/ / Maxim Gorky, "The Old Woman Izergil": a brief content of an instructive work

Maxim Gorky, "Old Woman Izergil": a brief summary of the edifying work

In the hard troubled nineties of the nineteenthcentury, during the birth of the first popular revolutionary organizations, during the active struggle of the working class for their rights, a new name appeared in the arena of artistic Russian literature - writer Alexei Maximovich Gorky, later named the poet of the revolution.

First samples

Maxim bitter old Izergil summary
In the first poetic samples of A.M.Gorky sounded bitterness and disappointment of hostility, evil and the surrounding lies. But not only the early poetic works were familiar to the readers of that time. During this period of life, the first romantic stories of the writer were written, which brought AM. Gorky worldwide fame. Against the background of gloomy literary works about the end of the world, the appearance of the writer's stories was like a glimpse of new fresh sounds.

One of the earliest and most recognizable worksAt that time, there is a story written by Maxim Gorky - “The Old Woman Izergil”, a summary of which is described in this article. For a long time this instructive work has been included in the school curriculum, however, sometimes you understand the depth of its meaning at a mature age.

Writing a story

From the story we know that the writer is a lottraveled, in his youth he visited Bessarabia, where he met with the common people, lived in this environment, listened to stories, legends, legends. The heard stories formed the basis of the stories written by Maxim Gorky. "Old Isergil" - a summary of several legends that formed the basis of this work.

Maxim bitter old woman izergil
The period of writing the story coincides with the eradevelopment of capitalism in tsarist Russia, which began to develop particularly rapidly after the famine that befell the country in 1892. A large number of peasants from starving ruined villages were forced to look for work in order not to die of starvation. Did not these circumstances give impetus for writing the Legend of the Heart of Danko, included in the story, which was composed by Maxim Gorky? "The old woman Izergil" - a summary of the second legend, which was preserved by the Russian people in tales and tales from time immemorial. Most likely, since the invasion of the Mongols.


Если сухим языком пересказать содержание этого works, we will see that at the beginning of the story describes an old woman who has seen the light. It was by her name that the work of Gorky was named, who decided to put a description of legends into her mouth.

In one of the legends of Larry - the son of a terrestrial woman andEagle - there is a story about a beautiful, strong and haughty youth, who, like his father, a proud eagle, looked down on people. This legend begins a story that was written by Maxim Gorky. The old woman Izergil tells the story on the seashore, peering into the night steppe, on which the shadows of the clouds running across the night sky began to fall. The old woman said that Larry, expelled by the tribe for his cruelty and pride, was punished by loneliness and in anticipation of death became a shadow. The young man was so selfish and arrogant that he had no place among ordinary people who were outraged by his arrogance. Thinking about punishment for him, Larry wanted to kill, but the wise old man, looking at the young man, understood that his greatest suffering would be his expulsion from society. The story describes how Larry, wanting to die after decades of lonely existence, could not even commit suicide, the blade of the knife broke on his chest, and the earth became soft and parted, preventing the narcissist from hitting his head.

Maxim bitter old Izergil short

Such was the punishment of a man for excessivepride, this states Maxim Gorky. "The old woman Izergil", a brief summary of which was first given in the Samara Newspaper in 1895 (a year after writing the story), was later printed in the same newspaper in several numbers in full.

However, Maxim Gorky described in the work andthe second legend, which tells about philanthropy and readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of others. Danko was the name of a young man who led desperate people through a dark dense forest, and when an ungrateful crowd began to grumble at him for such a difficult and thorny path that he indicated to them, he decided to light the way with his ardent and ardent heart, tearing him out of his chest .


The interweaving of two legends shows differentaspects of human thinking and attitudes to difficulties. All this is reflected in the story that Maxim Gorky wrote - “The Old Woman Izergil”, a brief content of which will not be able to convey the depth that can be felt by reading the entire work. The smallest details in the description of Larry, the arrogant, his beauty and cruelty, the darkness of the forest through which Danko led the people - all that matters.

The importance of this work says thatthe fact that in 1902 a musical drama was staged (the name of the author who wrote it, unfortunately, was not preserved). The problems that are shown in this story A.M. Gorky, worry and now many people and therefore remain relevant throughout the existence of this work.