident of Almaty came to the casting with Kirill Andreev, a participant of Ivanushek International. However, the star support was not so necessary for the young man. Due to his vocal information Choi earns from 14 years. Corporative, restaurants and show "Superstar KZ" - Anatoly already has a solid experience of performances, so he has a busy schedule of tours will not cause inconvenience.

band m band

Before becoming a member of the M-Band, the compositionwhich surprised all spectators, a musician from Kazakhstan also applied for projects "Artist" and "Voice". Anatoly Tsoi was pre-qualified everywhere, but the work of Konstantin Meladze was the closest to him.

Artem Pindyura

The new collective included guys from different countries.But who is the native for the producer of Ukraine in the M-Band? The composition, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is quite diverse, but its participants are united by talent, desire to succeed and, of course, attractive appearance. Handsome Artem Pindyura won not one female heart. At the casting, a young man from Kiev read the rap and threw off deafening applause. Judges also could not resist. But closer to all Pindur was Timati, who invited him to his team.

m band composition

In some media there was information about his wifeArtem, and the disappointment of the fans there was no limit. But everything cleared up pretty quickly. It turns out that the rapper was married, but now his heart is free. And serious relations strongly contradict the policy of the boy band. And we continue to study "M-Band", the biography of other members of the group is of no less interest.

Nikita Kiose

The youngest wards of Konstantin Meladzewas Nikita Kiose. However, the band "M-Band" is definitely not the first step for the 16-year old musician from Ryazan. The young man has already performed on the children's versions of "Eurovision" and "New Wave", and also took part in the Ukrainian show "Voice. Children".

m band biography

Judges and spectators Nikita immediately reminded onethe western performer - Justin Bieber, whose popularity can only be envied. The band "M-Band", whose composition was formed thanks to Sergei Lazarev, became a happy ticket for Kyossa. About such a talented mentor a young musician could not even dream of.

Nikita's unique abilities are confirmed yetone fact: before casting the young man entered the theater school to Oleg Tabakov. However, the artist in the theater and cinema preferred the music industry. We hope, in the "M-Band" collective, the biography of Nikita Kiossa will continue to develop just as successfully. As for his private life, the young man is now free, but all thoughts are busy with work.

Vladislav Ramm

The last group of "M-Band", whose compositionconsidered in this article, added Vladislav Ramm. The 18-year-old Kemerovo resident from the very childhood dreamed of a singer's career. He graduated from music school and studied vocal. The young musician even worked in several groups, but long-term cooperation did not work out. To begin to act solo at Рамма too it did not turn out, and then he has understood, that simply talent and appearance is not enough.

m band composition photo

Modern society needs a sensation,for example, "I want to Meladze" even in the first season could boast of high ratings. Hence, the second launch of the project can be even more successful, and its participants will become real stars. Well, in the wits of Vladislav Ranma can not refuse. The young man even provided for his participation in the casting. The story of the 18-year-old musician about his wife Veronica and the child, which he told at the very beginning of the show, was fiction.

But to further interest thehimself, a member of the group "M-Band," whose composition he successfully supplemented, continued to supply the yellow press with details of his personal life. At the end of the project, Ramm said that he was meeting with one of the dancers and asked his wife for a divorce. It immediately became clear that Nick was pregnant, and the "soap opera" again turned in front of spectators and judges. It is not known who Vladislav Ramm made worse, because the opinion of the fans after his ugly act has changed a lot.

Today the second song of the group "She will return"can be heard on many radio stations. Speaking about the prospects of the new team, Konstantin Meladze assured that "M-Band" will surpass the legendary Backstreet Boys.

composition m band meladze

Indeed, cooperation with such eminentthe producer is already 50% successful, but the rest depends on the musicians themselves. We do not doubt that after the tour young people will become real stars of show business, and thousands of girls will continue to suffer from unrequited love.