/ / "Bela" Lermontov: summary. "Hero of Our Time", a brief summary of the chapter "Bela"

"Bela" Lermontov: a short summary. "Hero of Our Time", a brief summary of the chapter "Bela"

The novel "Hero of Our Time" is one ofmost significant works of M.Yu. Lermontov. The compositional originality of the work is such that each chapter and its location in the narrative contain a certain meaning for the disclosure of the image of the main character. And the novel opens with the head of Bela, Lermontov, a brief summary of which we will consider.

The novel "Hero of Our Time"

The novel was published in parts.The first to see the chapter was “Bela”, published in the journal “Otechestvennye zapiski” (1839). Then came the "Fatalist" and "Taman." The new work of Mikhail Yuryevich was ambiguously perceived by criticism. Belinsky and his supporters openly admired the novel, but there were those who found in the image of Pechorin a cruel caricature of modern society. The only character who did not provoke opposition protests is Maxim Maksimych. It was he who initially took for the “hero of our time” Nicholas I and was greatly annoyed when he realized that he was mistaken. This controversy led Lermontov to write a preface to the next edition of the novel, where he refutes the view of irony and ridicule of modernity.

In the article we will consider not the whole novel, but only the first chapter - “Bela” (Lermontov), ​​a brief summary of it and analysis.

Bela Lermontov summary

The peculiarity of the composition of the novel

The main task of an unusual compositional structurethe novel is to reveal the image of Pechorin. When reading the work, it seems that with each chapter, like frame by frame, Lermontov brings the “camera” closer to his character, and in the end the reader hears Pechorin’s voice. A good retelling helps to feel this unusual structure well.

Lermontov, Bela and other characters for whichwere only a way to explain the character of Pechorin, who takes the creation of images of his characters very seriously. And they do not appear as empty templates, but as people with their own thoughts and experiences. That is why it makes sense to analyze not only the image of the main character, but also the images of other characters in the novel.

Lermontov. "Hero of our time". Heroes of the head of "Bela"

What are the characters of the first chapter? Its main characters are as follows:

  • narrator,
  • Maxim Maksimych - Staff Captain,
  • Pechorin,
  • Bela - princess,
  • Kazbich is a robber,
  • Azamat is the son of a prince.

"Bela" Lermontov: a summary. Acquaintance

Lermontov hero of our time heroes

On one of the mountain roads of the Caucasus convergethe narrator, traveling from Tiflis, and the staff captain Maksim Maksimych. A new acquaintance - a man of fifty years or so, knows the terrain well and is well acquainted with the language and traditions of the highlanders. The narrator immediately realizes that he is in front of someone who has long lived in the Caucasus and is well aware of the peculiarities of this region. In the evening on a halt, Maxim Maksimych recalls his service in the fortress near Terek. There with his friend, Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich, a fascinating story took place.

The story of Maxim Maksimycha

The image of Pechorin appears for the first time before the reader.It is in the chapter "Bela" Lermontov. The summary of the story of Maxim Maksimych can be begun with a trip to Pechorin and the staff captain to the wedding of the eldest daughter of the Chechen prince. Here the fateful meeting of the main character with the youngest daughter of the host, Bela, takes place. Pechorin is struck by her beauty and cannot take her eyes off her. But he was not the only one who noticed the charm of the young princess. Kazbich, a gangster and a dashing rider, whose horse (Karagöz) is known to all Kabarda, also does not reduce his fiery eyes from the girl.

the hero of our time the head of bela

Maxim Maksimych during the holiday goes tothe street is breathing air and hears the conversation of Azamat with Kazbich. The prince's son wants to get the robber's horse and is even ready to steal Bela for him. But the thug disagrees. But Pechorin, who learned about this conversation, proposes that Azamat steal a horse for him in exchange for a girl. The young man agrees and brings Bela Pechorin at night. The next morning, Kazbich brings the sheep to the fortress for sale. And while they are talking to the captain, Azamat leads the horse.

Maxim Maximych appeals to Pechorin’s honor, but the main character replies that if he now returns Bela, the prince will sell her into slavery or kill her. And the captain agrees with this argument.

Bela characteristic
The image of Bela begins to unfold at the moment of herappearance in the fortress. The girl is locked in a room, only Tatar comes to her and passes on Pechorin’s presents. The princess behaves incredulously, but gradually gives in to the charm of the protagonist. He declares that Bela will not be able to fall in love, and he is ready to let go of the girl and leave. The princess stops Pechorin and confesses his love. At the same time, Kazbich, confident that Azamat had stolen his horse with the permission of his father, was killing the prince.

Maxim Maksimych becomes attached to the girl, andPechorin cools. The main character goes on the hunt, and the captain, trying to entertain Bela, leads her to walk on the ramparts. Here they see the rider, in whom they recognize Kazbich. The bandit is riding Bela's father.

Постепенно Печорин окончательно теряет интерес к the princess Maxim Maximych again calls the main character to the conversation. Pechorin says his lot is to cause grief to others. And he himself can not find his happiness. From a young age he tried to find his destiny, to find a place in society, but he was failing. It is here that one of the key problems of the novel “Hero of Our Time” arises. The head of "Bela" illustrates the restlessness of a whole generation for which there was no worthy occupation in Russia since Lermontov.

Tale of Lermontov Bela
For Pechorin, Bela became the hope of happiness andlove, but expectations were not met. He was again overcome by boredom and indifference. Once Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin leave for the hunt. On the way back, they hear a shot and see Kazbich. The bandit galloped at full speed, and a white bundle was thrown over the saddle of his horse. Pechorin chased and shot Kazbich's horse. Then it became clear that the robber had abducted Bela. And not wanting to part with it, Kazbich struck her with a dagger.

Pechorin brought Bela to the fortress, where she suffered for two more days, and then died. The main character was ill for a long time, he was in sorrow, and after three months he left for Georgia.

Chapter analysis

The analysis of a literary work allowsreveal all its semantic facets. It is especially interesting to consider texts similar to the novel “Hero of Our Time”. The head of "Bela" tells about the love of Pechorin and Bela, the Circassian princess. Lermontov does not give an unequivocal answer whether his hero loved the girl or simply amused himself. Pechorin himself cannot understand how strong his feelings were.

Perhaps his novelty seduced, the difference Bela fromusual secular coquettes. Pechorin admits that he is attracted to the passion and pride of the highlanders. This is exactly what the protagonist could look for in a girl, but perhaps he was trying to gain sincere affection and feelings.

Ambiguous about his hero himselfLermontov. Bela, whose image analysis is quite remarkable, embodies sincerity and emotionality. These qualities together with beauty could attract Pechorin. But the interest of the main character is short. Cooling down to a sincerely in love girl, he ruins her.


Lermontov Bel analysis
Bela’s characteristic is largely determined by herby origin: she is a Circassian daughter and a prince's daughter. Her sincerity, openness and wildness are explained by the national characteristics of the highlanders. Bela is close to nature, has an inner pride and desire for freedom.

Caught captive, she closes and rejectspresents. But gradually, love awakens in it, to which it is given wholly, without hesitation and without doubt. But as soon as Pechorin cools down to her, Bela is ready to leave herself: “I am not his slave. I am a princely daughter! ”

Thus, Bela's characteristic speaks of her.as a victim of various cultural and historical communities. The heroine’s belonging to the mountaineers determined her death at the hands of Kazbich, who was guided by the laws of her ancestors.

Bela and Pechorin

brief retelling of Lermontov bela
As noted above, does not give an unambiguousevaluation of their heroes Lermontov. “The hero of our time” (we have already reviewed the heroes of the first chapter) is a novel reflecting many contradictions of a human nature. The writer depicts two characters, completely opposite in their origin and views.

The love story of heroes is built on contradictions.First, the reader sees Pechorin's passion and indifference, which Bela embodies. Characteristics of the characters gradually change to the opposite: feelings flare up in the girl, and Pechorin cools down. The contradictory nature of the characters leads their love in tragedy.


The story of Lermontov "Bela" introduces the reader tothe main character and reveals one of the main features of his character. Pechorin appears thirsty for new sensations, seeking to find his place in life, but not understanding what he is looking for and unable to bear responsibility for his actions.