/ / Summary of the tale "Morozko" by A. Afanasyev

Brief contents of the fairy tale "Morozko" by A. Afanasyev

We all love Russian folk tales.“Morozko” (a summary of the version of A. Afanasyev is proposed below) is one of those tales that have a huge number of interpretations. The classics of Russian literature simply adored this genre and in their own way very skillfully expounded the plots. However, the meaning of this did not change, since the main idea of ​​the fairy tale was always based on the folk wisdom tested by centuries. Russian fairy tales are mysterious and amazing.

"Frost", a summary of which manycan cause a lot of questions, is also very revealing and interesting. In any case, writers and teachers should not tear off the invisible thread that binds generations; we must help the modern reader to understand and treat our ancestors with moral respect. As they say, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.

a summary of the fairy tale frost

Tale "Frost": a brief content, retelling

Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman who had threedaughters. The eldest daughter Marfushu old woman did not love, she constantly grumbled at the girl because she was her stepdaughter. The girl did all the dirty work at home and never remitted either to her wicked stepmother or to her daughters, who also offended her and often brought her to tears.

And so the girls grew up and became brides.The old man felt sorry for his older daughter because she was obedient and hardworking, but he was already frail and old. And now they began to think with the old woman how to marry daughters. The old woman really wanted first of all to find the eldest groom - Marfushka, in order to get rid of her.

fairy tale frost summary


Summary of the fairy tale "Frost" cancontinue with the next event: once the old woman ordered her old man to harness a horse in the morning, and Marfutka told her to collect her good, because they would go to visit the groom. Marfusha was glad for such happiness and slept sweetly all night. In the morning she got up, prayed to God, washed, dressed up, and the time was winter, frosty. The evil old woman put the old soup on the table and told Marfush that she did not want to see her in her house anymore. And then she turned to her grandfather and told him not to turn off the road, but carry the girl Marfushka to the pine, straight to Frost. The old man opened his mouth and widened his eyes, and the stepdaughter began to cry. The stepmother reassured her, and said, they say, that her fiancé was handsome and rich, how much he glitters on the trees and birches.

Russian fairy tales frosty a brief summary

On the road

The old man put his daughter in a sleigh and drove off.Then, climbing far into the wilderness, he left his daughter under the pine tree along with her good and told him to wait for the groom and to be affectionate with him, and went to the house himself. Sits poor girl, wanted to cry, but there was no strength. When he suddenly hears, Frost near the Christmas tree on the Christmas tree jumps, and crackles. He noticed the maiden and began asking her if the maiden was red, and was she warm? Marfush affectionately answered him so that he would not worry and that she was very warm. And then Morozko let the frosty spirit thrice her three times, and she, almost ossified from the cold, always answered him tenderly, with a soul, but already barely heard that heat was supposedly warm to her. Then Morozko took pity on her and warmed her with fur coats and blankets.

Russian folk tales frost a brief summary


And at home in the morning the old woman woke up and said her grandfatherso that he immediately went after her daughter. He went to the forest and found her alive, in a good fur coat, an expensive veil and a box of various gifts. Without saying a word, he put his daughter in a sleigh and took her home. At home, Marfushka fell to her stepmother's legs, but the old woman was amazed to see her in new clothes, alive and unharmed. But the summary of the tale "Frost" does not end there.

After some time, the old woman says to the old manto his, so that he again harness his horses and carry two girls Parashka and Mashka to the groom for gifts. The old woman fed her daughters, dressed up and sent to the road. The old man brought them to the same pine and left them there. The girls sit and laugh at the fact that the mother decided to marry them here to give out, as if there were no guys in the village, but here, an hour is gone, the devil himself comes after them.

Masha and Parashka

The girls, although they were in fur coats, but they became verychilly. They started calling each other and arguing which one of them the bridegroom would take as his wife. They already stuck their hands from the cold, but they didn’t stop cursing each other that there were forces. And then they came to their senses and saw that their bridegroom was not going in any way.

And then in the distance Morozko began to crackle,click and jump from the tree to the tree. He approached them and began to ask whether the girls were warm in red, and they began to complain to him that they were completely frozen, and that their betrothed didn't go to all of them. Morozko toughened him harder, the girls began to scold him so that he would disappear damned and get the hell out of it. Just at that moment the girls became numb.

fairy tale frost a brief retelling

Starukhino wo

Summary of the fairy tale "Frost" ontells of the fact that in the morning the old woman drives out the old hrycha, gives him a crown and a fur coat so that he goes for Parashka and Mashka. In her head she had thoughts that the girls, probably, had completely grown cold in the forest. The old man did not even have time to eat and went on the road. Upon arrival, he saw them dead. Then he wrapped them up in a fan and covered them with a mat. The old woman was waiting for them and even ran out to meet her grandfather. And when I turned off the mat and took off the veil, I saw my children stiff.

The old woman and grandfather screamed and shouted throughoutaccused, they say, blood children, beloved red berries killed. And her grandfather in response, that it was she, a greedy old woman, was flattered by wealth. The old woman had a chance, and then reconciled with her stepdaughter, and they began to live, to live and to make good, not to remember them.

After a while, Marfushka’s neighbor wooed, soon andthe wedding was played, and she began to live happily. The old man took up his grandchildren to educate and frighten Frost to prevent them from being stubborn. This can complete the summary of the fairy tale "Frost."